Apple iPhone 13 價格表曝光,旗艦款最高1TB售價全面調漲
蘋果秋季發表會 iPhone 13 系列預計在9月14日登場,傳9月17日開放預購,iPhone 13上市日期則暫訂9月24日,目前中國爆料者也有流出一份四款新機 iPhone 13 價格表,目前除了 iPhone 13 mini、iPhone 13 價格持平外,iPhone 13 Pro 系列價格全面調漲,售價並非網傳台幣7萬元。
似乎已經有中國爆料者已經掌握最新 iPhone 13 系列售價,如換算成台幣,基本款 iPhone 13 機型價格為 NT$26,900、 iPhone 13 mini 售價 NT$23,900 元起,與目前官方 iPhone 12 售價持平,至於高階款 iPhone 13 Pro 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 最高 1TB 容量售價為5萬3400元、5萬7400元起。
由於 iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone 13 Pro Max 價格會調漲,主要是捨棄256GB容量改為 512GB,同時也加入更大1TB容量,瘋先生也替將人民幣價格換算成接近蘋果iPhone 13官方台幣售價如下:
iPhone 13價格表(台幣)
iPhone 13 mini 售價
64GB NT$23,900元
128GB NT$25,500元
256GB NT$29,000元
iPhone 13 售價
64GB NT$26,900元
128GB NT$28,500元
256GB NT$32,000元
iPhone 13 Pro售價
128GB NT$33,900元
512GB NT$41,400元
1TB NT$53,400元
iPhone 13 Pro Max售價
128GB NT$37,900元
512GB NT$45,400元
1TB NT$57,400元
最高階旗艦款 iPhone 13 Pro 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 最大 1TB 容量,都已經來到5萬多元,也成為有史以來最貴的iPhone手機,實際與之前網傳iPhone 13 Pro Max 價格會逼近台幣7萬元相差甚遠。
iPhone 13 價格達到6萬多機率偏低
以目前iPhone 13機型規格來看,iPhone售價要從4萬8400元一次拉到6萬或逼近7萬元機率偏低,除非iPhone 13有明顯規格、技術、外觀有全面性突破,今年只能夠視為 iPhone 12 小改款版本,單純只是市場用iPhone 13價格來炒作話題。
至於外媒或市場認為,台積電計畫漲價,會造成 Apple 成本會有3%~5%漲幅,以目前 iPhone 13 成本和價格早已經在前幾年談定,甚至台積電早在上半年已經完成出貨,晶圓代工成本調漲會影響 iPhone 13 成本不高,除非是後續新款 iPhone 或許才會影響。
今年4款iPhone 13 機型螢幕尺寸與iPhone 12 完全相同,甚至外觀也沒有太大變化,瀏海縮減、120Hz高刷螢幕,重點在於相機鏡頭會有明顯提升, iPhone 13 mini 及 iPhone 13 採用「對角線鏡頭」布局,則 iPhone 13 Pro 及 iPhone 13 Pro Max 鏡頭設計維持三鏡頭排列,不過鏡頭模組也會大上一圈。(相關消息:蘋果iPhone 13鏡頭、瀏海細節全面曝光!比對保護殼、保護貼配件)
iPhone 13 顏色可能加入青銅色、消光黑兩款顏色,至於網傳 iPhone 13新顏色少女粉、清新橙、薄荷綠、寶寶藍、日落金、正紅色、迷霧紫、湖水綠及玫瑰粉,只需看看即可,顏色命名方式單純只是網友將現有顏色重新自訂,實際顏色命名還是以當前官網顏色為準。
如喜歡這篇文章教學的話,後續也想了解更多 Apple 資訊、 iPhone 、Mac 隱藏 3C 技巧,歡迎追蹤 瘋先生 FB 粉絲團 Instagram 以及 訂閱YouTube頻道 ,將會有更多非常實用的技巧教學分享給大家。
據韓國《經濟日報》報導,首爾國立大學教授Jaeyong Song表示,「三星的生產線是如此之滿,以至於它將三星Galaxy的一些應用處理器的生產外包出去了。」
事實上,三星副總裁Suh Byung hoon上個月在宣佈第二季業績時即表示:「我們將使代工價格合理化。」該公司預計其晶圓製造業務部門的收入今年將增長20%以上。晶圓價格上漲預計不僅會提高蘋果等全球科技巨頭的生產成本,還會提高汽車製造商的生產成本。汽車工業已經飽受汽車晶片短缺之苦。
同時,全球晶圓廠在產能擴張、研發和設施(如EUV設備)方面進行了大規模投資,但犧牲了盈利能力。「但他們必須先發制人,積極訂購(設備)以保持競爭力,」漢陽大學教授Park Jae gun說。
Global Price Watch: July 2021 Prices (August 31, 2021) - World
In West Africa, grain prices were stable or increased in July compared to the previous month, although they remained above average in most markets – especially for maize. Market supplies continued to decline as the lean season progressed. Despite a small increase in supply from dry-season harvests of flood-recession crops, supplies across the region remained below average. Demand rose seasonally across the region as households’ stock depleted during the July-to-August lean season and with increased replenishment of trader and institutional stocks. Demand for livestock across the region increased significantly compared to the previous month due to the Tabaski holiday (Page 3).
• In East Africa, staple food prices followed typical but divergent trends. Maize and sorghum prices declined across most markets in Uganda, Burundi, and Tanzania due to the May-to-August harvest and in South Sudan as a result of exchange rate stability. Prices remained stable across rural Kenya but increased typically in most markets in Sudan as supply tightened. Prices increased atypically in Somalia due to below-average July-to-August harvest and in urban Kenya due to speculative holding. Livestock prices increased in Sudan and were stable in Ethiopia and Kenya, driven by reduced market supply and availability of feed and water, but declined in Somalia after the end of the export period. Poor macroeconomic conditions contributed to elevated prices in Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, and Ethiopia (Page 4).
• In Southern Africa, regional maize supplies during the 2021/22 marketing year (MY) are above average following favorable growing conditions. Intra-regional informal trade is below average due to domestic availability and limited import demand. Prices were stable or continued declining and were generally lower than 2020 levels but remained above average in many countries. South Africa continued to export to international markets, and maize prices there continued to track elevated global reference market prices. These trends were also reflected in neighboring import-dependent countries (Page 5).
• In Central America, markets are well supplied and operating normally. Maize prices were stable or increasing seasonally in July. Local bean and imported rice prices were similarly stable. In Haiti, local maize and black bean prices were stable as the spring season harvest progressed despite the ongoing political and security crisis. Imported rice prices were also stable while other imported staples continue to experience depreciation-induced price increase (Page 6).
• In Central Asia, wheat prices were stable in July but remained significantly above five-year average levels. Wheat prices in Afghanistan and Kazakhstan were similar to or below 2020 levels. In Yemen, the effects of foreign currency shortages, currency depreciation, and exchange rate volatility due to protracted conflict and other socioeconomic drivers continued to have economy-wide effects. Staple food prices remained significantly above average (Page 7).
• International staple food markets are well supplied. Rice, maize, and soybean prices decreased on average in July, while wheat prices exhibited mixed trends (Figure 2). Global crude oil prices were stable on expectations for market re-balancing during the second half of 2021, while global fertilizer prices were generally stable in July (Page 2).