- Title: Hackers Snatch Multi-Million Dollar NFT Ape Collection
- Author: The Young Turks
- Duration: 00:08:28
- Rating: None
- Views: 23233
- Thumbnail: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/hoCPiXFIH1M/default.jpg
NFT - I like it.
People with money should buy more .
The get robbed everytime anyways
But, for someone that call themselves “progressives”, this crew sure looks like the old folks in the corner, shocked by the first sight of an automobile or a computer. This is a testament to the current times and the fragility of human nature. Blockchain is one of the best examples of a progressive measure. It is fundamental change at its best. But, you need to understand serious mathematics (cryptography) to truly understand how the thing works and, more importantly, where the value that NFTs and cryptocurrencies comes from. This leaves out 99.999% of the world population which, in the absence of a logic argument, just hide their head in the sand and spit at the unknown, just like with Anna there. A bit sad if you ask me. You can see clearly where the limits of her progressiveness stand
John talks a big game, but I see him showing off his NFTs in the camera shot lol
There was at-least that photo of the young girl looking back whilst a house fire was being doused.
Aren’t they less resaleable than IRL artwork?
Kramer has been aped
I for one, am glad media doesn’t understand the technology. We’re still early
So he DIDN’T own anything!!!!! NFTs are BUSH!!!! N F T s is a SCAM!!!!!!!!
I never realized that taking the TF2 Unusual economy out of TF2 would somehow make it worse for the people trading it. I don’t quite this is happening, people with money are allowed to play their economy games with it, I just feel like there needs to be more PSA’s about it’s casino like nature.
NFT’s are more than just artwork. Do more research into the the tech before you rattle on about it. That being said, still don’t trust it. Homie should use 2FA to protect his finances. Anything short of that is dumb.
Is this a episode of Seinfeld? “Jerry, all my apes are gone! "
Tax these ignorant pigs out of existence
Do you guys even know what Ryan Cohen is working on over at GameStop???
Edit: They are literally looking for NFT creators!!! They are getting ready to launch something big!!!!!
Lmfao, and people think NFTs are the future. Let me tell you one thing as a computer scientist who’s worked in the industry for almost two decades: NOTHING is un-hackable. There has yet to be a system invented that is, if there even ever will be one in existance.
Crypto is a small bank not funded by the government where Uncle Sam can’t touch your money that’s why they don’t want you to have crypto
Trust TYT to report and do some real journalism on a theft - somehow turns into a race discussion ️
He got scammed the minute he initially bought them.
It’s interesting bc the value of art is very interesting.
If an ape got robbed would you feel bad for him
What the heck are NFTS?
Was the $5,000 I spent on a Harambe screenshot a good investment?
“Imagine spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on…” You need not have completed the sentence.
I’m starting to absolutely hate crypto and the community. I cashed out 80% of my portfolio and turned my 401k contribution back on ️️️
Think very few independent artist getting rich because majority won’t be very well known so no one will know to look. The artist that make big be known artist and maybe ones who put stuff on Twitter etc.
NFTs give you dividends
Imagine if the money spent on NFT was spent on actually improving society
Instead of everyone using their computers to calculate how gravity works a bunch of people are using their computers to “mine” imaginary money and create receipts for digital “artwork”. NFTs and Crypto-currencies are only worth what someone believes they are worth, they have no inherent value (I can still use a dollar bill to start a fire, use coins as projectile weapons), and so NFTs and Crypto is worthless.
Money laundering
Hopefully he has some screenshots saved.
SEC the cooling his money are soon Departed
NFTs are one giant scam. Less than 400k owners of NFTs in the WORLD. Literally just a “get in and out of the market” bubble scam, ran over and over, with catastrophic climate emissions behind it.
So NFT investors getting scammed by scammers targetting scammers? Yea 100% good job. Hackem all. Destroy their worthless jpg blockchains.
Todd Cramer just put a face on going ape sh**!
sick of Non Flushable Turds
All my apes gone ️
" I been hacked. All my apes gone. this just sold please help me.”!?? … Did the apes tweet that for him?
LMFAO! #Justsayin
Great video
[ all your apes are belong to us ]
Someone has to tell this rich idiot he lost his money the minute he put money in NFT!!!
Who with half a brain says the NFT,s are worth 2.2 million?
LMAO! He’s dumb enough to invest in NFT and Crypto. Hahahaha!
These are the guys that made a lot of money in crypto, but like gambling addiction, they cant see when they should stop. They can’t recognize the transition from something that might be useful to something that is absolutely ridiculous.
2:46 - $125K for it? I wouldn’t pay 125 cents for it…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA If you thought people were brain dead to “invest” in crypto now we got NFT for the retard generation to waste money on
All my apes gone.
I still don’t get NFTs. I probably never will. Technology has passed me up.
He was actually robbed twice. The 1st time is when he paid multi million dollars for some stupid ape pictures.
I can take a dump in a bag and write Patriot NFT on it.
Nft bs has to stop
People who actually buy nfts deserve to be hacked. What a ridiculous concept. You can literally right click and save image and “own” the same image for free.
Whatta joke! Can’t believe this shit is real! “I got some digital receipts for sale.”
JPEG pirates will really want these so don’t delay!!!!
John is dranged, nft apes are now racist? That’s just what John associates minorities with himself.
and now the NFT bubble will pop
Crazy that these transactions can’t be reversed due to fraud. As if it’s just a field ripe for scamming
Owning an NFT is akin to owning a framed Scarface film poster, a poster of a chimpanzee sitting on a toilet or the picture of the tennis player scratching her arse.
The chump chimp got his apes ripped off, are we de-evolving? The film Idiocrasy is becoming a documentary.
But I thought they were “non-fungible?”
This is bananas!
The term “hack” is so overused… If you give someone access to your property and they use this access to take something from you, that’s not a hack, just like me giving someone my housekeys and them stealing all my stuff isn’t breaking and entering. My cousin has a habit of going on these FB pages where thousands of people answer random questions including ones like “which school did you go to” or “how far do you live from where you were born”, and then starts crying “I’ve been hacked!” when someone uses these security verification questions to access his account!! Dude, you weren’t hacked, you simply gave them all they needed to access your account!
I’m glad he got hacked after conning himself into “owning” “it” in the first place. Whatta nitwit
I love America……………..kill me…….
And there is no INSURANCE for that
They are going ape over the theft of… receipts, is it?
So many wrong things said in this report it’s sad
I am confused this NFT shit. What the hell is this. I can get any photo from Google WTH.
The uncreative will always attack the creative. NFTs are for the creative. Most of you stand outside of it commenting wrongly about it, but the creative knows.
finally the problem with nfts comes up, and it didn’t take an infinite number of apes on keyboards
I noticed how everybody’s first argument for anything #NFT is how you can just right click and save it. But that doesn’t apply to all of these things, and even though you get it you don’t get a good quality. What about musical albums?
What about anything audio nfts?
My two Angry Apes Nft’s I minted for .06 Eth each(about 800 USD) are now sitting at a floor price of about 1.8 Eth each(12,200 USD). You guys really hurt your credibility generalizing an entire space without actually doing due diligence first. This kind of commentary will lose you guys viewership in the long run. Man gets victimized and you guys make a video to gloat about it.
Caesar and Maurice are at it again. Freedom to all apes!!!
The young Turks are so wrong about this this and and you have to have a certain kind of money to understand!!
Crypto ot Bitcoin is just a scam .It reads like classic Boiler Room scam which is pump and dump ,and those boy and girls doing know they scamming people ,and ain’t real money anyways ,it’s just another Silicon Valley scam ,and Elon Musk is scamming as well or know someone doing it .Since his company is a some trouble again .But that works screwed up art work ,and there is a lot white people in Silicon Valley .So there right wing geek racsim there .
June 28th 2021 my bank account got hacked they got me for 2 million dollars and the bank still has not paid me back yet I have to take this to court I shouldn’t have to take this décor because it’s supposed to be covered by the government you know FDIC and short
It must have been screenshot.
Saddest 6 word story: For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.
I been hacked. My apes gone.
Lol. Millionare loses nonsense to hackers. Sounds like he deserved it
I checked out the ape NFT “movie”. Communist-made animations like “Nu Pogodi”, “Vinnie Pukh” and “Maugli” are objectively better by every conceivable metric.
I love you all but this is like watching TV news anchors make fun of the internet in the early 90’s.
Have you ever heard of nfts -vic chaos
A fool and his money are soon divided.
People willingly flock to so many get rich quick scams out there as symptom of realizing they will not be able to retire and take care of themselves, its desperation that is likely to manifest into something much worse soon. They all say its decentralized and democratized but in reality just like every market in human history its dominated by a couple cartels, oligarchs and bankers.
Help someone stole my NFT! They clicked copy and paste!
Ana is a goddess
If a video discusses NFT’s or Crypto the comment will be flooded with spam of people hustling NFT’s and Cryptocurrencies
Sure seems like a really good way to show a loss on your 1040.
Ma apes!
Breaking news: A stupid man with too much money claims he was robbed of several NFTs worth millions of dollars. He wrote, “I been hacked. All my apes gone. this just sold please help me.”
In other news, aliens from the Alpha Centauri system just attacked Washington D.C. In a statement broadcast worldwide via telepathy, the Centaurians claimed, “All your base are belong to us.”
100,000’s dollars to buy a receipt for pictures of apes on a computer…
All your apes are belong to us.
All my apes gone
I downloaded this clip. It’s mine now.
People have too much money…Personally, I can’t wrap my head around NFTs or crypto currency.
NFTs aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. NFTs are also the modern version of the Tulip Bubble.
I love you and your knowledge
So much schadenfreude so little time. I LOVE this story.
Bunch of six-year-olds with too much money and no common sense.
People who hate art/nfts are butts
I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.
I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.
Just because you claim it’s worth millions doesn’t mean anyone is buying it for millions. Sounds like an insurance scam more than anything.
Stories like this are why I’ll just stick with right click > save.
Go to the The NFT Bay!
Ape escape
Surely, he had insurance for his special monkey pictures? No? What a horrific tragedy this is!
Where do you fence NFTs?
I’ll be honest….If the United States Post Office started selling NFTs as Stamps that is the only reason I’d ever buy NFTs. All his apes gone.
Lol that’s hilarious
For all my Japanese gamers out there:
We had “Cyber-Ninjas”. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the “Crypto-Guerillas”.
This guy is not monkeying around, he’s probably going ape S/T!
We, as a society, should not tolerate this monkey business.
If I were him, I’d go bananas. NFTs, more like WTF, am I right?!
“All my apes gone.” ~ Quote of the Year
Dude is probably going ape-shit now
thank you for this pleasant video
Oh damn he’s probably going to apes right now.
Ummmmmmmmmmm NFT’s are new way of money laundering. just in case you wonder why the elites are pushing these and paying for them .
NFTs are like the beanie baby fad of our century.
I just do not understand?
hello friends
Anna is looking Beautiful :)
Lmao that’s not a ‘hack’ he gave them his information then they robbed him.
I have saved the transcription of my recent utterance in Tongues as an NFT:
He lost the money the second he bought these worthless ape pictures.
It is art. It is culture
Her face is priceless
Maybe in some Jetsons type future maybe this NFT thing will make sense… but until then I’m lost
The robbery was purchasing an NFT.
lol. what do you think art is for? transfer of wealth bypassing laws and taxes. you should not comment on things you have not researched.
They stole my apes Odo!
Good! Keep spending money on things that are: Nonsense, Fake, Trash!
Sounds like maybe more money is being laundry and a insurance scam
GOOGLE IT , are your sure they didn’t steal his crypto currency ?
All his apes gone lol
If u spend that much money to buy usage rights for some pictures of apes, u deserve to lose them. NFTs should be for transfering licences of commercial digital products such as movies, audio, software or regularly priced monkey pictures
Disappointed that you guys have really have such a shallow understanding of NFTs.
You guys have a lot of good points there but still the fundamental concepts are lost on you guys.
Guys ALL of your documents, IDs, etc, will be NFTs. don’t be sidetracked by jpeg art. Dig beyond clickbait titles to understand the technology and you will understand applications for voting verification, medical records, mortgages, property deeds, graduation certificates etc.
Wow… I’m not even gonna lie kinda disappointed in this video. Like I get you don’t understand crypto, nft’s and ect but there is more to it than you think. The image nft your talking about is the equivalent to commemorative plates or reference to other video of y’alls the trump coins, cards, cameo videos, and ect. It has value to the individual but may not translate as they think. I’m a big fan and Usually on the same page but I just don’t want y’all to have half information and run with it. Yes it was the person fault for getting tricked but the verification process they had to go through to be tricked is the equivalent of a person being tricked through a scam email sending money to an African prince or a scam caller.
I do feel for this guy I once had a pet rock stolen. I can’t even imagine what pet rocks go for nowadays.
Maybe whoever stole it was just monkeying around.
NFT’s are the economic equivalent of QAnon.
They own a digital receipt to a digital version?
So….. they own nothing?
Just so he doesn’t feel bad, I took pictures of a couple of monkeys I’m willing to sell him for $12 million dollars a piece even though I estimate them to be $50 million dollars a piece. Just get a hold of me and come with cash
When digital art cannot be easily stolen, but NFTs get stolen via simply stealing wallet info.
It’s hilarious to hear people with no technical skill or competence talk about technology. NFTs(not jpegs) are the future of property rights and ownership. NFTs are a digital certificates secured by an immutable Blockchain.
His NFTs were not stolen by Ctrl-C/V, he was a victim of fishing because that’s the ONLY way to steal them. Don’t confuse your ignorance with insignificance.
Digital Image NFTs are a joke. It is all a scam and the people who spend money on these image NFTs have been conned. NFTs are not a joke but image NFTs are. If you can get the same digital asset anywhere else, then the value and function of NFTs is broken. However, if you recorded a song and minted it as an NFT and only by having the NFT can you listen to it, THAT would be valuable to traders because you can trade something that you can’t get anywhere else. Even if it’s a video NFT like behind the scenes of movies or extra deleted scenes, that could be valuable. But when you have a place to buy something and consider NFT as an avenue of revenue, you’ve broken the concept of NFTs.
I wish tyt did more research and talk about how nfts are harmful for the art community more than snippets instead they kinda in a way make fun of digital artists not on purpose
Sounds like a insurance or tax scam. The nfts weren’t worth 2 mil and they probably weren’t stolen.
As much as I wanna make fun of someone spending tht kind of money I don’t want to accendenly make fun of photography which Anna kinda did by saying u can get tht anywhere
It seems like most uber rich are morons.
I haven’t looked into nft art but I would assume it is a money laundering scam.
How many times has painting art works been sold for colossal amounts of money after having been evaluated by ‘experts’ then identified as forgeries? Many similarities and the same amount of empathy from me.
communists don’t understand freedom
The artwork doesn’t even exist on the blockchain. It’s just a token that an artist said represents ownership of art.
I can’t wipe away my tears…
Because there are none…
I would have gone ape-shit crazy over this
All the artwork on John’s wall would make better NFTs than the current NFTs in existence.
How do we know he didn’t sell them for cash and is lying?
People please secure your investments in a hard wallet like the Ledger. TYT get with the times and stop trying to be funny, you sound dumb.
Oh come ! Feel bad really!! Lol
Ana bashing Nina Turner who just did a segment on TYT promoting POC NFT creators.
Go buy melania trumps hat for 1/2 a million. You still are getting shafted. But at least you have something to show for it.
A relate SO much to Ana’s reaction after explaining the concept of NFTs. Our impending extinction is well-deserved.
“All his apes, gone.” Now that’s priceless!
I loved playing Ape Scape when young!!
This is exactly why NFTs are such a stupid idea. That must have been the easiest hacking job ever.
NFT - No F**king Thanks!
I bet he went ape shit
Soyface: “B-b-but the blockchain!”
I don’t understand why TYT is happy that someone got hacked and robbed.
Man, these crytpo bros are sensitive… Kkk.. they act like its a secret language, something way ahead of time… Come on, they turned art into stock, and you buy a share, that’s It…
I love TYT but..I wish they would educate themselves more on crypto and NFTs in general… These crypto and NFT videos just come off as being poorly researched at best.
Wha, wha, wha, whahahaha… NFT’s are worthless.
“I been hacked. All my apes gone. This just sold please help me.”
Of course we can’t help you. It’s SEC and no banks. You are on your own.
People are really ignorant and uninformed ‘investing’ in crypto and NFTs. The banks are now involved in these transactions — red flag. These instruments ARE hackable, they can be stolen and spent. And, they are also NOT currencies; hence the reason for their volatility and unreliability as investment alternatives. Don’t be stoopid, don’t throw your money away.
He uses NFTS? He got what he deserved.
Damn, I thought a non-fungible toucan was a mold-resistant parrot.
Good for the hackers. NFTs are stupid. They’re for people who have no idea what their money’s value actually is. They buy NFTs for the price of an entire degree program’s tuition, books, and board at the highest quality boarding at any US university. He was robbed of nothing. Literally nothing. He bought nothing. He cherished nothing.jpg. He lost nothing. He gave his money away on a wasteful venture. Not even a venture. He just spent money to spend it.
Nature is healing itself.
How does the old saying go? “A fool and his money is soon parted”.. and he got robbed twice.. once when he actually bought a nft.. and second.. when someone stole his nft from him.. so I guess that makes him two time victim.. oh and the other saying that fits for this is.. " fool me once.. shame on you.. fool me twice.. shame on me" lol..
If you can’t go to the law for redress, then you have to do something yourself. That’s why illegal enterprise is so violent. The sale and ownership of these NFT’s is legal and their theft should be investigated just like any other.
I don’t understand how someone smart enough to invest a lot of money into a crypto, doesn’t understand that you need some sort of hard wallet like many have. It is offline, thus unhackable. I tell anyone I meet who has crypto to get a hard wallet. I don’t think TYT really understands crypto.
Imagine if Ana started an O.F.! She’d be even richer and we’d probably listen a little better!
Theft takes place in the real world too every day… yet you never cover that.
That’s not true that you don’t own the license. Maybe get educated before you speak. It all depends on the contract. NFT does not exclusively mean pixel art ️
they can’t explain it but it’s racist ? I’m confused now.
TYT, love you guys, but y’all need to thoroughly investigate and report on ISO 20022 as well as the premier legal battle happening with the SEC and Ripple right now…
…Until that happens, TYT has absolutely ZERO credibility to speak on anything related to the subject of crypto.
Victor chaos is at it again
Swoons Anna’s such a saint,saving this poor goofball’s life.
Bought stupid with stupid and gets robbed? TFB.
Maybe it will have value in the metaverse? I dunno….
NFT is fcking stupid!!!!
This is why Crypto is a bad idea!
If so way..please teach me..Ive got some crazy Schitt to sell…lmao
Listen I get it, NFTs is currently really niche. You can make all the jokes you want, but the 3 NFTs that were stolen DO sell for $160,000. You can be mind blown and not understand the value proposition but they do sell for that amount. Make all the jokes you want but at the end of the day those NFTs are worth what someone will pay, it just so happens each one is worth $160,000 approx
And nothing of value was lost.
NFTs are the stupidest thing ever
This is like adoptable OCs on crack, at least most adoptables are visually appealing
lol these crypto bros think nobody can control their little hobby. Thats super adorable. Who do they think makes their crypto-wallets and stuff?
They’re born to be scammed i think.
You maniacs!!!!
I thought people were over NFT’s. How hard do people need to get scammed to wake up?
Sounds like he went apeshit
I wonder how many people who criticize micro transactions in games, like skins and accessories, who now think it’s a good idea to invest in digital nothingness. Because NFTs are truly useless.
Banana Monke strikes again.
He got funged….
She just said u don’t worn your nft wdh ?
What is an NFT…. 8 minutes and they didn’t enunciate the acronym….?
Crypto-losers crying in the comments
So all art has no value because you can just download it?
Literally crypto was made to get people free of big banks tyt is here doing mainstream media narratives
You guys are uniformed when it comes to Crypto, and stop trying to make Crypto a right wing thing as well.
Don’t sign into bogus websites,, just like fake bank accounts,, they can hack anyone dumb enough to fall it
Wow I know youngsters I like feel I’m control now??
Thanks Anna for explaining to the world how stupid you are honestly research a topic before commenting on it smh right click stupid tyt is losing me
For the people my ass
Wow the comment section is toxic amazing how people complain about the traditional financial system and how it’s unfair and crypto creates a more than fair playing field for the everyday investor to get in as a VC and they attack amazing to see people fight against what’s there best chance at making money before hedge funds gobble up the market.
NFTs are basically crypto currency.
Which also proves how most all money that is NOT created by actual labor, is absolutely illusory
Amateurs, the real way to scam people is to sell preorders for a book that STILL hasn’t been written yet. Right Cenk?
The nft bubble is gonna burst real soon. I’m tired of people trying to give fake value to digital items.
People, we’re not focusing on the critical emergency here: His apes were stolen.
Please help?
he was robbed twice. once for dropping money on a scam, then getting scammed by a phishing link.
I got one of those bored apes as my pfp.
For free. NFTs is another bubble just like crypto. Enjoy
Picanthropus pocketsus.
What does this mean tho
Lol thanks to South Park we know NFT’s are sh!t so……….
Exactly! NFT’s ! WTF. I can take whatever image I want by paying $0.00.
Sounds like a scam for dumb rich people? I’m all for it that’s good crime.
Phillip Scott of the Advise Show AKA African Diaspora channel is a computer hacker and thief and most likely an FBI informant
I predict with in 5 years TYT will have a community token, cryptocurrency.
Someone is clearly monkeying around.
It wasn’t hard to hack him though, it was really chimpan ezee.
He should have purchased the digital picture of a donkey’s backside.
What in the literal hell???? Why, why, why are people sooooooo stupid? This is the first I’ve heard of NFTs but how stupid is this? All of this. Maybe buy dinner for some starving children.
Please God, No!!! Not the digital ape pictures!
Stupid is as stupid does?
It must really suck to have your nothing, that you paid millions for, stolen.
Gullibility is a hell of a drug.
You guys need to do research otherwise your doing no one a favor they didn’t steal a picture they stole a NFT it’s a artwork that’s minted on a Blockchain. You cannot right click and save don’t be as stupid as the masses.
WTF is a NFT ???
If you are someone paying millions for an NFT and are not somehow using it to cheat the system in some way, then you are just plain stupid.
Sorry I love y’all but you’re so wrong about NFTs, their utility; and the vast majority of the communities. Are there bad actors? Yes there are anywhere theres money. Please foster the good community aspects of this future we will live in, which are donating millions to good causes
Oh no.
Jobs will pay your bills, business would make you rich but investment makes and keeps your wealth. So I would advice you invest in crypto currency like bitcoins right now and make huge profits
Yup. Those cryptocurrencies and NFTs are secure and stable as hell.
Is this really news worthy.
You get what you pay for… which is nothing.
Open sea might of frozen the asset on they’re platform but it would still be for sale.
Ok anyone spending millions on nothing is stupid
And nothing of value was low, the receipt was lost
Priceless art gone forever
I was with you until you went racism route, apes do exist? It’s more racist to see images of apes and think it’s a political message.
…..Cue, The Kinks “I’m An Apeman”….
just the latest art craze…con art.
Anybody that spends # on this crap, deserved it.
is it more ridiculous than the lady selling jars of farts for thousands of dollars?
People starving you spend millions of dollars on art you can download yourself that is just f**** stupid