GameStop plummets 64%, Robinhood restricts trading; is Bitcoin next? Frank Holmes
Title: GameStop plummets 64%, Robinhood restricts trading; is Bitcoin next? Frank Holmes
Author: Kitco NEWS
Robin Hood ? More like the Sherrif of Nottingham !
It seems the kids leveled the playing field in this case & the spoiled brats at the top can’t handle the brief pain so now these same spoiled brats are trying to shut the common people down
Suddenly when the big boys shorts are threatened its called ‘manipulation’ and trading is halted… but they don’t mind mind manipulation if it wipes out your shorts. The markets are an open farce with no credibility!
All we need is 5 million folks each buying 300 oz silver physical within 3 months or so…. and banks are a toast
Imagine that: travel is restricted and terrorism ceased.
I have lost respect for Robinhood, the game is RIGGED for the rich.
“The Big GameStop Short” coming to theatres summer 2022, Staring, Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Steve Carrell and Retard626.
Robinhood better go back… it’s not a market unless you can sell and Buy
Any move that destroys wall street’s way traditional way of functioning, the big banks and hedge funds is good in my book.
Soon you will need “the mark” if you want to “buy and sell”..?
Instead of a new iphone ,buy 1 kg silver bar. Impress your girlfriend with something of real value ;)
So the “short sellers” cry like babies when the action goes against them. The retail folks finally “gave it” to the hedgefund crumbs. They can’t stand it when the “little guy” gets an edge. The Wall Street crowd has to lock the little guy out of the market. Screw the Wall Street crumbs.
Silver is next, let’s make JP Morgan banksters sweat like a pig.
Father Frank Homes 🤣🤣🤣
- David: Frank… thank you for coming in today. Frank: In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.
- “Power to the player.” Game Stop.
- Guys, stick together. Buy and hold GameStop. If you can’t use Robinhood use fidelity if you’re late to the party. Buy and hold naked since it’ll be at $5.00 by next week. Stick together. Hold! We can do this my brothers and sisters.
- No one use RobinHood from now on. If you do, you’re a clown and part of the problem.
- Class action law suits have been filed! will be interesting to see how this turns out. No reason to allow selling and not buying!
- It’s all so crazy you’re talking to a priest. lol
- The kids understand that hedge funds are doing nothing short of ripping people off and they’ve used technology to beat them at their own game so no harm done.
- How perfectly apropos: “GameStop!”
- What robinhood did was absolute bullshit corruption
- Screw Robin Hood. Their mask is off and they’re as ugly as the rest of Wall Street. AG deserves its own rocket and I plan to help give it to them.
- This is just like closing the comex to new trades around 21 January 1980. Establishment manipulation.
- Even priests are talking about investing these days, must be a bubble.
- Robin hood should get sued for blocking the free market?!
- When the people rise up this is what happens. Look how fast those hedgefund managers forced Robinhood to stop the sale of Game stop buying. Only the rich and the fed can manipulate or Suppress the market. The cat is out of the bag now and GAME STOP was only the beginning. HOPEFULLY, THE SILVER MARKET IS NEXT!
- You’re forgetting the golden rule: those who have the gold make the rules
- I thought he was a priest at first and was like: wow the clergy is now trading stocks!
- Wanna know how to really kick these elites in their nuts? GOLD AND SILVER.
- I was wondering if same exception applied to the hedge funds today, I guaranteed that hedge fund did not have restrictions on buying or selling those high flying stocks!!
- People need more honesty all around in which investments are important.
- When traders see a short that promised to buy more shares than outstanding at close thats not pump and dump its realizing easy money .
- The Crooks on Wall Street are at it again ! Shutting the small investors out !!! They can trade and the little guys hands are tied ..
- Watch this guy then go listen to Andrew McGuire’s breaking news today on the vault this guy is in left field and way out there.
- silver is the next short squeeze silver miners starting to go up by the whole 99%! globally… 12 hours ago
- Silver is the new Bitcoin in 2021.
- Gold is next…
- Forgive me Father for I have short-squeezed. 😇
- I left RH today 😁
- Frank sounds like the government today No answer answer
- First majestic silver is next
- The manipulation was obvious, their game others are pawns, proven
- Lets take a moment and appreciate David Lynn. He is doing an incredible job. Getting sharper and sharper, really squeezing the pearls of wisdom out of these guys with his loaded and thoughtful questions. Really expanding the channel instead of what it once was just trying to get folks to buy gold no matter what was going on. It was shamefully transparent.
- It’s got almost nothing to do with buyers being users of GameStop or the wares it peddles. it’s got everything to do with buyers trying to destroy hedge funds to the tune of 14 billion dollars. GOOD!
- No, robinhood, you’re supposed to take from the rich and give to the poor, remember?
- Added to my silver holdings. We’re coming for you JPM. To the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌝
- I’d love to know who these hedge fund investors are.
- This happen when you are not a member of their club !!!
- He talks about millennials as if they were teenagers, when most of them are already bald
- Good thing BitCoin is strictly limited to two quadrillion one hundred trillion Satoshis.
- Buy Gold Silver and Bitcoin
- GameStopped
- Let’s get reddit to buy silver/gold and squeeze the f out the comex paper shorts
- This is fake news GameStop hasn’t dropped there manipulating the stocks to scare folks into selling this is how big interest works there mad and getting beat at there own game
- this guy has no clue what happened ….
- Funny how retail investors have to have a reason for buying and selling, eg. we like the product or have previously purchased it, when funds can do whatever they want with the market - no questions asked. 🙄
- When you lose money on stock… Oh well, that’s just the risk. When elites lose money on stock… Time to rig the system. What they’re doing is destroying the faith of stock holders in the entire system by rigging it for elites. Buying cheap stock is what lots of investors do. There’s nothing wrong with that.
- Interview the pope next, would love to hear his opinion on markets.
- They’ve started pumping silver! Check out SLV today or First Majestic Silver
- re interview this dude after bitcoin beats golds market cap in less then 10 years
- “You can’t stop it.” (When talking about gold) Wanna bet? Here in Europe all shops selling gold are closed, and once they reopen you can only buy anonymously for €2000. That means max 1 TrOz coin.
- Anti lockdown protest in the UK tomorrow, thousands of businesses are opening up.
- Just like the Hunt brothers who cornered the silver market and silver prices ran up sky high in ‘79. But eventually they ended in bankruptcy
- A swarm of Hornets have been deployed. It is a great Story David. Enjoyed the interview.
- robinhood no longer has my trust
- Buy AG and SLV!!!!
- Must get his sense of fashion from the catholic church.
- 1:56 The pandemic is another kind of war that makes the previous ones unnecessary for the time being.
- Frank looks like a man of the cloth with his turtleneck. Great content David
- Restricting trades on gamestop should be illegal
- First Majestic next, up over 20 %👍
- Another Comex hunt brothers. They change the rules when it benefits main street.
- But what if regular investors just really love GameStop stock with a passion?
- The issue is that hedge funds were caught in a NAKED SHORT (which is illegal) 51% higher than the GME float and this is what the SEC should be investigating. The SEC is willfully blind and possibly on the take. It took them forever to discover Bernie Madoff
- I clicked because I thought you had a priest on the show
- You’ll never see Frank and Frances McDormand in the same room at the same time
- Like most Priest he’s hiding something- reckon he’d enjoy squeezing a few shorts. You’re suspect- price discovery yeah right
- I love the theme music of this channel … it is very calming and soothing. :)
- I’m buying 10oz of silver tomorrow…. silver to the moon 🌙 let’s do this!
- yeah it’s a free market for shorts does this guy hear himself speak…
- Why not ask him about silver in this environment?
- The word is the hedge funds lost 91B….. that’s some come uppance!
- more like “happy gambling” 😂🤣😅
- At first I thought Frank was a priest!. Haha
- they are moving to slv and ag Gme 2.0🤣
- Really good interview- thanks!
- BUY HIVE STOCK . This guy owns it! Its in good hands
- Bitcoin has outperformed gold because gold markets are manipulated by the bankers paper market.
- I’m hearing “buy gold and Bitcoin”. Lol stay diversified!
- Forgive me Father for i have buyed Bitcoin and im loving it!
- I do love Frank Holmes overwhelming optimism and drive !!
- Man the middle class is starting to make some money better stop them
- I wish I had billions of dollars I would try my damndest to destroy as many hedge funds as I could.
- Lesson learned: don’t short those crazy things, too risky. Yes, everyone knows GME, bitcoin etc are bubbles, but shorting them is not unlike licking blood on a sharp blade, be aware the tongue..
- He looks like a priest. 😂
- Find another platform to buy Gamestop other than Robin Hood. The Hedge Funds are still in trouble! This is just to buy time
- A halving is when the reward for creating a Bitcoin is cut in half.
- F hedge funds
- We need to buy silver in every form and make it worth it’s true value
- lol this guy thought millenials were longing GME because they sell gameware
- Discord is also complicit in the GameStop / Robinhood Scam by the rich. Couple of phone calls between uber rich and job done. Pure manipulation
- I thought that guy is a priest…I was like, why is he interviewing a priest? Is he about to read us our last rights before we head to the reeducation camps?😅
- Good questions, unsatisfying answers
- the one day 1min chart today looks a lot like what’s happening from the top if it tanks to under 30k again it will be big problem
- Screw robinhood this robinhood that!..
- Will Doge Crypto shoot to the moon? 🚀🚀🚀
- Peter Shift is talking gold down ;-)
- One Phenomenon, two Phenomena
- Forgive me father Holmes for I have sinned… I pumped ETH to ATH…
- Yes market manipulation in everything!! Stock markets!!paper Gold Markets!!crypto markets!! Wake up people!! Find other alternatives to save your future!! True value can be stored in real estate and real precious metals!!no matter what they will keep being precious!! And don’t sell on their fake prices set by them!!
- When did Frank get ordained?
- Robin Hood and selling bit coin. How could anything go wrong ? I got a “loser” law not metcalf law … there’s always a new informed sucker buyer who think they have invented a new monetary system.
- This paster knows his economics!
- AG and SLV is next! Get in early this time!
- Thank you!!!
- well, you know who Robinhood was don’t you? He stole from the rich and gave to the poor. And YOU are rich. Forest for the trees. The name of the app.. They told you in advance..
- Screw the suits!
- Frank lost my interest when he said it’s a free market
- Satoshis are fractions.! Its like a revelation.?
- He interviewed the pope
- I like Frank Holmes, but he’s incorrect about Bitcoin being limited in supply. He knows that CME Bitcoin futures negates Bitcoin’s “limited supply” argument. Again, Bitcoin is a digital fiat, internet dependent, energy intensive, dollar denominated/settled, alternative, speculative asset and a derivative of Block Chain technology. That is not to say currency cannot be made off it. Holmes knows that as long as the false narrative about Bitcoin continues, U.S. Dollars can be made in the speculation trade. Admittedly, the upside may be huge.
- get ready for it all to start up again under Biden.
- Kitco should be held liable for its blatant market manipulation. Kitco should be shutdown, not Reddit. David should be held responsible too.
- what was the price of gold in 2012?
- Robinhood was shut down or delisted,so what are they talking about lol.
- anyone know who the artist is? that painting behind the priest
- Silver to da moon!
- Ok… Only hedge funds and wall street insiders are allowed to make big money. Retails are only allowed to be fleeced.
- Wait until retailers have access to gme again. They got shut out today.
- Gamestop 💪 got my PS5
- They banned WallStreetBets and created SatoshiStreetBets on Reddit. DOGE to the moon!!
- May the lord bless thy bullions
- Great questions.
- Market has been broken a long time and these wallstreetbets guys are exposing how broken it is and fundamentals are out the window
- Yeah… minnows are tried of being f’d by the whales… it hurts and it has been happening since trading began… ecosystem my ass.
- I thought the shorts had “buy” back the shares they borrowed. Is this restricted too??? How can you borrow more shares than the float??? That is the real mystery behind the curtain.
- When the dollar drops to 0.60 gold is the place to be.
- I consider a kid that is someone that is less than 18 years old. This guy seems like a clown that does not know WTF he is talking about.
- So retail is buying GameStop because of nostalgia? That’s just idiotic.
- BTC advantageous is in liquidity, fractionality
- WHEN WAS LAST TIME YOU WERE INA AGMESTOP SIR?!?!?1 I was in one a few weeks ago…it should not be booming
- Is Frank a priest in his day job?
- Note to all: if your local dealer runs out of coins or bars. Ask to buy junk silver; silverware, wine glasses, candle holders. Most will have stearling that they melt and sell as scrap in the back room.
- The guess looks like an evil. Looking at his face something not right.. dangerous, stay away.
- 👂 I heard SLV and AG (silver) stocks are next on the Short Squeeze list 🚀 🚀 SLV to $1,000
- Tesla and many of the high-flying tech stock are being held up by short squeezes not the decentralized crypto markets. GME traders have exposed the hedge fund tactics.
- Priests know their stuff
- Don’t hedgefunds manipulate the market? Why is this guy dressed like a priest?
- HEY FRANK…….help me ,I need a vaccine.
- PUMP & DUMP Nothing New Here
- Did Frank join the Church?
- Buy silver and it will skyrocket
- Gold cannot be fractional — nonsense—and Bitcoin has utility function another nonsense