從經歷家暴到成為銀髮超模,Elon Musk 母親 Maye Musk 如何開啟亮麗第二人生?


我們想與你分享的是… 若說每個成功男人的背後,都會有




(本文經《Women In Work》網站授權,未經許可請勿轉載)

「如果你抱持良好態度、訂定計劃並勇於冒險,就算登上火星也不是問題。」究竟是經歷過什麼,讓人得到如此的感觸?說出這句話的,正是打造火星移民計劃的 Elon Musk 之母——Maye Musk。現年 73 歲的她,雖然是在兒子成名後才逐漸廣為人知,但她的故事可說是跌宕起伏,蘊藏著人生的自信與智慧,人生精彩程度不比兒子「遜色」。



Maye Musk 出生於加拿大(舊姓為 Haldeman),母親是專業舞者,父親則是脊椎矯正師兼飛行員,在 2 歲時她舉家搬到南非展開新生活,童年記憶像是溫馨的家庭電影一樣,充滿愛與探險精神。而身材高挑且外型亮眼的她,15 歲便首次登台走秀,進而開啟漫長的模特兒生涯,更曾進過南非小姐選美大賽的決賽。



Maye Musk 在 22 歲時與高中同學 Errol Musk 共結連理,婚後生下 3 個孩子,然而婚姻生活卻並不快樂。她一邊照顧孩子,一邊攻讀營養學的碩士學位,並同時兼職做模特兒,可是在丈夫的眼裡,他絲毫不希望太太拋頭露面,因而除了對她言語羞辱之外,甚至還會當著孩子的面動手。當先生的事業蒸蒸日上時,Maye Musk 卻越發覺得悲傷。然而,她沒有勇氣提出離婚,而身上的瘀傷也使她無法繼續擔任模特兒,從以往滿載快樂的生活,頓走入充滿暴力與眼淚的世界,對 Maye Musk 來說儼如是個噩夢。



直到南非頒布正式的離婚條例後,Maye Musk 向法院訴請離婚程序,且為了徹底和前夫斷絕關係,表示自己除了孩子的監護權外什麼都不要。走出家暴陰霾後,也意味著 Maye Musk 得開始一肩扛起家中經濟,她帶著孩子回到加拿大,除了經營模特兒學校,還在多倫多大學當研究員以及到營養學校教書,過著省吃儉用的生活。


幸好孩子們不但懂事,還會貼心分擔她的工作,她也非常鼓勵他們發展興趣,「在我拿到第一份薪水後所做的第一件事,就是買了一張平價地毯——因為當時家裡連椅子都沒有。然而第二件事,便是買一台給 Elon 的電腦。」Maye Musk 引導孩子追求自己的夢想,而 3 個孩子看著母親努力工作的背影長大,自然也學會為自己負責,Elon Musk 收到電腦後自學寫程式,現成為在世界知名的企業家,而二兒子開連鎖餐廳,小女兒則是導演兼監製,各自在不同的領域發光發熱。


當孩子長大獨立後,Maye Musk 繼續做自己喜歡且擅長的事情,她在加拿大、美國和南非擁有開業的專業營養師執照,現在除了擔任二兒子餐廳的董事,更成為時尚圈炙手可熱的超模,不僅走過時裝週伸展台,還登上各大時尚雜誌封面。回首過往,年逾古稀的她深信人生成就與年齡無關,只要憑藉著努力、樂觀和誠實的心,不論幾歲都能擁有你想要的生活,就像她曾說的:「這些好事都是因為我堅持不懈才會發生。」

(本文經《Women In Work》網站授權,未經許可請勿轉載)



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亞馬遜(Amazon)和藍色起源(Blue Origin)的創辦人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)和Tesla及SpaceX的行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk),這兩個目前世界上最有錢的人,現在可以說是戰火連連,馬斯克日前向貝索斯開砲,明白指出貝索斯的旗下公司在過去一年裏,平均每16天就投訴SpaceX一次,讓馬斯克在社群上狠酸貝索斯卸任後「全職工作是對SpaceX提告」。


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It Seems The World Is Against Elon Musk: Time To Defend Him?


Elon Musk has been a prime target, Public Enemy #1, facing off against Big Oil, Big Auto, and Big Aerospace. He lives in the crosshairs of the Mainstream Media, Short Sellers, and Twitter Trolls. Yet, regardless of the ongoing FUD, an army of supporters have attempted to fight back. Recently an award-winning author, Douglas Coupland, has joined the fray with a brilliant editorial in The Guardian.

Above: Tesla CEO Elon Musk (Flickr: Above: Tesla CEO Elon Musk (Flickr: OnInnovation

First, it’s worth recognizing that whether or not you like Elon Musk, he’s done a lot of good for the air we breathe. Coupland writes, “Musk pretty much single-handedly shamed and forced the global auto industry to accelerate the electric car rollout by seven to 10 years. Yet people kvetch, and it makes me wonder if there is something fundamentally flawed about our era that it is almost impossible to get people to say something nice about pretty much anyone else.”

And in an age of divisive politricks, Elon doesn’t fit neatly into any box. “The left doesn’t like him because he doesn’t fund them or show interest in their causes. And the right doesn’t like him because he messes around with the stock market and doesn’t take classical capitalism seriously,” writes Coupland.

“For example, he thinks short selling the stock market should be banned. Musk donates to Democrats and Republicans only because it’s the cost of having a voice in government. He seems to see left versus right as an obsolete binary and instead focuses his altruistic energies on ecology and invention,” he adds.

Fact: he’s smarter than you, get over it. “Musk has a huge IQ. He is measurably, scientifically, clinically and demonstrably the smartest person in any room anywhere. He can tell you the square root of your Amex card number at a glance. He can tell you, I don’t know – the square root of zinc. He has mild Asperger’s, which prevents him from snagging on details and talking himself out of trying new things. He’s a perfect storm,” says Coupland.

Okay… but isn’t all that tweeting about crypto kinda sketchy? According to Coupland, “Cryptocurrency does seem to be the one topic where Musk genuinely enjoys messing with people’s minds – as well as with stock market regulators. I suspect that he doesn’t have a stand on crypto at all – my guess is that he sees cryptocurrencies as being interesting simply because they exist at all, like Klein bottles or those Japanese Kit-Kats in flavors such as pumpkin or green tea.”

In the end, does Elon Musk even care about all these haters? Perhaps he’s too busy to care. Coupland concludes, “[Elon] isn’t trying to save the world, only to make it better. Musk has created three multibillion-dollar companies in four profoundly difficult fields in which to create anything. And these companies are successful, usually without help from the people we once considered gatekeepers. Like lots of people who do lots of things, he’s too busy for elaborate introspection.”


Source: The Guardian