特斯拉暫停比特幣支付購車,馬斯克:尋找能源耗損率不到1%的密碼貨幣|數位時代 BusinessNext
拍賣龍頭「蘇富比」首試比特幣、以太幣支付,Banksy 反戰名作 5/12 拍賣會開放
繼在 NFT 市場嘗到甜頭後,知名國際拍賣公司蘇富比近日宣布重大消息,將在 12 日舉行的拍賣會開放加密貨幣支付,成為首次開放加密貨幣支付的頂級奢侈品拍賣。此次合作方 Coinbase 也在官方 Twitter 發文慶賀,期待下週拍賣順利成功。
國際拍賣巨頭蘇富比(Sotheby’s)日前釋出重磅消息,將在 12 日拍賣英國知名塗鴉藝術家 Banksy 反戰名作〈Love is in the air〉,官方預計標得 300 萬到 500 萬美元,並開放加密貨幣支付。消息一出,立刻引起藝術界和幣圈轟動。
▲ Banksy 名作〈Love is in the air〉。(Source:蘇富比)
蘇富比拍賣會是由 4 月才剛風光在那斯達克(Nasdaq)上市的北美最大交易所 Coinbase 旗下 Coinbase Commerece 協助。Coinbase 也在官方平台表示,這是將加密貨幣帶進主流市場的又一里程碑。
In another step bringing the utility of cryptocurrency mainstream, @Sothebys announced their collaboration with Coinbase Commerce to allow bitcoin and ethereum as payment for the purchase of a Banksy image at their May 12th evening auction. https://t.co/qpUMybBa6L — Coinbase News (@CoinbaseNews) May 4, 2021
值得注意的是,這次蘇富比拍賣開放接受的加密貨幣,僅主流比特幣(BTC)及以太幣(ETH),競標者還是能以傳統法幣支付。若得標者選擇加密貨幣支付,須在官方核可的 Coinbase、Gemini、Paxos 或 Fidelity 加密貨幣帳戶,選擇一項為轉帳帳戶。
對這次開放加密貨幣支付,蘇富比執行長 Charles F. Stewart 於外媒《CNBC》訪談表達看法。
就在 4 月,蘇富比才剛進行首次 NFT 拍賣,與新銳現代藝術家 Pak 合作〈The Fungible〉在 NFT 交易平台 Nifty Gateway 共拍得 1,680 萬美元。
▲ Pak 作品〈Cube〉。(Source:Nifty Gateway)
外媒《The Block》報導,NFT 拍賣超過 3,000 位得標者中,多數得標者皆為首次參與拍賣市場的新血,也讓蘇富比意識到加密貨幣市場的開發潛力。
蘇富比技術長 Stefan Pepe 也提到公司對加密市場和 NFT 領域的想法,並指出公司未來很可能和 Coinbase 長期合作,永久開放加密貨幣支付選項。
隨著新興數位藝術與 NFT 盛行,蘇富比觀察到收藏家對這領域的興趣,加密貨幣支付也是最迫切的需求之一。為了增進客戶拍賣體驗,同時也吸引更多新客群,蘇富比很榮幸能與 Coinbase 這值得信賴的夥伴合作。
(本文由 動區動趨 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)
Bitcoin is a “farce”- Amundi CIO
Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are a “farce” and a symptom of bubbles forming in financial markets, Amundi chief investment officer Pascal Blanque said on Thursday.
Bitcoin, trading at around $39,364 , fell 35% last month after China doubled down on efforts to prevent speculative and financial risks by cracking down on mining and trading of the largest cryptocurrency. read more
Speaking at a news conference, Blanque described the crypto currency as a “farce,” adding that it was a symptom of the bubbles forming in markets.
“Bitcoin will be remembered for pushing central banks to adopt digital money,” he said, adding that governments and regulators will ultimately “stop the music.”
Blanque said that it was much more important for investors to increase their exposure to the renminbi, China’s currency, then diversify into crypto currencies.
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