

ConsenSys創始人、 以太坊 聯合創始人Joseph Lubin在接受Bloomberg TV採訪時表示,「下一代經濟」將比「狹義貨幣體系」大幾個數量級。他認為與網路類似的 以太坊 生態系統已經超越 比特幣 。「 以太坊 生態系統在開發者活動量、每日交易數量、交易價值和代幣數量方面早已超越 比特幣 生態系統。」Joseph Lubin還聲稱 以太坊 「足夠去中心化」。 此前報導, 以太坊 聯合創始人Vitalik Buterin聲稱,如果 比特幣 繼續使用同樣的技術, 比特幣 就有被甩在後面的巨大風險。 以太坊 將從PoW共識機制過渡到PoS機制。(U.Today)

ConsenSys Chief Joe Lubin: Ethereum’s ‘Enterprise’ Play Is Evolving


As Ethereum celebrates its sixth anniversary, Joe Lubin, a co-founder of Ethereum and the CEO of ConsenSys, says the convergence between the public mainnet and corporate versions of the technology are now closer than ever.

Lubin, who is speaking today at the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) anniversary event alongside Ethereum chief scientist Vitalik Buterin and Web 3.0 leader and angel investor Balaji Srinivasan, pointed to cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) now entering pop culture.

“In my opinion, this is a moment where we can start to think of the paradigm shift towards a new trust foundation,” Lubin told CoinDesk in an interview. “We’ve been proclaiming for years that it’s coming, and now it’s moving fast.”

Lubin’s ConsenSys has become a cornerstone of enterprise blockchain, having taken on stewardship of the permissioned Quorum network, a fork of Ethereum created by mega-bank JPMorgan in 2016.

In terms of the convergence narrative, Lubin said banks like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs are “not just paying a lot of attention to the public mainnet, but are starting to do things around digital assets.”

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That said, the EEA now finds itself in increasingly active discussion about just what “enterprise blockchain” is in 2021, Lubin said.

“So, in the context of the EAA, is Polygon an enterprise?” Lubin said. “Is the Maker Foundation an enterprise? The definition of ‘enterprise’ is evolving.”

EEA Chairman John Whelan said he looks forward to Ethereum sidechains and layer 2 systems that are specifically enterprise-related.

Whelan, whose day job is leading Banco Santander’s blockchain lab, said that when he first joined the EEA, he was asked if enterprise Ethereum and the public mainnet would remain separate concepts.



8月2日消息,區塊鏈軟體公司ConsenSys首席執行官兼創始人Joe Lubin在7月29日舉行的企業 以太坊 聯盟(EEA)周年紀念活動中的" 以太坊 和Web3的未來 “的主題會議上表示,從更廣泛的角度來看,NFT已經成為一場革命,將改變軟體的構建和交付方式。 Lubin認為,NFT不會只是通過數字藝術品或音樂來封裝內容,NFT最終將演變成具有自己權利的整個商業體系,將是企業繼 以太坊 後的下一個目標。(Cointelegraph)