Casino lance un stablecoin euro
[STABLECOIN] Baptisée Lugh, cette cryptomonnaie stable est pour l’instant disponible uniquement chez le courtier français Coinhouse. Société assure la tenue de compte.
[Article mis à jour le 17 mars 2021 à 18h44] Un premier stablecoin basé sur l’euro est né. Le groupe Casino lance une cryptomonnaie stable adossée à l’euro, révèle la newsletter 21 Millions. Nom de code : Lugh, en référence à une divinité gauloise. C’est aussi le nom de la société (détenue par le groupe Casino) à l’origine du projet. Le stablecoin est disponible seulement chez le courtier français Coinhouse, qui prélèvera une commission de 1,49%. Les autres prestataires de services d’actifs numériques (PSAN) réglementés par l’AMF pourront le proposer par la suite, tout comme les plateformes étrangères “mais chacun devra démontrer un haut niveau de conformité”, souligne 21 Millions. D’ici un à deux ans, le Lugh sera un moyen de paiement et de fidélité. Derrière ce projet ambitieux, de gros acteurs comme Société Générale, qui assure la tenue de compte, et le cabinet d’audit PwC, qui publiera tous les mois des attestations pour certifier le contenu de la réserve en euros. A noter également que ce stablecoin s’appuie non pas sur la blockchain Ethereum mais Tezos, dont une grande partie des équipes est française. Cocorico.
Qu’est-ce qu’un stablecoin ?
Un stablecoin est littéralement une crypto-monnaie stable. Il répond donc à une des plus grosses problématiques du secteur des crypto-monnaies : la forte volatilité des cours. Le prix d’une crypto-monnaie peut varier de 10-20% voire 100-200% en seulement une journée (c’est cependant de moins en moins le cas pour les cryptos les plus valorisées comme le bitcoin). Le fonctionnement d’un stablecoin est simple. Si le prix du bitcoin est à 6 000 dollars et que vous échangez 1 bitcoin contre du stablecoin adossé au dollar, vous aurez donc 6 000 unités de ce stable coin. Si le cours du bitcoin descend à 5 000 dollars, vous aurez toujours 6 000 dollars en stable coins. A contrario, si le bitcoin monte à 7 000 dollars, vous ne détiendriez toujours que 6 000 dollars en stable coins
Quels sont les différents types de stablecoins ?
Tous les stablecoins ont la même finalité mais chacun a un mécanisme différent. On distingue trois types de stable coin. Le premier est le fiat-collateralized, c’est-à-dire “garanti fiat” (le fiat est une monnaie traditionnelle comme le dollar et l’euro). Ce modèle implique que l’entité qui émet le stablecoin soit détentrice d’un compte bancaire contenant en devise fiat la valeur des jetons émis. Par exemple, si elle met en circulation 1 million de coins adossés au dollar, elle doit avoir 1 million de dollars dans un compte bancaire.
Le deuxième est le crypto-collateralized, un coin soutenu par une autre crypto-monnaie. Pour compenser la volatilité, le stablecoin est sur-adossé. Par exemple, l’équivalent de 1 000 dollars de bitcoins peut être demandé pour émettre l’équivalent de 500 dollars de stable coins. Même si le bitcoin perd 30% de sa valeur, le stable coin reste couvert. Le troisième est le non-collateralized, le non garanti. Dans ce cas, le stable coin est soutenu seulement par sa valeur grâce à un smart contract (un contrat qui s’exécute automatiquement). Si la demande totale pour le stable coin augmente ou diminue, alors le contrat changera automatiquement le nombre de coins en circulation pour maintenir le prix stable.
Quels sont les avantages d’un stablecoin pour le secteur ?
Une crypto-monnaie dont le cours est stable rassure beaucoup d’acteurs à commencer par les investisseurs institutionnels qui ont en majorité peur du risque de volatilité (surtout les fortes baisses), en particulier ceux se qui situent dans des pays qui craignent l’inflation. Les investisseurs misent aussi sur les stablecoins pour une courte période en attendant que le marché se stabilise à nouveau. Ils ne font pas de profit mais les fonds sont en sécurité. Même raisonnement pour les retailers, qui ont presque toujours refusé d’accepter le bitcoin. Si les stable coins font leur preuves, les commerçants pourraient donc être tentés de les intégrer à leurs systèmes de paiement.
De leur côté, les plateformes d’échange de cryptomonnaie peuvent ajouter de nouvelles paires crypto-fiat et donc enregistrer plus de revenus. Etant donné que certaines plateformes n’acceptent pas le dollar (notamment les Asiatiques) faute d’accord avec des banques pour l’accès aux devises, les stablecoins sont une bonne alternative de moyen de paiement.
Quels stablecoins existent ?
Il existe une vingtaine de stablecoins. Voici les cinq plus importants. A noter que tous ces coins valent plus ou moins 1 dollar.
D’autres projets de stable coins : Arccy, Augmint, Fragments, Stably…
Quels sont les critiques faites au stablecoin ?
Tout d’abord, la plupart des anciens projets de stablecoins ont échoué. Le cofondateur d’Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin a effectué des recherches sur le sujet il y a quelques années, sans succès. La critique la plus souvent reprise est le manque de décentralisation, puisque le stablecoin dépend d’une entité. Certains membres de la communauté crypto pensent aussi que ce type d’actifs ajoute de la volatilité au monde de la crypto parce qu’ils appellent à plus de spéculation.
Enfin, le stablecoin le plus connu, Tether, a fait l’objet de plusieurs polémiques. Sa maison mère Bitfinex est accusée par la communauté de ne pas détenir l’équivalent en dollars des 2,2 milliards de Tether émis et n’a jamais apporté la preuve du contraire. Fin janvier, l’entreprise a même annoncé la fin de sa collaboration avec le cabinet d’audit Friedman. Enfin, une récente étude de chercheurs de l’Université du Texas affirme que le cours du bitcoin a été manipulé par le Tether entre mars 2017 et 2018. Les auteurs ont observé que lorsque le cours du bitcoin baissait, il y avait des rachats massifs réalisés en Tether.
Quelle est la différence entre un ETF et un stablecoin ?
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Un Exchange traded fund (ETF) est un produit financier qui réplique les variations d’un indice. Les ETF sur bitcoin permettent aux investisseurs de spéculer sur la star des crypto-monnaies sans l’acheter directement. Comme ils sont cotés en bourse, ils peuvent être échangés instantanément pendant une séance et les commissions de courtage sont faibles. Ils permettent aussi d’éviter les risques inhérents à la détention de crypto-monnaies comme le vol, la fermeture d’une plateforme… En revanche, si l’émetteur de l’ETF sur bitcoin fait faillite, l’investisseur perd sa mise.
Anchor Launch Puts UST in the Stablecoin Race Against DAI
An upstart stablecoin issuer out of South Korea is making a run at MakerDAO’s DAI, the fourth-largest cryptocurrency in this category.
Terraform Labs just launched Anchor, a long-awaited protocol for lending and saving that the Seoul-based firm expects to drive enough demand for its stablecoin, TerraUSD (UST), to top DAI’s circulation. Like DAI, UST maintains its peg to the U.S. dollar in a decentralized manner, but at $1 billion, its market capitalization is only about a third of its rival’s.
To enhance the stablcoin’s allure, Anchor aims to offer returns that outperform other decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings with a combination of sheer yield and predictability. It’s all driven by validation rewards (the equivalent of freshly minted bitcoin awarded to that currency’s miners) from Terra’s own blockchain, and will eventually pool such rewards from other chains.
If Anchor gains traction, it could represent a significant DeFi play that ultimately does not run on the Ethereum blockchain, which basically has a monopoly on that piece of the industry.
“By tapping into a diversified set of staking yields you’re able to produce yields that are highly stable and attractive,” Do Kwon, a cofounder of Terraform Labs, said in an interview.
Since its debut in late 2020, UST has already surpassed the Paxos Standard (PAX) and the Gemini Dollar (GUSD), both of which are backed by fiat currency held in real-world banks and subject to intervention by their issuers.
But DAI remains the top stablecoin for users who prefer a cryptocurrency that can’t be blocked or frozen by a central authority and generally holds its value, with a $2.8 billion market cap.
“If you let Anchor do its run for a couple months, I think we should be there,” Kwon predicted.
“When the market takes a downturn, a lot of those highly volatile crypto assets will be sold off for UST and then staked in Anchor for a savings account,” says Do Kwon, a cofounder of Terraform Labs (Terraform Labs, modified by CoinDesk)
What is Anchor?
Think of Anchor like the savings account your parents set up for you as a kid, but without the anemic returns typical of U.S. bank savings accounts today.
It’s no secret that, over the last year or so, returns in DeFi have been strong to the point of somewhat unbelievable. Still, even on the most mainstream offerings, such as the money market Compound, returns can fluctuate from one week to the next.
Returns for depositing DAI on Compound have ranged from 3% to 12% roughly since the new year. Returns for supplying USDC have ranged from 3% to 14%.
Anchor advertises a 20% return on deposits made in UST, though it’s unclear yet what kind of guarantee is made there.
On the lending side, Anchor will accept as collateral only staked tokens that earn returns. Starting with bLUNA (the token that represents the staked version of the Terra blockchain’s LUNA governance token), a user can borrow half of the value of their staked LUNA.
On certain newer blockchains, the entities that validate transactions stake, or pledge, assets as a way of guaranteeing the quality of their work. This allows the blockchain to use less energy (a hot-button issue of late), but it remains secure because if the stakers are found to validate badly, their assets can be taken or slashed. Each of these blockchains has a native coin that’s used for staking. On Terra, that’s LUNA; on Cosmos it is ATOM, etc.
So a user could stake $200 worth of LUNA to the network, then pledge that much in bLUNA as collateral to borrow $100 from Anchor. While the loan is active, Anchor will earn staking rewards on all $200 worth of bLUNA plus the interest on the loan. The combination of staking rewards and interest should enable Anchor to pay out a higher return to its depositors.
A token that represents a stake, such as bLUNA, is in effect a derivative. Anchor will soon accept as collateral such derivatives for other base layer protocols’ native tokens, such as polkadot (DOT), solana (SOL), staked-Ethereum (stETH) and cosmos (ATOM).
“In the world of blockchains there isn’t any source or yield that you’re going to get that’s more stable than what the base layer is going to give you,” Kwon said. “If we’re going to define a new monetary policy from these blockchains I think it’s going to come from that base layer and that is the staking yield.”
Luna stakers and borrowers in the Anchor ecosystem will get the additional benefit of liquidity mining. They will receive Anchor’s governance token, ANC.
How does TerraUSD stay at $1 without a central authority?
UST is held stable to its peg with the greenback under a seigniorage system. Terra also has stablecoins pegged to track currencies the South Korean won and Mongolian tugrug, along with the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).
The supply of each of the stablecoins is regulated by the governance token, LUNA. When demand for UST gets too high, new UST gets issued and it can be purchased for $1 in LUNA. This allows arbitrageurs to buy the UST at a discount to the market price and sell the UST immediately at a profit.
If demand weakens for UST, LUNA will be released to the market and exchanged for UST, to be burned.
Validators on the Terra network have to stake LUNA (which creates bLUNA). These validators are rewarded by collaboratively serving as oracles for the price of the dollar in LUNA. Validators also earn small fees on transactions in UST.
The overall design is fairly similar to that of Basis, the Silicon Valley-backed stablecoin that ultimately closed down, citing regulatory issues, and returned all the funds invested.
UST can be found on Solana and Ethereum, but it is native to its own Terra blockchain, which runs on the Tendermint consensus model. Part of the Cosmos ecosystem of blockchains, Terra will eventually move to be interoperable with other Tendermint-based chains sometime after the Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol is enabled.
The big vision
Terra’s stablecoins were created as a way for e-commerce giants in Southeast Asia to escape credit card fees. Its payments app, Chai, hit two million users late last year.
Mobile-first payments have been huge in China. Kwon saw the potential but realized another facet was needed: a way to make saving money really worthwhile. That’s worked well for Alipay’s money market offering, for example.
Terra raised a fresh $25 million in January on the strength of its product offerings.
Anchor makes the third leg of the stool for UST demand. After Chai, Terraform Labs built Mirror, a marketplace for synthetic U.S. equities, which currently has 1.25 billion UST staked on it. It’s a way to bet on the prices of Apple, Tesla and the like without buying the actual stocks.
Anchor will first be offered on CoinList, a platform mainly for token issuance, but the product is designed to be integrated into other applications, just as the Unicorn startup Stripe has made fiat payments easy to add on desktop and mobile applications. With the Anchor software development kit (SDK), the product can be added to exchanges, wallets and other parts of the crypto market infrastructure.
BoT warns against any use of THT stablecoin
BoT warns against any use of THT stablecoin
The Bank of Thailand is warning people to refrain from participating in any activities involving Thai Baht Digital (THT), as there are no legal assurances or protection with it and users could be at risk of cybertheft or money laundering.
Pruettipong Srimachand, the central bank’s assistant governor of the legal group, said any activities involving the new stablecoin THT that was created abroad on the Terra platform are considered illegal. The creation, issuance, usage or circulation of any material or token for money is a violation of Section 9 of the Currency Act 1958.
The central bank said recent developments have seen the private sector attempting to create cryptocurrencies using underlying assets or fiat currencies as an anchor to minimise price volatility. Such cryptocurrencies are known as stablecoins.
More recently, a new form of stablecoins using underlying algorithmic smart contracts was created to replicate the price and movement of various currencies. One unit of the stablecoin THT is denominated in and valued at one baht. Although THT is not used as a medium of exchange, it could cause fragmentation of the Thai currency system should THT or other stablecoins come to replace, substitute or compete with baht issued by the central bank, he said.
“Such usage would ultimately affect the general public’s confidence in the stability of the national currency system, which is the cornerstone of all economic activities,” said Mr Pruettipong.
In a separate development, the Bank of Thailand announced it plans to stop using Thai Baht Interest Rate Fixing (THBFIX), the existing reference rate which incorporates the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for interest rate calculation, after June 30, 2023, in line with the upcoming plans to phase out the LIBOR.
The central bank is the THBFIX regulator and it uses the US dollar LIBOR format to calculate rates. The bank announced it will inform commercial banks of the terms of the THBFIX rate through existing channels until its usage comes to an end.
The Bank of Thailand plans to stop new TBHFIX-based financial calculations including loans, debentures and derivatives from July 1 of this year.