主權貨幣CBDC來襲 新世代金融基金會:央行該接招了


近日在市場上,許多加密貨幣價格劇烈起伏,行政院前院長陳冲主持的新世代金融基金會表示,加密貨幣不是幣,也許是commodity,也許是投資工具,但不是貨幣,更不是中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)。至於穩定幣(stable coin),以Diem (前身為Libra)為代表,其與實體貨幣掛鉤,有電子商務為後盾,對現有體系比較構成威脅,德國財政部長Olaf Scholz在Libra改名為Diem後仍稱之為「披著羊皮的狼」,足見其威脅。





如果這是央行本意,身為國人也無話可說,但須指出CBDC是Legal tender,代表國家主權,在我國是否適合公私合作?央行自身對CBDC如有深入研究,是否更易於判斷合作對手的適當性?而且CBDC只是支付工具的一種,與其他支付業者的服務仍有區別,CBDC與一般紙幣、輔幣都可轉入電子錢包,是否有電子支付業者就可不要CBDC? 15年來,CBDC已由「不值一哂」,到「各方矚目」,恐怕是正面接招的時候了。


USDT/USD: Speculative Advantages of Chasing the Stable Coin


Tether, as the premier stable coin, provides an intriguing speculative landscape for experienced traders. Having gotten its legal questions out of the way which were shadowing Tether for a while, via its settlement with New York State, USDT/USD can be looked at with short-term and long-term perspectives with relative comfort.

The 1.0000 mark remains the ultimate trading barometer for USDT/USD, but the digital currency seldom navigates this value only. Instead, it trades slightly above or below the price depending on prevailing sentiment and its utilitarian ability in the cryptocurrency world as a basis for transactions. In early trading today, USDT/USD traversed slightly lower from its current short-term price range and touched the 1.0005 mark and promptly moved higher.

Traders need to understand that the volume within USDT/USD is not huge and patience is required to have values move in the direction desired. Speculating on USDT/USD also needs the ability to understand the trading parameters of your chosen broker. If you are taking a position in USDT/USD it may not be possible to hit your target in one day, even if it is incremental, which means you may have to pay a carrying charge to hold a position overnight.

Therefore, looking for small moves within USDT/USD is the best option and the use of limit orders is vital to get in and out of trades. Short-term traders who know how to use their risk management tools have an advantage when trading Tether.

From a technical viewpoint, and taking into consideration the overall strong nature of the cryptocurrency market, USDT/USD continues to look like a potential buying opportunity when it approaches the 1.0000 mark. In fact, speculators who are able to use limit orders and buy if the 1.0005 support level is touched in the short term may find this trade worthwhile.

Now that the storm clouds have lifted from Tether, traders in the near term can be more comfortable and focus on value instead of legal questions for USDT/USD. Short term, USDT/USD looks like an opportunity for speculators who are alert, can tactically implement their positions patiently and target support junctures as a way to buy Tether.

Tether Short-Term Outlook:

Current Resistance: 1.0012

Current Support: 1.0005

High Target: 1.0014

Low Target: 1.0001

The Potential and Promise of Epicenter: Delivering on Bitcoin’s Original Vision


SHERIDAN, Wyo., March 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Although the Epicenter ecosystem and its cryptocurrency, Epic Cash , have been known to veteran crypto enthusiasts for some time, it remains among the best kept secrets within the broader DeFi industry. Launched in September of 2019, Epic Cash is modeled after Bitcoin, with a pre-defined emission schedule and the same hard limit on the total coin supply; however, it has several design improvements and significant advantages over the “Founding Father” of the cryptocurrency movement.

Bitcoin today is clearly the top dog in the cryptocurrency universe. It is the standard for accessibility, trust, security, and transferability, against which all other digital currencies are measured. Although it has well-documented shortcomings, such as a concentration of power in centralized exchanges, increasing fees, and volatility, it will no doubt remain the market leader for the foreseeable future. So how does Epic Cash measure up against Bitcoin?

The Foundation of the Epicenter Ecosystem

The Epicenter ecosystem was designed to address the flaws inherent in Bitcoin, so as to deliver on Nakamoto’s original vision, in which large numbers of small transactions are processed efficiently, anonymously and securely on a decentralized network of lightweight nodes.

With its triumvirate of digital assets – EPIC (Epic Cash), EUSD (soft-pegged stable coin) and ECR (reserve token) – the Epicenter ecosystem combines a store of value, medium of exchange and unit of account to deliver the solid monetary platform that decentralized finance requires.

EPIC addresses all of the attributes needed to foster mass adoption: fungibility, scalability, censorship resistance, centralization resistance and regulatory compatibility. To ensure fungibility, EPIC leverages the Confidential Transactions (CT) and CoinJoin technologies to scramble transaction details, resetting the ownership history each time coins are spent, thereby preventing tainted coins. For scalability, EPIC’s light, mobile-native protocol allows for a predominantly Layer-1 scaling model. With regard to centralization issues, EPIC can be mined on ordinary home computers, leveling the playing field for small-scale miners.

Epicenter provides an integrated and connected ecosystem of composable components with multi-chain connectivity. This unique connectivity feature provides developers with the tools they need to build decentralized applications. Epicenter allows for flexible, decentralized finance solutions, including lending, staking, swapping, payments and future features, all enabled with crypto-to-fiat convertibility.

Storage, Ease of Use, and Convertibility

The size of the Bitcoin blockchain has been an issue for some time and the problem is only getting worse. Bitcoin cannot be readily mined or stored on mobile phones, nor on most PCs. In contrast, by using the Mimblewimble protocol, EPIC is able to run natively on low-end mobile devices. A full node requires less than 1.2 GB – about 1/10th of the storage space required for Bitcoin. Improved Layer-1 technology allows EPIC to achieve much faster transaction speeds.

While there is increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies by retail investors, institutions and businesses as a whole, cryptocurrency users still face difficulty in using it for real-world transactions. To address this problem, Epicenter introduced EUSD. EUSD is a stable coin that is soft-pegged, one-to-one, to the U.S. dollar: it is instantly convertible to the dollar equivalent of Epic Cash. EUSD is attractive for commercial applications because its fees are very small and the risk of fraud is non-existent.

Token Supply

EPIC has a fixed total supply of 21 million coins, and more than half of those coins have already been mined. With a strong future halving policy, scarcity will be guaranteed, in marked contrast to fiat currency, whose supply is unconstrained and constantly accelerating.

With regard to ECR, an initial circulating supply of 25 million tokens will be generated, with a one-to-one matching to the ~11 million units of Epic Cash that will exist when an ownership snapshot takes place later this quarter. On that date, each owner of Epic Cash will be able to claim a corresponding amount of ECR. The remaining ~14 million ECR tokens will be allocated to ecosystem partners, advisors and investors, to create a core group with “skin in the game,” motivated to see that the community as a whole is successful.


Epic Cash shows true promise in delivering on Satoshi Nakamoto’s original vision for Bitcoin, as expressed in the seminal 2008 whitepaper. Epicenter holds that, with increased mining and ease of use, large numbers of secure transactions can be processed daily without the supervision of a centralized authority. With its related assets of EUSD and ECR, EPIC has the potential to become Bitcoin re-mastered.