Dogecoin(狗狗幣)持續上漲,散戶宣稱獲利近 200 萬美元


在名人加持下,加密貨幣浪潮持續飆升,其中甚至連嘲諷意味濃厚的 Dogecoin(狗狗幣)都使投資者獲利,周五創下 0.43 美元歷史新高,當前總市值上達 400 億美元。

Dogecoin 最早誕生於 2013 年,由工程師 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer,儘管起初僅為「迷因」性質,但直到今年開始卻倍受名人效應吹捧,其中影響最大者莫過於 Tesla 執行長 Elon Musk 的推波助瀾。他曾數次公開推崇此加密貨幣,更在上周 15 日於 Twitter 以「Doge Barking at the Moon」形容 Dogecoin 近期的水漲船高。另一邊廂,散戶集中地的 Reddit 也有不少用戶跳出來宣稱自己因 Dogecoin 獲利百萬,其中一名投資者在接受《Newsweek》採訪時宣稱,他在今年二月將全數積蓄約 19 萬美元投資到 Dogecoin 上,而截至上周五,他的投資增長已超過 200 萬美元。

其他方面,不少人認為 Dogecoin 的大幅增長也與加密貨幣交易所 Coinbase 正式掛牌有關;該公司於上週三 NASDAQ 股票市場首次亮相,開盤價為 $381 美元,估值近 1000 億美元,各界認為此為加密貨幣市場發展的重要里程碑。

然而並非所有人都全然看好 Dogecoin 發展,投資分析師 David Kimberley 認為這是典型「Greater Fool Theory」案例,隨後極有可能引發泡沫;而 Dogecoin 聯合創始人 Billy Markus 亦在 Twitter 提醒眾人,儘管最近有所獲利,但仍應謹慎態度看待投資,「Stay safe, be smart」。

For real though guys keep some rationality when gambling on highly volatile assets like cryptocurrency.

Euphoria is a helluva drug, but y’know, at least keep paying your bills and feeding your family and have a safe rainy day fund.

Stay safe, be smart! ❤️

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) April 15, 2021

一浪接一浪!SafeMoon 超越 Dogecoin 成為最受關注人氣加密貨幣


Conagra Foods (CAG), Tesla Motors (TSLA) - Curious What Dogecoin ‘Sounds Like?’ With $364, You Can Know


An artist from Canada has transformed Dogecoin’s (DOGE) cryptograph into electronic music, which is on sale as non-fungible token art.

What Happened: The sounds —dubbed Cryptowaves — created by the producer and singer ill-esha forms the part of a larger collection or album known as “The Orphan Block.”

See Also: How to Buy Dogecoin (DOGE)

The “Doge Orphan” piece is a limited edition NFT art that blends photography, digital painting, generative visuals, and sound design.

“All graphs and non-vocal sounds sourced entirely from Dogecoin first-quarter 2021 charts,” according to the art’s Open Sea listing.

The piece was listed on sale for 0.15 Ethereum (ETH) or $364. ETH traded 9.51% higher at $2,457.81 at press time, while DOGE traded 6.17% lower at $0.26.

The artist has also taken charts of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Uniswap (UNI), and ETH and transformed them into music.

BTC and UNI traded 4.06% and 15.17% higher at $52,221.78 and $35.50 respectively.

Why It Matters: While DOGE surged in popularity this month, touching an all-time high of $0.43 on Apr. 16, the NFT craze has kept up the pace.

“Shark Tame” fame investor Mark Cuban’s “Lazy” NFT gallery grew to 200,000 users within 30 days of its launch in April.

Last week, Conagra Brands (NYSE:CAG) launched NFTs featuring their Slim Jam brand and DOGE in honor of “Doge Day.”

See Also: Doge Day Ends With A Whimper Instead Of A Howl As Dogecoin Shrinks Over 20%

In March, Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO Elon Musk too had considered selling a song on NFTs as a NFT and had wanted the artist Beeple to pay for it in DOGE, but later changed his mind.

Read Next: 7 Strange Things You Can Own As A Non-Fungible Token (NFT)