比特幣市值重返 1 兆美元,礦機巨頭嘉楠股價飆逾 50%


近日比特幣市值再度回升至 1 兆美元,讓挖礦商機再現動能。9 日,在那斯達克交易所上市的中國礦機大廠嘉楠耘智(Canaan),股價一天內瘋漲逾 50%,明顯受到比特幣價格走高帶動。

Business Insider、CNBC 報導,根據 Coindesk 報價,台北時間 9 日上午,比特幣價格來到 54,000 美元,市值重返 1 兆美元,是繼今年 2 月 19 日後,史上第二次突破 1 兆美元大關。台北時間 10 日上午 7 時 39 分,比特幣價格報 54,694.94 美元,雖然低於歷史高點 58,332.36 美元,但今年累計漲幅達 87.61%,對挖礦概念股是一大利多。

嘉楠耘智 9 日股價飆漲 50.45% 收 28.69 美元,創史上新高收盤價,今年以來累計勁揚 383.81%,而大盤標普 500 指數同期漲幅為 3.18%。

2013 年,嘉楠耘智由董事長兼執行長張楠賡創立,主要生產搭載人工智慧(AI)晶片的比特幣礦機,並以發明全球第一台基於 ASIC(特殊應用晶片)的區塊鏈運算設備而聞名。

過去 6 個月來,嘉楠耘智股價隨著比特幣漲勢一路大漲,漲幅高達 1,000% 以上。去年 9 月,嘉楠耘智的股價僅每股 2 美元左右。

據嘉楠耘智表示,近期獲得來自北美客戶的高額訂單,總計超過 10 萬台比特幣礦機。之前嘉楠耘智的主要客戶群為個體礦工,但 2020 年底時,開始轉攻公開上市公司和比特幣投資基金。

今年 1 月,嘉楠耘智與北美挖礦巨頭 Hive Blockchain 簽署 6,400 台礦機採購訂單,總算力達 576PH/s。

(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)

比特幣創新天價 3檔概念股飆漲停







The US Government Sold Some Bitcoin – And the Winning Bidder Got a Bargain


National Review

With all the trillion-dollar numbers spinning about government policy these days, it’s easy to lose perspective on the scale of recent federal spending. We decided to put the past year’s policy into perspective by calculating the future tax hike that would be necessary to pay the bills rung up since January, 2020. What the average American owes for the stimulus will shock you. The exercise is not farfetched. Rumors spread throughout Washington last week that the Biden administration is considering tax hikes to pay for COVID-19 relief enacted this year and last. To some extent, it is amazing that the U.S. experienced a 32 percent drop in GDP in the second quarter of last year and did not dive into a depression, and some credit is surely due to those who crafted stimulus bills. On the other hand, the five bills passed to provide relief, once one subtracts out loans that will be repaid, together added $5.3 trillion to the debt that you, dear reader, will have to pay back someday. Think of COVID-19 relief as a new car payment, of course without any delivery of four wheels, an engine, or a chassis. When you see the numbers, you will realize that the comparison is not an exaggeration. This is not an academic exercise. The thing about debt is that it eventually has to be paid. There is no such thing, annoying economists like us tend to remind too often, as a free lunch. Even if the debt is rolled over ad infinitum, the lunch is not free because taxpayers have to pay higher interest each year to cover the additional borrowing, which crowds out other government services. Milton Friedman famously argued against aggressive stimulus because, he said, taxpayers would look ahead to their future tax hikes and save today to prepare themselves for the worst. Whatever the government tries to do will be futile. It is possible that lower spending will eventually offset the debt from all this stimulus, but what if, as the Biden team signaled this week, the stimulus bill is paid for with tax hikes? Just to make it personal, wouldn’t you like to know what your tax bill will be for all the stimulus packages, so you can, with your usual rational panache, save in order to finance your new liability just as Friedman suggested all rational people would do? To find out, we relied on a methodology that was developed by one of us (Jensen) and his coauthor Aspen Gorry in a 2011 article. The idea is that the current distribution of taxes paid is the result of a political process that has evolved in almost Darwinian fashion over time and thus is likely to persist. Tax hikes come and go, but the basic distribution of taxes paid varies much less than you might think, with the wealthiest paying the vast majority of taxes under both Republican and Democratic administrations. It is highly unlikely that a bill as high as $5.3 trillion will be distributed differently from today’s taxes. The richest of the rich simply don’t have that much money. Once we accept that assumption that the future tax hike will be distributed according to today’s distribution of taxes, we can estimate the tax bill for each income level. How are taxes distributed? According to calculations based on the Tax-Brain software available at PSLmodels.org we found that in 2020, individuals with incomes below $75,000 paid about 12 percent of total taxes, while those with incomes between $75,000 and $200,000 paid about 34 percent of taxes, and those with incomes above that paid the rest. Assuming that pattern holds, the attached chart shows how a future tax bill associated with COVID-19 relief would be distributed. Even with the high progressivity of the current tax code, the bills are extraordinary. For those with incomes between $30,000 and $40,000, the tax hike needed today to pay for the combined stimulus packages would be about $5,000. Those with incomes between $40,000 and $50,000 would pay about $9,000, while those earning between $50,000 and $75,000 would have to fork over $16,000. That rises to $27,000 for incomes between $75,000 and $100,000, and $51,000 for incomes between $100,000 and $200,000. For higher earners, the bills climb so fast that they jump off the chart. The average for Americans with incomes between $500,000 and $1 million is $304,000. A typical American family, with $88,000 of income, faces a bill near $27,000. And what if the debt is never paid off, just rolled over and added to? The typical American family can expect to receive $350 less in the way of government services or tax cuts, not just this year or next, but forever, just to pay the interest on the debt. That’s if interest rates stay low — the Congressional Budget Office projects an average of 1.3 percent through 2050. With the same rosy assumption, a family with income between $500,000 and $1 million will shoulder $4,000 per year, forever. If you think interest rates will be higher, just take the liability charted above and hit it with the interest rate, and you will have a good guess for how much you will owe. One final and downright depressing thought is that these costs don’t capture the full bill that will come due. They assume that government can raise taxes to pay off the debt without imposing any other costs on the economy. But we know that isn’t true. When the federal government decides to raise taxes — maybe it will be the Biden administration this year or another administration down the line — the taxpayer will be hit twice. Once when she writes the check to the IRS, and again when her boss, customers, suppliers, and everyone else she interacts with in the economy have to write their checks, too, and then spend and invest less. An old economic rule of thumb is that the actual cost of a dollar raised in taxes is about $1.50. With that rule, the average American owes about $40,000 because of the stimulus. A sugar high might feel good while it lasts, but it doesn’t last long. The fiscal challenge created by the policies of the last year will be a massive weight for all of us going forward.