




相反地,當全網算力大幅下降,礦工大量退出時,比特幣的挖礦難度也會隨之下降,誘使更多人投入挖礦。在中國政府於 2021 年六月大舉斷電礦場後,比特幣全網算力腰斬,隨之而來的是難度迅速下降。

原先貢獻全網算力近 60% 的中國礦工退出後,比特幣挖礦難度在一週內下降了約 30%,簡單來說,雖然比特幣幣值因此下跌了 40%,但礦工要獲取比特幣所需付出的資源也下降了 30%。一來一往之間,中國政府斷電礦場的政策,反而是將原本由中國礦工壟斷的挖礦事業,拱手讓給海外礦工,而且消耗的電力還更少。

▲ 比特幣算力從谷底又慢慢回升。( Source:Bitinfochart)

2021 年 5 月,比特幣全網算力來到歷史高峰 186MTH/s(每秒百萬雜湊值),在中國政府介入後,算力驟降至兩年來最低的 68MTH/s,然而經歷一個月,全球礦工們積極搶下中國讓出的機會,順勢搶購中國礦工便宜出售的礦機,目前算力已回升到 110MTH/s。


中國政府打壓無效,最有力的證據就是在過去一個月,這些與中國高度相關的亞洲交易所,包括幣安、火幣與 OKEx,依然是全球最活絡的加密貨幣交易所。相比之下,今年風光上市的美國交易所 Coinbase 交易量,都遠遠落後於這些中國政府認為不合法的交易所。

不可否認,中國政府對於挖礦和交易所的禁令,都對比特幣造成一定程度的衝擊,但短短不到兩個月,比特幣算力與幣值明顯恢復良好,超出許多人預期。過去兩週比特幣上漲超過 40%,幣值從跌破 3 萬美元到超過 4 萬美元,如今落在 38,994 美元,應該讓前陣子接手中國礦機的礦工樂不可支。


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Bitcoin Price Prediction – A Move Back through to $47,500 Would Bring $49,000 into Play


After a mixed start to the week, it’s been a bullish morning for Bitcoin and the broader crypto market.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin, BTC to USD, was up by 2.19% to $46,941.0.

A choppy start to the day saw Bitcoin fall to an early morning low $45,291.0 before making a move.

Steering clear of the of the first major support level at $45,061, Bitcoin rose to a late morning current day high $47,167.0.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $47,441, however, Bitcoin slipped back to sub-$47,000 levels.

The Rest of the Pack

It has been a bullish morning for the broader crypto market.

At the time of writing, Chainlink and Polkadot were up by 7.56% and by 76.05% to lead the way once more.

Binance Coin (+4.45%), Ethereum (+4.23%), and Litecoin (+3.18%) also found strong support.

Bitcoin Cash SV (+2.52%), Cardano’s ADA (+1.48%), Crypto.com Coin (+1.43%), and Ripple’s XRP (+2.58%) trailed the front runners, however.

Through the early hours, the crypto total market fell to an early morning low $1,908bn before rising to a high $2,009bn. At the time of writing, the total market cap stood at $2,005bn.

Bitcoin’s dominance rose to an early morning high 44.65% before falling to a low 44.01%. At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s dominance stood at 44.01%.

For the Afternoon Ahead

Bitcoin would need to avoid a fall back through the $46,565 pivot to bring the first major resistance level at $47,441 back into play.

Support from the broader market would be needed, however, for Bitcoin to break out from the morning high $47,167.0.

Barring an extended crypto rally through the afternoon, the first major resistance level and Monday’s high $48,069 would likely cap any upside

In the event of an extended rally, however, Bitcoin could target $49,000 levels before any pullback. The second major resistance level sits at $48,945.

A fall back through the $46,565 pivot would bring the first major support level at $45,061 into play.

Barring an extended sell-off on the day, Bitcoin should steer clear of sub-$45,000 levels. The second major support level sits at $44,185.

Story continues

Looking beyond the support and resistance levels, we saw the 50 EMA pull away from the 100 and 200 EMAs through the late morning. This was after a narrowing through the early hours. We also saw the100 EMA pull away from the 200 EMA. The bullish mid-morning signals supported the late morning rally.

A continued widening of the 50 EMA from the 100 and the 200 EMAs this afternoon would bring $49,000 levels into play.

Avoiding a fall back through the $46,565 will be key in the early afternoon.

This article was originally posted on FX Empire