- Title: Hurricanes Move North, No One Is Safe Now
- Author: The Damage Report
- ID: GlJydRty9mU
- Duration: 00:03:55
- Rating: None
- Views: 24645
- Thumbnail: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/GlJydRty9mU/default.jpg
No one at lower latitudes was safe previously. It makes me angry if those at higher latitudes didn’t care until NOW. We have the technology, we can deal. We could also have prevented this, but it seems like only a certain percentage of the population seems to care to do so.
Will the trump towers survive a direct F5 hit hurricane ?
My son is 8 and wants to see NYC one day 😢
How little you understand about the earth! You are suppose to understand that which you report but don;t understand the Hadley cell. Each hemisphere is divided into 3 cells, 0 to 30 deg N, 30 to 60 and the polar cell. DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH before you do a report. The climate is fucked and it is irreversible, it is too late, get it? Wake the fuck up. I’m old and don’t have kids so fuck all of you idiots!
Not on the west coast. Hurricanes never hit the west coast.
Be sure to sell your ocean front property to a dumbass conservative for an inflated price. They truly are that stupid.
Geez. Does anyone remember Sandy? The next time the subway will flood in Manhattan and that will be that.
TYT stop it
. You know that doesn’t exist. 🤣😂🤣 New movie “Water takes Manhattan”
Hhhmmmm. Science. Having talked about things like this for decades. Few listen. Few understand. Fewer care. Sucks.
Don’t get hurricanes in Shanghai.geographical impossibility.might get a typhoon or two.
It’s the end of the world I tell ya. Repent.
John’s humor…with a tinge of cynicism…always gets me laughing.
ROTFLMFAO!!! More fear mongering from TYT!🤣 “Oh Noes!!! The Hurricanes are coming to get us!!! Run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!” AND He’s hunkered down in his basement again because Omicron might give him the sniffles!!
Good screw the USA
They can change the sub ways to submarine rides.
maybe the usgs changed the rotation of the earth without telling us and that’s why it’s happening.😅😅😅
Maybe we can both move to a cave in the NC mountains, our own little tiny cave home! Best to you!
Why dont you post signs like Do not Enter or Wrong Way?
Better yet Mar-a-Lago —–>
Hurricane Sandy in 2012 was a wake-up call for many. Too many are still asleep.
I really believe that the changes we would need to make are too extreme for our self-absorbed, entitled selves to willingly make. I’m 68 and am relieved that I don’t think I’ll be around to suffer too much. I feel very badly for fucking up the world to hand off to my kids and grandkids. If I had to do it again, I’d buy some land in the 70’s and set up a self-sustaining community. But too old and lazy now. I just hope I get killed off before my kids, and let them try to make the needed changes.
Disappointing, but if this definately hits Manhattan, then people who are constantly brainwashed in voting in favor of the status quo will start waking the fuck up from their mentally ill-minded brains and start voting for candidates who are more progressive and will address the issues for real.
Lol sucks to suck… I’m sorry
I like my hurricane path maps with sharpie scribbles on em.
There’s a great story about the Citibank building in NYC. A grad student writing a paper on the building noticed on the plans that the contractor had swapped out some fasteners for a cheaper solution but it made the building so rigid instead of flexing in the wind, that it would be prone to topple during a Cat 5 hurricane. People were like “so what? how often does NYC Get a Cat 5?” Turns out well about every 50 years. The building had to immediately go into action to fix the building. To access the metal structure they would have to go into offices after hours, rip out the walls, fix the joints, then re-sheetrock and paint before the office reopened in the morning. Turns out they had every available welding crew in like 3 states to try to fix the building as quick as possible. The thing that gave them away was that from the outside of the building there were so many welding crews working, people on the street were looking up at all the lights and asking WTF? and people eventually guessed there was some sort of massive repair job going on. Studies showed that if the building had actually fallen during a hurricane, in that area of Manhattan, it would have dominoed and taken out something like 20 city blocks.
But the “Donald” can redirect them!
It’s already too late. we needed to tackle this decades ago, not tomorrow or next week.
0:33 “The Day After Tomorrow”.
“Uh-oh, Rome does not look good.” – Rat, “The Core”
I remember James Hansen did a study on this, tropical storms coming North.
In his words: “All hell will break loose in the North Atlantic.”
That’s where quite a few of us who thought they lived in a moderate climate zone, currently reside.
We’re not ready for this. And that’s coming from the Netherlands 🇳🇱, which is probably better prepared than most places, but we won’t be able to cope. And it’s kind of our thing, storm and sea protection.
So I’m a little a annoyed that this is basically a Stephen Colbert rip off, as if the word “in” disguises it? Otherwise, the segment is important but…a ripoff, the original is better.
Hey not just the East Coast. We had a hurricane warning in Washington in 2021.
Science-denying American Republicans are so certain they’re right and the science world is wrong that they’re even fighting to deregulate everything to further accelerate our rate of burning fossil fuels and the pillaging of the planet for their own personal greed (fear).
We always had to deal with hurricanes in New England when I was growing up. I’m going on 75 yrs old though. Not on a yearly basis all of the time, but they were bad ones! Cape Cod used to get them quite often. Then they seemed to peter out, and began heading and hitting FL after I moved to FL! Now, I want to get the heck out of FL for even more reasons than that!
Our planets going to look like Camino from star wars, just infinite rain 🌧️
New York deals with hurricanes already, its only going to get worst. The Flooding with the last few was just the beginning
Sorry Don that aren’t that movies already been made ever heard of the day after tomorrow
A fierce Northeaster along the Atlantic Coast can be every bit as destructive as a hurricane, though they are not labeled as such.
It’s always something I wonder what to believe I thought San Francisco was under sea level God is in control
Heck the flooding this past summer was a sneak peek.
Welcome to the Super Storms!!
Oh, no, New York will have to face what Houston does all the time.
Pretty sure Texas didn’t winterize since last time. Petty stubbornness.
New York, the American Venice. 😂
Please keep reporting on this topic.
(3:00) Just think of it as washing away the pest infestation.😏
I asked my wife where are we going to move when tornadoes take out 10% of your state every year
I’m born and raised in Brooklyn NY. When sandy hit. We had never seen anything like it. Then last summer it rained flood all the subways. Rain has never shut down that many subway lines that fast. Then a month later it rain so fast basements flooded so quick that people drowned in them. I’ve never even heard of something like that in NYC before. Now their telling us to get ready this will be common. DAMN. I live in a basement apartment.
I live in WA, do you think we’re more prepared than most because we are called “the rainy state?”
I have been through 4 major storms and I have never seen such powerful storms like these hurricanes in Texas. Lost Everything 3 times Laura didn’t tear my home up like the others but it was horrifying. I stayed and rode it out never again
Get window protection folks! Best Wishes from Mississippi!
The Netherlands has dealt with high water for centuries. Maybe we should ask THEM a few pertinent questions…
Waiting for one to hit here in Washington state
Doomsday comes to America, dial 666-777 hello is this the four horsemen of the apocalypse resident? We have lots of stupid people and climate denyers that don’t take scientists very seriously.
Is this more GloBULL warming?
God it’s a good thing climate change is just some hoax, fake news… I know… Absolute proof…. Trump said so : —)
I live in Jacksonville, FL. Happy to share our weather with the world. Good job humanity.
The world’s stupid uneducated right-wingers republicans always feared the smart people and the climate denyers are going get hit by a powerful karma hurricane.
We get them in Atlantic Canada!
Don’t go into details about science, Republicans watching this are gonna overload and their heads are gonna pop like an over inflated balloon.
Stupid and ignorant people always fear the smart educated people. Specially now, politicians and the right wing media have made it a priority to misinform the people and attack those who are actively helping all of us.
What happens when “hurricane Sandy” is an every other year event?
South as well. We just had a cyclone on the east coast of Australia further south than they ever normally appear. Thankfully it turned into a tropical low before it hit the coast, but its a definite indication that these storms will be hitting a much wider geographical area than we are used to.
“There’s no such thing as climate change. "
Mother Nature..“Hold My Beer.“😅
Don’t they travel East to West in general. Unless the tropical trade winds near the equator change directions I don’t think the West Coast has anything to worry about.
There was an interesting 1994 Bruce Sterling SF novel called Heavy Weather where (spoilers)
I’m not sure I know what you are talking about. Here in New Haven, smack dab between New York and Boston, we already get our fair share of hurricanes. I count 8 in the last 10 years. And that’s not even taking blizzards and nor' easters into account.
In REAL NEWS…“Missing Chicago boy, 6, found dead near abandoned house in Indiana
Perry was last seen with his older sister on Tuesday in Skokie, Illinois, around 3 p.m. CT”…So…BLM…what are you gonna do about this little guys life or do you need white men take care of it for you.
Where I live in Toronto we never have any extreme weather. I guess the odd february polar vortex are seen as extremes but being in a large city the density and heat island effect mitigates a lot of that. If we start getting hurricanes I don’t think he would know what to do. Hurricane Hazel was the last time one made it here and that was in like 1954 I think lol
It’s funny to think that in Florida they don’t believe in climate change and how surprised they will be when they do realise that rising sea levels are coming for them. A state of beach front estates will learn a lesson the hard way.
Democrats should stop using their private jets then
Does this mean that all those luxury condos along the Boston waterfront get hammered?
Don’t care. And I don’t want to bail them out. Buh-bye.
The temperature band of economic prosperity is moving north too America 👌👌
Your particular swathe of country is not going to fare well this century and you’re going to very soon realize the importance of water sources beginning in countries you don’t own.
I was gonna call bs but I think we only had 3 significant ones up here in the last 30 years.
Years ago when my city in Southern Ontario Canada first heard the news report that we had a tornado we thought the news report was wrong.. now we get at least once year and it rips off roofs, flips trucks and does excessive damage. The first one was just more windy.. if people don’t believe it’s not climate change, they are blind.
Just remember, when you move to my socialist state, you better not complain about our taxes…
Oh hell yeah!!!🤘
J&J connection is back in full effect 😎
Thank yall
Boston and NY? Wtf? We get hurricanes all the damn time! Everyone on the eastern seaboard does 🙄
Great now everything they taught me in science class about how the Earth works is no longer relevant. What a waste of time… But seriously, climate change, it needs to be worked on.
“Underestimated” by Republican voters (especially those living along the coast of Florida and Texas.) Everyone else accepted this reality was coming years ago.
Here’s the problem: Gas, oil and coal executives don’t give a crap about climate change. All they look at is the financial bottom line. If climate change kills millions upon millions of people, there attitude is “oh well, how much money did we make this quarter”. We can’t stop climate change until those companies are out of business. Unfortunately, Congress has been bought by those industries so I guess we are all screwed.
It’s okay, we can just move to Antarctica.
According to Netflix it helps if we don’t look up or something.
I’m up here in the PNW or the GNW as we like to think of it…no hurricanes for us..but we’re getting “atmoshere rivers” on a constant basis now where we only used to see one very infrequently…
You were never safe, and you’ll never be safe.
All those failed red states are going to be easy pickings for the corporate terrorists.
I hope this Hurricane destroys alot of Trump Supporters and Anti Vaxxers too
I think I’ll be fine in northeast Ohio.
Mother Nature pantsing humanity.
Welcome to the disaster party
LUVVITT : ‘‘Don’t Paddle : or the Libs Win’’ Climate denial with your last breath as your lungs fill with water from a risen sea coast. don’t laugh, it’s a very sad scene. ……. okay. Laugh. the fewer denier troglodytes we have around the easier it will be to ditch fossil fuels
already we’ve had storms cross over the western US that if they were out over warm water would have been Cat 4 or 5 hurricanes. way back in the way back then days there used to be a sci-fi idea of cities under domes to have predictable weather because the outside weather had become so unpredictable crops could not grow. …
Neither is Florida. Let’s be real here. Yet, they find away every year.
If we just pretend the problem isn’t real maybe it won’t happen
And if you don’t like flight turbulence…its significantly increasing
We need to start building different homes
Nothing can stand up to a hurricane in the first place no matter where you live at of course sea level is going to be a problem for most that lives near the water and cost line
Yay can’t wait 😑 I live in NJ. It’s enough getting tail endings of a storm in this area. Getting full on blasted is no good.
No hurricanes in the uk. We have had one I remember in 40 years
Well, hurricane Ida was pretty bad here in New Orleans, but close to 80 or more people died in New Jersey and New York from Ida. They definitely didn’t know what was coming. That’s a damn shame.
Dont worry billionaires will just “mine” the hurricanes with wind turbines and sell us the energy at inflated prices
Human migration on steroids , is coming in the following decades 🤒 👍 !
Crap we are doomed
Oh sure… “Don’t Look Up” showed us a possible consequence of our negligence, but let’s not overlook what could end us NOW.