【Bitcoin】馬斯克Twitter撐比特幣後 Tesla斥15億美元買比特幣、即市升穿4.4萬美元
馬斯克投顧再度開張?一個 hashtag 讓比特幣報價盤中大飆一成
特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)的號召力顯然可以讓他再成立一家公司:馬斯克投顧。繼貼出一則狗狗圖像讓狗狗幣報價一夕之間爆噴 500% 後,馬斯克在 Twitter 又有新動作,他在帳戶簡介加入「#bitcoin」(比特幣),光這個舉動,就讓比特幣盤中直線拉升,飆漲一成。
▲ 馬斯克在 Twitter 個人介紹加了 #bitcoin。
▲ 比特幣 29 日因馬斯克推文爆漲。(Source:Yahoo!Finance)
馬斯克投顧近日頻頻開張,在助攻比特幣之前,馬斯克才剛對動作角色扮演遊戲《電馭叛客 2077》(Cyberpunk 2077)表示讚賞,帶動波蘭遊戲開發商 CD Projekt 股價聞訊大漲,成為受惠馬斯克推文的新一檔個股。
With Cyberpunk, even the hotfixes literally have hotfixes, but … great game — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 28, 2021
而在《電馭叛客 2077》的這則推文前 1 小時,馬斯克也才剛參與因 Reddit 軍團飆股交易遭到限制,散戶轉戰加密貨幣的狗狗幣大戰。當時散戶在 Twitter 懇求馬斯克幫忙,結果馬斯克真的在 28 日晚間發文貼出《Vogue》風格的狗狗圖像,立刻讓狗狗幣飆升。
在此之前,馬斯克投顧的傑作還包括助長 GameStop 軋空行情及 Etsy 股價的劇烈波動。其中,馬斯克分別只用了一個字「Gamestonk!!」及一句話「I kinda love Etsy」,就讓這兩檔股票股價暴衝與大幅震盪,讓人不得不佩服他「喊水會結凍」的實力。
Bought a hand knit wool Marvin the Martian helm for my dog — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 26, 2021
從頻繁推文來看,馬斯克無疑是 Twitter 愛好者,除了抒發心情,Twitter 也幾乎成為他與大眾互動的主要工具。加上光靠 Twitter 一句話、一行字或甚至一個單字就能對市場有這麼大的影響力,也難怪先前傳出馬斯克解散特斯拉公關團隊後,正準備招募新血管理馬斯克本人的 Twitter 帳號。
(首圖來源:Flickr/Daniel Oberhaus CC BY 2.0)
Tesla buys $1.5B in bitcoin, may accept the cryptocurrency as payment in the future – TechCrunch
Today in an SEC filing, Tesla disclosed that it has acquired $1.5 billion in bitcoin, the popular cryptocurrency. Moreover, the company noted that it may also accept bitcoin in the future as a form of payment for its cars, though it did allow that there is some regulatory uncertainty around that effort.
As the news broke, the price of bitcoin instantly rose by around 7% to more than $40,000 per coin.
Tesla had previously telegraphed that it had an interest in the cryptocurrency, however to purchase such a large block of the coin is notable.
In its filing, Tesla writes that earlier this year it “updated [its] investment policy to provide [it] with more flexibility to further diversify and maximize returns on [its] cash that is not required to maintain adequate operating liquidity,” adding that it has the option of putting cash into “certain alternative reserve assets” that include “digital assets, gold bullion, gold exchange-traded funds and other assets as specified in the future.”
Under that banner, the firm has “invested an aggregate $1.50 billion in bitcoin,” going on to say that the well-known electric car company “may acquire and hold digital assets from time to time or long-term.”
That’s enough wiggle room for Tesla to do whatever it wants with its cash and the crypto markets.
But the company wasn’t done, completing its news-drop by adding that the company “expect[s] to begin accepting bitcoin as a form of payment for [its] products in the near future, subject to applicable laws and initially on a limited basis, which [it] may or may not liquidate upon receipt.”
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made waves in recent days by pumping a silly cryptocurrency joke called Dogecoin; this is something more material. Tesla is selecting bitcoin as the cryptocurrency of its choice, helping to further cement the blockchain as the world’s best known. And that it may accept bitcoin-denominated transactions in the future could help bitcoin retain both value and exchange volume, though we probably repeat ourselves. It’s worth noting that Musk himself has also personally sent bitcoin prices higher in the past using his social presence, including by changing his bio to just the single word, before its price faded back after he removed it earlier this month.
The car company then spends three paragraphs saying that its choice is risky. That’s an understatement. Then again, what is Musk if not entertaining?