Dogecoin「狗狗日」表現完勝Bitcoin 成虛幣市場反彈王|香港01|財經快訊


撰文: 黃文琪 最後更新日期: 2021-04-20 16:39


Twitter上Doge標籤就有181,000則推文,榮登今日榜首,而DogeDay亦成大熱。《彭博》策略師Mike McGlone表示,狗狗幣的近期漲勢是散戶投資者熱烈參與加密貨幣市場的表現,連家裡的水喉工最近就告訴他「自己亦買了」。


Dogecoin 最早誕生於 2013 年,由工程師Billy Markus和Jackson Palmer,儘管起初僅為「meme」性質,但直到今年開始卻倍受名人效應吹捧,其中影響最大者莫過於Tesla 創辦人Elon Musk推波助瀾。他曾數次公開推崇此加密貨幣,更在上周四(15日)於 Twitter以「Doge Barking at the Moon」形容 Dogecoin近期的走勢。

另外,散戶集中地的 Reddit 也有不少用戶跳出來宣稱自己因Dogecoin獲利百萬,一名投資者在接受《Newsweek》採訪時宣稱,他在今年二月將全數積蓄約 19 萬美元投資到 Dogecoin 上,而截至(16日)上周五,他的投資增長已超過200萬美元。

一浪接一浪!SafeMoon 超越 Dogecoin 成為最受關注人氣加密貨幣


Dogecoin, ethereum continue to sizzle, climb to new highs


The use of Doge as official imagery for the digital currency has constantly connected it to memes on the internet (Image: Shutterstock)

Cryptocurrencies dogecoin and ethereum on May 4 climb to all-time highs in London after a surge in institutional interest in both tokens.

Dogecoin was up by over 14 percent at 8.30 am in London and was being traded at $0.4389, Yahoo news reported. Ethereum, the second most popular cryptocurrency after bitocoin, was trading around 9 percent higher and broke the $3,400-mark. It was once being traded at its all-time high at $3,456.57 (£2,489.18). Bitcoin was down by around 3 percent.

Will institutional push help bitcoin become mainstream?

The rise of ethereum has been pegged to the growing institutional interest in cryptocurrency as a market as well as a growing number of developers building decentralised finance (also called DeFi appllications) on its blockchain platform.

In a boost to the currency, the European Investment Bank has said it will issue its first-ever digital bond on a public blockchain by using ethereum’s technology.

According to currency watchers FX Street, meme-inspired dogecoin had rallied about 250 percent from its intra-day low on April 23. Dogecoin had said it would offer it to trading platform eToro’s 20 million users.

In another report, online banking platform Revolut announced that it would soon allow people to directly withdraw bitcoin from their platform, which may challenge the status quo, that have been set by other platforms such as Robinhood and PayPal (PYPL). There are reports that PayPal’s cryptocurrency stablecoin is round the corner.