Cara Delevingne: Using Her Influence for Good


GOLD COAST, Queensland, Australia — Supermodel and actress, Cara Delevingne and her friend Christabel Reed have launched a powerful campaign to end climate change called EcoResolution. The campaign influences people, including Delevigne’s 43 million Instagram followers, to make a commitment to take personal action against climate change. The aim of the campaign is to create a communal space where people not only feel comfortable enough to talk about the impact of climate change but also can learn from each other to find a solution to the issue.

#MyEcoResolution Campaign

The campaign has gained support from a multitude of people across the globe. Participants share their promises under the hashtag #MyEcoResolution. Celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Jack Black, Jaden and Willow Smith and Reese Witherspoon have also participated in the campaign increasing awareness around climate change.

Cara Delevingne explains more about the campaign in a video shared by a partnering initiative Advaya. “History has shown us that governments only start to change when people take action,” she describes. “If we really want to see change, we have to be that change.” Delevingne hopes that this campaign will help raise awareness of the issue and create a conversation that will empower people to act.

She acknowledges the difficulties people face in addressing their own role in the issue of climate change. “Many of us find it difficult to talk about the climate and the ecological emergency because to a greater or lesser extent, we are all part of the problem. But, we can be part of the solution too.”

The campaign has grown so much since its launch in 2019. In fact, it has inspired the launch of a charity by the same team, called Initiative Earth. The campaign will launch Initiative Earth later this year and will support people to “restore ecosystems and revive communities around the world.” It aims to build long-term systems that are aligned with nature and help the earth and people on it thrive together.

Cara Delevingne’s Other Charity Work

The Suicide Squad star has always used her influence and power for good, having a large and impactful philanthropic presence. This year Delevingne decided to sell an NFT video to raise funds for a number of organizations including the Elton John AIDS Foundation and Girl Up.

The Elton John AIDS Foundation works to fund “frontline partners to prevent infections, fight stigma and provide treatment with love, compassion and dignity for the most vulnerable groups affected by HIV around the world”.

Girl Up is a United Nations Foundation initiative that aims to provide equal opportunities for girls in developing nations such as Ethiopia, Malawi and India. The campaign encourages girls to lift each other up to succeed in this world. The campaign raises awareness and funds to create opportunities for girls to excel academically, financially and personally.

Cara Delevingne has also worked with Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, Save the Children, The Cybersmile Foundation and UNHCR United Nations Foundation. Delevingne continues to use her celebrity influence to give back to those who are less fortunate around the world while inspiring her fans to do the same.

– Simran Pasricha

Photo: Flickr

Cara Delevingne poses nude and displays vibrator in latest post


Cara Delevingne caused heads to turn with her latest social media post, with a series of photos which, among other things, displayed her nude body along with a vibrator.

Delevingne became a co-owner and creative advisor to Lora DiCarlo in 2020, a company dedicated to erotic products.

The actress and model is involved in the entire process, from marketing strategies to product development.

“It’s my favorite job. I’m like a kid in a candy store. My job is to try sex toys and it’s great,” she said in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan.



第32屆金曲獎頒獎典禮 8 月 21 日在台北流行音樂中心完美落幕,主辦單位台視今年因應防疫需求,在延期長達 2 個月過後,首度以「線上 + 實體」的方式進行。而今年由 Lulu 黃路梓茵擔任主持人,星光大道眾星雲集,包含瘦子、OZI、孫盛希、蘇慧倫、持修等人,他們穿的禮服來自哪些品牌?誰又能得到本屆金曲最會穿寶座?以下就來看看 VOGUE 整理的精彩造型解析!



作為金曲獎開場表演嘉賓的阿爆,表演服裝選擇了來自香港的Robert Wun,白色荷葉邊裝飾西裝上衣搭配Tiffany珠寶,與她的原民組曲表演呼應,讓整個舞台造型架勢十足,令人過目不忘。作為一個今年才2字頭的年輕設計師,Robert Wun 在時尚界的名氣已相當響亮,個人品牌創立約 8年,包含Lady Gaga 和 Celine Dion 等名人在內,都曾穿上他的設計。



孫盛希身穿來自時裝設計David Koma的黑色禮服,來自格魯吉亞、現居於倫敦的David Koma,以獨特剪裁為品牌標誌,更曾任Mugler創意總監,其設計受到許多好萊塢名人包括Scarlett Johansson、 碧昂絲Beyonce、Jennifer Lopez和Cara Delevingne等女星喜愛。金曲獎紅毯上,孫盛希選擇了David Koma禮服,其身V透視剪裁讓她多了性感魅力,而下裙的羽毛設計又讓她於撫媚中添增浪漫女孩氣息。鞋履部分,她搭配了Christian Louboutin黑色卯丁裝飾高跟鞋,與禮服性感呼應,並佩戴寶格麗Bvlgari珠寶為全黑造型添加亮點。

孫盛希佩戴寶格麗BVLGARI Serpenti系列頂級白K金鑽石項鍊。參考售價:約新台幣15,704,000元

Christian Louboutin 黑色卯丁裝飾高跟涼鞋 約$32,000


© River.ts

二度擔任金曲獎主持人的黃路梓茵Lulu,整場典禮換了多套精彩華服,眼尖的時尚迷們應該都有發現多套造型禮服皆來自 Moschino。典禮尾聲,黃路梓茵Lulu身穿 Moschino 2021 秋冬系列套裝,設計總監 Jeremy Scott 採用了麻布袋之類的平凡素材,將服裝裁成喇叭袖、裙撐和蝴蝶結,為這些經常被人忽略的細節帶來了張狂和自信,也徹底展現 Moschino 品牌桀驁不馴的創意本領。


今年以專輯《面面》首度入圍最佳華語女歌手的不老天后蘇慧倫,紅毯上身穿氣質滿點的淺灰色禮服來自澳洲設計師品牌 Maticevski,解構式不對稱斜肩剪設計,看似清淡的造型實則在細節處見真章,材質的選擇疊加在立裁之上,配上簡約腰封收腰,凸顯出優雅的女性特質,更能凸顯蘇慧倫本人的自信與亮麗,相當漂亮。

E.SO 瘦子

「行走的費洛蒙」E.SO瘦子風光入圍最佳男歌手獎,身穿BOTTEGA VENETA早秋羊毛雙排扣西裝帥氣登場,內搭的V領羊毛針織衫展露帥氣刺青,而尖頭切爾西中筒靴讓183公分的瘦子看起來更修長,而瘦子這次的珠寶也大有來頭,配戴了總價超過兩百五十萬的BOUCHERON珠寶,魅力滿分。

瘦子配戴鑲嵌140顆鑽石(約1.76克拉) 的Jack de Boucheron長項鍊,台幣參考價格 $700,000


ØZI搶先穿上 BOSS 2021秋冬尚未曝光的米杏⾊劍領雙排釦⻄裝,只單穿西裝外套、裏頭沒有內搭襯衫的造型,相當符合他一貫的個人風格,戴上BVLGARI 的銀色珠寶與手錶,讓整體增造型增添華麗感,再加上 GENTLE MONSTER x Diplo 聯名的漸層色系⾶⾏員墨鏡,招牌紅髮讓人過目不忘,性感又帥氣,時髦度滿分!


去年榮獲金曲最佳新人獎、今年擔任表演嘉賓的持修身穿路易威登Louis Vuitton 2021秋冬系列男裝,多彩格紋的皮革外套和格紋褶襉半截裙展現青春活力。今年紅毯上,許多名人都嘗試無性別穿搭,持修選擇襯衫搭配百褶裙的造型手法,跳脫性別的刻板印象,讓人耳目一新。


誓言要拿下紅毯第一美的 Hush,今晚的確不遑多讓。以 Weisheng Paris 浪漫黃色荷葉邊裝飾著 Lacoste 白色西裝華麗出席金曲獎紅毯,搭配 Christian Louboutin 金色高跟短靴帶出叛逆搖滾味,身上的伯爵 Piaget 彩色珠寶讓整體更添華麗感,吸睛度滿分!

Hush配戴伯爵PIAGET Limelight Sunny Side of Life系列頂級珠寶鑽石胸針,建議售價 $200,000