比特幣「環境殺手論」劇增!中本聰早想到:「不用 BTC,才是純粹的浪費」



比特幣今年迎來睽違已久的牛市,眾人對其增加的「碳足跡」也倍感擔憂。一度對比特幣立場轉為中立的微軟聯合創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates),2 月受訪時就又表示不支持比特幣,主因便在挖礦產生大量碳足跡。



《衛報》2 月便以《為何比特幣對地球有害》為標題做影片報導;路透社則抨擊特斯拉(Tesla)一方面提倡潔淨能源,另一手又向「能源密集」的比特幣投入 15 億美元;《華盛頓郵報》也指出,以比特幣購買特斯拉車對環境有負面影響。


無論以哪種指標比較,比特幣都確實消耗大量電力。原因就在比特幣採用名為 PoW 的共識機制,讓礦工以競爭方式解決密碼學問題,凡搶得首位,即能領取該區塊的獎勵。

為了保持競爭力,礦工硬體設備也被迫加入軍備競賽;使用更強大的計算機,消耗的能源自然也會增加。加拿大比特幣挖礦公司 Bitfarms 高層就承認,只要依然使用比特幣,就可能永遠要耗費大量能源。

BBC 報導,劍橋大學最近分析報告結果指出,比特幣一年消耗的能源總量,比阿根廷、荷蘭等國家還多,約每年 121.36 太瓦時(TWh)。假如把比特幣視為一國,耗電量將躋身世界前 30 大。



外界對比特幣的批評,也讓一則比特幣創造者中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)2010 年在比特幣論壇 BitcoinTalk 發表的言論被翻出來。之後中本聰便從人們視野消失,至今仍沒有人知道「他」,或「他們」的真實身分。







除此之外,中本聰也已預見未來將有無數開發者在比特幣區塊鏈上建立 Layer2 第二層解決方案,不傷害比特幣交易透明度的前提下,提升能源使用效率和交易速度等。Liquid、Lightning Network 等 Layer2 研究也行之有年。

此外,礦工能源消耗採可再生能源的比例也持續上升。根據劍橋大學替代金融中心(CCAF)去年 9 月發表的《全球加密貨幣指標研究》,高達 76% 礦工使用的電力包含可再生能源,甚至有 39% 礦工「只」使用可再生能源。


(本文由 動區動趨 授權轉載;首圖來源:Unsplash)


Tesla 正式接受 Bitcoin 買車



緊接上個月的行動,Tesla 正式接受在美國的顧客以 Bitcoin 作為支付方式。據 Musk 在 Twitter 的補充,他們在結算入帳時也會以 Bitcoin 進行,不會兌換為法定貨幣,而且還透露了是使用他們內部的一個開源工具來處理接收到的 Bitcoin。

據 Tesla 的支援頁面所指,顧客只需要透過 Bitcoin 錢包掃描 QR 碼或是使用位址的方式進行支付,要注意的是 Tesla 希望顧客以確實 Bitcoin 金額來交易,否則就會取消訂單。目前 Tesla 只接受美國地區的訂單,以及以 Bitcoin 交易,其他地區和其他加密貨幣就仍未支援,不過 Musk 有透露將會擴展至其他地區的。

You can now buy a Tesla with Bitcoin — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 24, 2021

Tesla 上月宣佈以「分散和最大化」投資為由,購入價值 15 億美元的 Bitcoin,同時就宣佈接受以 Bitcoin 進行交易。是說,Bitcoin 對於傳統投資人來說是個高風險資產,因此 Tesla 也主動交出投資方向的警告,包括會受加密貨幣獨有的「惡意攻擊」和「技術障礙」等風險。至於 Tesla 在購買 Bitcoin 時的作價也是沒有公開,就時間點來看大概是在三萬至三萬五千美元水平,而今天就已經升值至五萬多美元了(2021 年 3 月 25 日)。

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A “disastrous direction of travel”: Why bitcoin is now on a collision course with ESG


The soaring price of bitcoin is putting the world’s foremost cryptocurrency on a direct collision course with ESG-focused investments, as allocators increasingly want portfolios to be managed responsibly, says Robert Furdak, chief investment officer for ESG at Man Group.

The two major investment trends looming large over the hedge fund and asset management world – bitcoin’s stratospheric surge and investors’ rush towards responsible investing across all mandates – are now set for a “head-on clash”, Furdak said.

Hedge funds are continuing to profit from the ongoing surge in the cryptocurrency sector, as more managers pour money into digital assets’ record rise this year. At the same time, though, an increasingly large number of investors are calling for hedge funds to take a sustainability-based stance and implement ESG-compliant factors in their portfolios.

In an in-depth market commentary this week, Furdak – ESG CIO at London-listed global hedge fund and alternative investments giant Man – explored how bitcoin is already bumping against the range of environmental, social and governance factors that investors increasingly look for in their allocations.

On the environmental theme, Furdak noted how bitcoin mining will continue to require substantial energy consumption for as long as the digital currency’s price remains high, both in absolute and relative terms. He added that the majority of bitcoin mining takes place in south-east Asia, where coal-fired power stations remain dominant.

“Currently, one bitcoin transaction requires the same energy as processing 500,000 Visa transactions,” Furdak observed, highlighting a study by the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Alternative Finance which estimated that bitcoin mining energy now exceeds the annual consumption of countries such as the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, and is approaching that of Norway and Pakistan.

“The direction of travel is a disastrous one,” he added. “Either the energy consumption increases with severe environmental consequences, or the bitcoin price collapses – which helps the environment but undermines the case as a good investment.”

Furdak’s commentary also explored the social consequences of trading bitcoin, which he considers less stable and “significantly more volatile” than traditional investor safe havens such as gold, bonds or the Swiss franc. Unlike commodities or precious metals, he maintains bitcoin ultimately has “no intrinsic value.”

“If there is little fundamental justification for institutional investors to hold bitcoin, the cottage industry of encouraging retail investors to bet on cryptocurrencies can have even less justification,” he said, citing advertisements which offer bitcoin trading with up to 100x leverage directly to retail investors.

“This kind of promotion is irresponsible to the point of immoral,” he added. “Whether or not bitcoin does become mainstream, at this point in time it remains a speculative investment. And history tells us the bursting of bubbles almost always has consequences, with late-joining retail almost always hit the hardest.”

The note also flagged up governance concerns within the cryptocurrency, which Furdak described as “pseudo-anonymous.”

“A lax regulatory and enforcement framework makes bitcoin attractive to those who would avoid the network of regulations and sanctions that govern orthodox currencies and financial markets,” Furdak contended.

He also pointed to the vulnerability of bitcoin wallets to hacking, as well as a lack of enforcement surrounding transactions, various clearing issues, and data protection and privacy concerns stemming from its reliance on public ledgers.

“Bitcoin’s energy consumption is well-known to investors. However, concerns about its deleterious social consequences and poor governance protocols may have fallen off the radar,” he added. “One possible solution to these issues is a path taken by responsible investors in public markets: engagement. However, for now, the ESG and cryptocurrency megatrends are heading for a collision course.”