狗狗幣Dogecoin是什麼?讓Elon Musk也瘋狂 狗狗幣的起源、用途介紹 #虛擬貨幣 (160001)
GME軋空事件震撼了美國金融圈,除了股票市場動盪之外,虛擬貨幣也連帶受到了影響。日前台灣中央銀行粉絲專頁發表了一篇介紹「狗狗幣」的貼文,狗狗幣(Dogecoin)又稱為「多吉幣」或「旺旺幣」,和比特幣(Bitcoin)同樣屬於虛擬貨幣的一種。2021年初GME事件發生,狗狗幣在美國Reddit鄉民和Elon Musk的連帶鼓吹之下達到超過800%的漲幅,出乎意料地再度成為了金融圈的話題焦點。雖然狗狗幣如今已成為世界上流通的主要虛擬貨幣之一,但事實上,狗狗幣的起源只不過是一句玩笑話,它的建立也可以歸因於網路迷因的流行。為什麼狗狗幣叫做「狗狗幣」?和網路迷因有什麼關係呢?讓我們繼續看下去。
2013年正逢比特幣興起,許多跟風的山寨虛擬貨幣也像春筍般冒出,而同時鋪天蓋地的Doge梗圖也直接或間接造成了網路使用者的精神汙染。狗狗幣的創始人之一,Jackson Palmer當時是Adobe的員工,他用一種諷刺的幽默感將Doge梗圖和虛擬貨幣結合,製作了一張有著Doge頭像的貨幣。Jackson Palmer將這張惡搞圖案放上Twitter,寫著「投資狗狗幣吧!這將是下一件大事(或譯為『一定可以大賺一筆』)」的貼文內容,在發佈之後,這則貼文很快地受到廣大網友們的迴響,於是Jackson Palmer在網友們的鼓吹之下,買下dogecoin.com網域,並在網站留下訊息,徵求想要讓狗狗幣成真的夥伴。
事實上,Jackson Palmer對於加密貨幣一竅不通,狗狗幣也真的只是一個玩笑話,從來沒有想過會真的實現。然而,IBM的工程師Billy Markus在偶然下看見了狗狗幣的訊息,Billy Markus一直都有研究加密貨幣,希望能夠創造出一款讓人們可以廣泛使用,而非單純使用於投資的虛擬貨幣。於是Billy Markus在見到狗狗幣網站後,聯繫了Jackson Palmer,二人的合作讓狗狗幣正式誕生,並且在網路迷因的散播之下,dogecoin.com網站短短30天之內就有超過百萬名訪客。
▲狗狗幣介紹。創造於2013年12月,由萊特幣(Litecoin,比特幣的改進)中派生出來。狗狗幣將挖礦(mining)改成挖洞(diging),並且將字體改成Doge迷因中使用的Comic Sans字體。
狗狗幣的創辦人Jackson Palmer曾經提過,狗狗幣和比特幣最大的不同,在於狗狗幣並非為了投資而生,因此它擁有更低的挖礦(挖洞)門檻、更方便的購買方式、以及更低的交易費用。在理想的情況下,狗狗幣被設定為一種輕鬆詼諧的虛擬貨幣,它站在虛擬貨幣投資的對立面,一開始設定為1000億個,後續則改為數量無上限,保護狗狗幣的價格。
對於雪橇隊的比賽支持讓狗狗幣多出了一種俠義的形象,接下來狗狗幣還完成了肯亞水井挖掘募資計畫、以及在2014年3月成功募集了6780萬狗狗幣(當時約5.5萬美元),贊助NASCAR駕駛員Josh Wise比賽。Josh Wise讓賽車使用狗狗幣的贊助塗裝,這讓狗狗幣在比賽過程中被評論員提起,車體亮相的同時也為狗狗幣宣傳。
▲狗狗幣塗裝賽車,後來美國狗狗幣鄉民的力量也讓Josh Wise在粉絲投票比賽中勝出。(圖片來源:Wiki)
Good to see @Josh_Wise bring back the @dogecoin helmet last weekend! That was such an awesome deal to be apart of pic.twitter.com/VaLUt3LssY
Tesla Motors (TSLA) - Is Elon Musk’s Influence On Dogecoin Price Waning?
“One word: DOGE,” tweeted Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) on Dec. 20 and sent the joke cryptocurrency soaring as high as 20.5% in a single day. The entrepreneur’s frequent tweets are associated with price movements in Dogecoin (DOGE), but are the utterances of Musk still as potent? We take a look.
Dogs Rock: Benzinga sifted through some of Musk’s tweets on DOGE or associated innuendo beginning early last year leading up to the present and tracked the associated price movements. In early March of 2020, Musk tweeted:
He also said in the same string “They have the best coin.” DOGE opened at $0.0023 that day on Mar 3. 2020, and reached a high of $0.0025. A decent spike of 8.69%.
Dogecoin Mode: Next month, Musk said on Twitter “Dogecoin Mode” in response to a Twitter follower’s comment on the Cybertruck. On Apr. 25, DOGE opened at $0.0021 and rose to $0.0024, an intraday gain of 14.28%.
Doge Seller: On Jul.18, Musk told one of his 49.4 million followers that he only sells DOGE.
where’s my fucking bitcoin, musk — Izzy Nobre (@izzynobre) July 18, 2020
DOGE moved 8.57% higher that day touching an intra-day high of $0.0038 after opening at $0.0035.
Super Doge: When a Twitter user brought up Tesla’s Dojo supercomputer, Musk simply tweeted, “Dojo/Doge.” This was on Nov. 18. That day DOGE touched an intraday high of $0.0030 after opening at $0.0029. A gain of 3.44%.
Doge Greetings: It was at the end of 2020 that DOGE rallied over 20% after Musk posted his “One word” tweet. On Christmas, he included a Dogecoin symbol in his Christmas greetings emblazoned on a pair of red satin short shorts.
Merry Christmas & happy holidays! pic.twitter.com/uk6NSPwR9R — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 25, 2020
The Shiba-Inu-themed cryptocurrency returned 60% in 2020. However, more was to come.
Dogue: On Jan. 28, Musk posted the cover of a makebelieve magazine titled “Dogue.” Specifically the magazine’s “Goodest Issue.”
That day DOGE opened at $0.0075 and touched a high of $0.0138. The spike was a phenomenal 84%. The gains over a period of a day were even more spectacular as the joke cryptocurrency shot up 420%. The next day Musk changed his Twitter Bio to #bitcoin, a reference to the apex cryptocurrency.
To The Moon: On Feb. 7, Musk tweeted “Who let the Doge out,” a play on the Baha Men song “Who Let The Dogs Out.” That DOGE rose to a high of $0.0849 after opening at $0.0784. A gain of 8.29%. He also tweeted a YouTube video the same day, which featured DOGE’s Shiba Inu riding a rocket to the moon.
Ð is for Ðogecoin! Instructional video.https://t.co/UEEocOfcTb — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 8, 2021
Notably, Tesla invested $1.5 billion in Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) the next day. BTC traded near the $43,000 mark on that day. At press time, BTC traded 2.38% lower at $55,335.32. The apex cryptocurrency hit its all-time high of $61,683.86 on Mar. 13, 2021. DOGE too hit its all-time high of $0.084 on Feb. 8. The cryptocurrency traded 33.2% below that price point at $0.056 at press time. The day the cryptocurrency hit its all-time high Musk, rap star Snoop Dogg and “Kiss” frontman Gene Simmons all made mentions of the cryptocurrency on Twitter.
Doge Mania Fizzling Out?: Musk’s multiple tweets of late have seemingly led to misplaced surges in minor coins like Marscoin (MARS) and Shiba Inu (SHIB). As for Dogecoin itself, the Muskian impact doesn’t seem to be the same as before.
This month, Musk called on Coinbase to support Dogecoin. Not only did this instance send the wrong cryptocurrency soaring, which is Shiba Inu, DOGE ended 6.08% lower for the day.
Dogecoin is up about 850% in 2021 to press time, with surge primarily coming early in the year driven by Musk. Over the past 30 days, the meme cryptocurrency is down 3.5% at $0.0533.
Earlier in the month, Musk said DOGE has a “legendary item” in its arsenal — a meme shield against price drops.
Despite Musk’s optimism, some cryptocurrency experts are doubtful that DOGE would ever reach $1 levels. The co-creator of DOGE Billy Markus told Benzinga that the “price of a coin is literally what anyone wants to purchase it for at a particular time.”
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Why Dogecoin Will Likely Hit New Highs in 2021
Join legendary investor Matt McCall on March 24 when he unveils how a new investment is set to bring Wall Street’s wealth to the everyday American.