一YouTube博主自創便攜式比特幣礦機並在星巴克挖礦 ] 據C
一YouTube博主自創便攜式比特幣礦機並在星巴克挖礦一YouTube博主自創便攜式比特幣礦機並在星巴克挖礦 ] 據C |
一YouTube博主自創便攜式比特幣礦機並在星巴克挖礦一YouTube博主自創便攜式比特幣礦機並在星巴克挖礦 ] 據C |
Dólar en Perú, hoy 30 de julio: a cuánto se cotiza el tipo de cambioDólar en Perú, hoy 30 de julio: a cuánto se cotiza el tipo de cambio ] El tipo de cambio logró un fuerte rebote en los primeros minutos de la sesión, llegando a cotizar a S/4,0173, un nuevo nivel máximo para el precio del dólar en el Perú. |
特斯拉澳洲電池基地火災 馬斯克發帖:普羅米修斯解除了束縛特斯拉澳洲電池基地火災 馬斯克發帖:普羅米修斯解除了束縛 ] El paralelo |
Amazon Stock Sell-Off: A Buying Opportunity?Amazon Stock Sell-Off: A Buying Opportunity? ] Shares of Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) took a big hit during after-hours trading on Thursday. About an hour after market close, the stock was down more than 7%. |
區塊鏈遊戲開發商 Horizon Blockchain Games 完成 450 萬美元 Pre-A 輪融資,BITKRAFT Ventures 等參投區塊鏈遊戲開發商 Horizon Blockchain Games 完成 450 萬美元 Pre-A 輪融資,BITKRAFT |
Another Polygon Yield Farm Crashes to Zero After ExploitAnother Polygon Yield Farm Crashes to Zero After Exploit ] Get daily crypto briefings and weekly Bitcoin market reports delivered right to your inbox. Key Takeaways PolyYeld Finance’s YELD token has crashed to zero after attackers exploited a vulnerability to mint nearly 4. |
Space Jam: A New Legacy launch includes a 91,000 item NFT tie-inSpace Jam: A New Legacy launch includes a 91,000 item NFT tie-in ] On the same day we learned that Fortnite is adding a LeBron James skin to its metaverse, the PR machine for Space Jam: A New Legacy cranked out a different batch of digital collectibles. |
藝術家蔡萬霖:NFT與傳統藝術天然匹配藝術家蔡萬霖:NFT與傳統藝術天然匹配 ] 7月30日,2021 |
Dolar kuru bugün ne kadar? (30 Temmuz 2021 dolar - euro fiyatları)Dolar kuru bugün ne kadar? (30 Temmuz 2021 dolar - euro fiyatları) ] Fed’in faiz kararı ve sonrasında Fed Başkanı Jerome Powell’ın açıklamalarının beklentilerden daha güvercin algılanması ile dün gelişmekte olan ülke para birimleri üzerindeki baskı hafiflerken, yurt içinde Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası (TCMB) Başkanı Şahap Kavcıoğlu’nun açıklamaları dolar/TL’deki düşüşü destekledi. |