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Mulher do “Faraó dos Bitcoins” sacou R$ 1 bi da moeda antes de fugir

Mulher do “Faraó dos Bitcoins” sacou R$ 1 bi da moeda antes de fugir ] O Ministério Público Federal (MPF) identificou que a venezuelana Mirelis Zara, esposa do ex-garçom e ex-pastor da Universal Glaidson Acácio dos Santos, conhecido como “Faraó dos Bitcoins”, sacou 4.

Crypto Banking and Decentralized Finance, Explained

Crypto Banking and Decentralized Finance, Explained ] DeFi platforms are structured to become independent from their developers and backers over time and to ultimately be governed by a community of users whose power comes from holding the protocol’s tokens.

سخنان رئیسی، ارز را وارد محدوده خطر کرد / قیمت دلار امروز می‌ریزد؟

سخنان رئیسی، ارز را وارد محدوده خطر کرد / قیمت دلار امروز می‌ریزد؟ ] ابراهیم رئیسی بالاخره موضع دولتش درباره مذاکره را رسما کرد و گفت دولتش مذاکره را در دستور کار دارد و می‌خواهد تحریم‌ها را رفع کند.

What does it mean to be bullish or bearish in crypto?

What does it mean to be bullish or bearish in crypto? ] When talking about markets, both mainstream and crypto, “bullish” and “bearish” often come up in headlines and conversation, although such usage typically depends on financial knowledge and experience.

De 91-jarige superbelegger Warren Buffett heeft een geldprobleem

De 91-jarige superbelegger Warren Buffett heeft een geldprobleem ] Ook de 91-jarige superbelegger Warren Buffett heeft ook zo zijn problemen. Zo heeft zijn beleggingsvehikel Berkshire Hathaway dermate veel contant geld, dat Buffett moeite heeft om aantrekkelijke mogelijkheden voor herinvestering te vinden.