Elon Musk:最新版本完全自動駕駛FSD Beta 9.2 感覺並不好 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - iMoney智富 - 環球政經
Steve Jobs 傳記作者 Walter Isaacson 確認為 Elon Musk 寫傳
Pool via Getty Images
在 2011 年曾為 Steve Jobs 寫過傳記的 Walter Isaacson,現已確認會成為 Elon Musk 新傳記的作者。此前在六月時,Fox Business 曾報導過 Isaacson 與 Musk 商談合作可能性的流言。時至今日 Musk 自己發推證實了這一消息,並稱新書將涵蓋他在 Tesla、SpaceX 的工作以及「各種生活雜事」。
If you’re curious about Tesla, SpaceX & my general goings on, @WalterIsaacson is writing a biography — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 5, 2021
實際上,在 2015 年已經有另一位作者 Ashlee Vance 為 Musk 寫過一本名為《Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future》的傳記。但考慮到在那之後 Tesla、SpaceX 等 Musk 名下的公司又取得了不少值得再書的成就,多一本新傳記也能讓人更好地了解矽谷「鋼鐵人」的事蹟吧。
目前 Isaacson 尚未正式就為 Musk 寫傳一事發表回應,但從六月起他就一直有在 Twitter 上分享 SpaceX 相關的內容。之前的 Jobs 傳記後來還被 Aaron Sorkin 改編成了電影,不知 Musk 的故事未來是不是也會被搬上大銀幕呢?
Elon Musk warned of a ‘Terminator’-like AI apocalypse — now he’s building a Tesla robot
For years, Tesla CEO Elon Musk warned people about the dangers of AI-powered robots, even predicting “scary outcomes” like in “The Terminator.” Now, he seems to be taking matters into his own hands before humanity is overrun.
The electric vehicle company will develop a humanoid robot prototype dubbed the “Tesla Bot,” Musk announced at Tesla’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Day on Thursday. According to Musk, the prototype will be completed sometime in 2022, though the billionaire entrepreneur is known for blowing past his own publicly stated deadlines on large, flashy projects.
For example, in 2016, Musk promised full self-driving vehicles by 2018, writing on Twitter: “In ~2 years, summon should work anywhere connected by land & not blocked by borders, eg you’re in LA and the car is in NY.”
When that didn’t happen, the billionaire entrepreneur promised that Tesla would supply the roads with 1 million “Robotaxis” by 2020. Last spring, he softened his tone during Tesla’s first-quarter earnings call, noting that “punctuality is not my strong suit.”
Musk has claimed that Tesla’s autonomous vehicles will hit the market shortly after they get regulatory approval across the United States. How his robot will face regulation remains unclear, but one thing is certain: Musk insists it will be amiable.
“It’s intended to be friendly, of course,” Musk said during the Tesla Bot announcement. “And navigate through a world built for humans.”
The sentiment — and, for that matter, the entire nature of the announcement — may come as a surprise to anyone familiar with Musk’s long-standing public views on AI-powered robots.