特斯拉 Autopilot 救了醉昏駕駛,引發 Elon Musk 爆料當初急推自動駕駛系統的原因
相信只要是有在關注 Tesla 相關新聞的朋友,最近應該都看到有個挪威駕駛,被其他用路人在路上拍到不明原因失去意識低頭倒在行進中的 Model S 駕駛座內。影片的最後,應該正啟動著自動駕駛狀態的這台特斯拉,可能是判定駕駛沒對系統做出反應,進入安全機制而緩慢煞停在路上。最終,警方也判定這名旁人狂敲玻璃跟按喇叭的駕駛是喝醉了酒的關係所導致昏迷 – 雖然他死不承認自己是「酒駕」…
這起事件不僅讓許多粉絲再度驚嘆 Autopilot 的安全性,居然還引發了 Elon Musk 爆料了這套系統的歷史… 繼續閱讀特斯拉 Autopilot 救了醉昏駕駛,引發 Elon Musk 爆料當初急推自動駕駛系統的原因報導內文。
特斯拉 Autopilot 救了醉昏駕駛,引發 Elon Musk 爆料當初急推自動駕駛系統的原因
根據挪威警方的公開澄清。這起剛開始被猜測可能是因為健康狀況導致失去意識的 24 歲 Model S 駕駛,是因為喝醉酒的關係,所以被人目擊在移動中的 Model S 駕駛座上完全昏死。雖說因為自動駕駛一定時間未操作的安全機制(這還不是最新 FSD 所具備的車內鏡頭判定機制呢),最終車輛本身是安全煞停也沒被追撞,所以沒有造成任何傷亡。
Tesla owner goes unconscious and the tesla detects it and safely pulls over. This is why lives will be saved. @elonmusk pic.twitter.com/ym0HpaQ5Sz — Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley (@teslaownersSV) July 31, 2021
甚至他事後還對警方聲稱自己並沒有「駕車」來嘗試規避責任 (Model S:現在是怪我囉?),但從其他人拍到的影片與其他證據,基本上都讓他難以逃避相關的刑責 – 雖然在邏輯上來說他的確不算有開車,但很可惜,現階段所有輔助自動駕駛系統的相關責任歸屬,依然在「人」。
是說,這起事件也意外地引發 Elon Musk 透露特斯拉自動駕駛的有趣由來。提到之所以 Tesla 當初之所以急著推 Autopilot V1 版本,竟然是因為有位車主控告特斯拉車子味道 太香 導致他昏昏欲睡,才因此發生撞上單車騎士的死亡車禍。而這理由雖然並沒有被法官所接受(Elon Musk 還在回文中「嘆」了一聲 XD),但也因為這樣更堅定了他們推出輔助自動駕駛系統的想法。
▲圖片來源: Omar Sultan
畢竟這個回文提到的研究指出,美國有約 20% 的駕駛者承認最近一年曾在開車時打過瞌睡。而就檯面上調查都已經這樣了… 再加上這次的酒駕乃至於曾經也發生過的健康因素導致昏迷的衝撞事故。也許這類更先進的輔助駕駛機能的確相對於傳統駕駛系統有著更高的機率,能挽回寶貴的性命?
華麗復仇!Model S Plaid 在 1/4 英里直線挑戰高階版 Taycan Turbo S
《魔物獵人物語》8/6 登 Apple Arcade,連《權力遊戲》也能玩到!
Tesla: Elon Musk ‘rather hates’ being company boss
Shareholders bringing the case against Mr Musk, who is worth $168bn according to Forbes, have asked the court that he repay Tesla the $2.6bn in full. That would be one of the largest ever judgements against an individual.
‘I’ve got to launch the f—— rocket!': Elon Musk’s fits of rage against employees documented in new book about Tesla’s history
As Tesla rose to dominance, many employees drew the ire of its longtime CEO Elon Musk.
Musk would frequently curse out executives and lower-ranking workers, and storm out of meetings.
The new anecdotes come from the new book “Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century.”
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“I don’t have time for this,” Elon Musk yelled as he stormed out of a meeting about Tesla’s upcoming public offering around 2010. “I’ve got to launch the f—— rocket!”
It’s one of the many heated episodes detailed in a new book out Tuesday that documents Tesla’s 18-year rise from a puny upstart to the most valuable carmaker on the planet.
“Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century,” by The Wall Street Journal’s Tim Higgins, sheds new light on the impulsive SpaceX and Tesla CEO’s short fuse and habit to unload on anyone — from hourly workers to strangers to top executives — who he saw as a threat to Tesla’s growth.
Sometimes employees drew Musk’s ire for seemingly no reason at all.
Circa 2010, as Tesla was developing its first mass-market car, the Model S sedan, engineers on the project would occasionally hitch rides from Los Angeles to Silicon Valley on Musk’s private jet. On one such trip, an engineer recalled asking Musk his opinion on the sedan’s suspension — should it be sporty, like a BMW, or more cushy, like a Lexus?
“I’m going to sell a f— load of cars, so whatever suspension you need so I can sell a f— load of cars — that’s the suspension I want,” Musk replied, according to the engineer.
Musk gained a reputation for exploding at top executives, too. Ahead of each weekly executive committee meeting, members would joke about Musk’s lunch plans. “Who would he be devouring this week?,” they wondered, according to the book.
Musk became increasingly frustrated with Peter Rawlinson, who was leading the development of the Model S. During one spat, Musk towered over the chief engineer screaming “I don’t believe you!” as he jabbed a finger toward Rawlinson’s chest. Rawlinson eventually quit and later started an electric-car company of his own, Lucid Motors.
Read more: Elon Musk said he hates being Tesla’s CEO. Here are 9 top candidates who could replace him if he stepped down.
Musk’s fuse grew shorter throughout 2016 and beyond, as the company struggled to develop and manufacture the Model 3 sedan, a more affordable car that threatened to make or break the automaker.
Longtime Tesla employees told Higgins it was around this time that Musk’s eruptions became increasingly unpredictable, indiscriminate, and public. He would now berate employees of any rank — and not behind closed doors as he used to.
One evening, according to the book, Musk called a group of engineers tasked with making the Model 3 assembly line work into a conference room. He told them their work was “complete s—” and asked that they each tell him “who the f— you are and what the f— you’re doing to fix my goddamn line.” One engineer quit on the spot.
Musk’s outbursts extended beyond his own staff. When a lobbyist for franchise dealerships approached Musk about abandoning Tesla’s direct-sales model for one that involved traditional dealerships, Musk cut the meeting short.
“I’m going to spend a billion f—— dollars to overturn the dealer franchise laws in America,” the lobbyist recalled Musk saying. Then he abruptly left the room and slammed the door behind him, yelling “Get that guy the f— out of here!”
Tesla did not return Insider’s request for comment. Musk has disputed some specific anecdotes on Twitter, saying the book is “both false and boring.”