HONGER! Met Herman den Blijker

HONGER! Met Herman den Blijker ] Herman den Blijker ‘doet maar wat’ Maar wat hij doet, doet hij goed. Koken, ondernemen, (kook)boeken schrijven en de tv-persoonlijkheid uithangen. In deze eerste editie van HONGER!

Reef Finance Incorporates Jax.Network Into Its Marketplace

Reef Finance Incorporates Jax.Network Into Its Marketplace ] The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) blockchain, Reef Finance, has built an alliance with the Bitcoin blockchain Jax.Network. The teaming up of these two eminent blockchain networks will offer clients a reliant, profitable, and decentralized blockchain conformity system.

Mulher do “Faraó dos Bitcoins” sacou R$ 1 bi da moeda antes de fugir

Mulher do “Faraó dos Bitcoins” sacou R$ 1 bi da moeda antes de fugir ] O Ministério Público Federal (MPF) identificou que a venezuelana Mirelis Zara, esposa do ex-garçom e ex-pastor da Universal Glaidson Acácio dos Santos, conhecido como “Faraó dos Bitcoins”, sacou 4.

Crypto Banking and Decentralized Finance, Explained

Crypto Banking and Decentralized Finance, Explained ] DeFi platforms are structured to become independent from their developers and backers over time and to ultimately be governed by a community of users whose power comes from holding the protocol’s tokens.