狗狗幣Dogecoin「一個玩笑」 如何玩到市值突破天際?
狗狗幣創始於2013年,由兩名軟件工程師Billy Markus與Jackson Palmer創設。一開始這不過是一個用作諷刺Bitcoin比特幣的笑話,其標誌是一幅攝自柴犬的頭像,名稱以Doge取代Dog,添一點可愛的感覺。
這「帶到月球」的承諾,讓狗狗幣在1月價格急升5倍。但真正讓狗狗幣突破天際,是來自Tesla的CEO馬斯克(Elon Musk)的追棒。
直到4月,馬斯克重申對狗狗幣的濃厚興趣,並示意會在5月8日出席全國廣播公司(NBC)的深夜喜劇秀《周六夜現場》(Saturday Night Live)為狗狗幣助威。這舉動令狗狗幣瞬速爆升,幣值自4月中不停飆升至今。
升跌無時 價值隨時蒸發
加密貨幣交易公司Blockchain的研究負責人希勒曼(Garrick Hileman)警告,狗狗幣的價值隨時蒸發:「特別當這貨幣本來就是個玩笑。」警告投資者要對所有加密貨幣提高警覺。
狗狗幣Dogecoin價格急跌兩成 馬斯克承認是「騙局」
馬斯克《周六夜現場》一句話推冧狗狗幣 柴犬幣卻暴漲236%
【Dogecoin】狗狗幣今年狂飈140倍 拆解狗狗幣急升三大原因
When is Coinbase Pro adding Dogecoin? When does Dogecoin go live on Coinbase? How do I buy Dogecoin?
Who let the “doge” out?
Coinbase announced users will be able to trade Dogecoin starting Thursday, June 3 at 12 p.m on Coinbase Pro, its more advanced trading platform.
It’s no surprise Coinbase Pro has decided to add the fan-favorite cryptocurrency to its trading lineup. At one point last month, one Dogecoin was worth $0.63 ahead of Elon Musk’s SNL appearance. Musk has branded himself on Twitter as “The Dogefather.”
One Dogecoin is currently worth $0.40, a 19.35% spike within the past week, according to real-time data tracked by CoinMarketCap (Market capitalization is constantly changing).
How to buy Dogecoin on Coinbase Pro
If you don’t already have an account, you simply just need to sign up. Do note, though, Coinbase Pro has an interface designed for more advanced traders, while Coinbase is easier to use for beginners. If you already own Dogecoin, you can also transfer it into you Coinbase Pro account.
Coinbase’s regular platform — among the most popular places to trade cryptocurrency — does not support Dogecoin, but you can add it to you cryptocurrency wishlist if you prefer a more beginner platform. If you sign up for a regular Coinbase account, you will also receive $5 worth of Bitcoin for free upon verification of ID.
Dogecoin was created in 2013 by Adobe employee Jackson Palmer and software engineer Billy Markus, according to a report by CoinDesk. It’s a play on the popular internet meme of a Japanese Shiba Inu branded as “doge.” Its non-serious vibe caused it to become a hit and attract a huge following.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to be used over the internet, according to Coinbase. It’s decentralized, meaning it isn’t controlled by the government or any other central authority such as a bank.
If you want to educate yourself more on cryptocurrency and how it works, you can always enroll in an online course, too. Courses are offered at online platforms Coursera, LinkedIn Learning and Udemy.
If you’re interested in investing in other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and Litecoin, here are some options to get you started:
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Nicolette Accardi can be reached at naccardi@njadvancemedia.com. Follow her on Twitter: @N_Accardi. Find NJ.com on Facebook. Have a tip? Tell us. nj.com/tips