Bitcoin 價值一再突破,就快比1公斤黃金還貴
在2月9日, Bitcoin(比特幣)迎來了高峰,一度突破 47000美元一個的價格,這個價格參考當時上海金交所的實時數據,金價為 HK$459.2/克。經過換算,可以得知,一個 Bitcoin 大約可以換 800克的黃金。
由於加密貨幣的價格飛漲,Tesla 已購買了15億美元的 Bitcoin ,未來還將會用部分現金來投資一些替代儲備資產,包含數字資產、黃金以及黃金 ETF。
根據加拿大皇家銀行(RBC)的報告稱,其他公司也在考慮進行加密貨幣的投資,Apple 有可能就是下一位購買 Bitcoin 等加密貨幣的公司之一。
Tesla 在周一向美國證券交易委員會提交了最新文件,其中講述了不久之後將會接受 Bitcoin 作為支付產品的一種形式,成為全球首家接受 Bitcoin 付款的汽車廠商。
對 Tesla 的做法,Nexo 的管理合夥人兼聯合始創人 Antoni Trenchev 稱「世界上最富有的人用15億美元的公司資金投資 Bitcoin ,充分說明了加密貨幣獲得機構採納的前景。 Tesla 現在已經鋪平了道路」。 Trenchev 做出推測,預計在2022年底,會有至少10%的標普500指數公司投資 Bitcoin 。
其實不只是 Bitcoin ,名字和徽標都取自於日本柴犬的加密貨幣——多吉幣,在周一也創下了紀錄新高。對於尚未規範化的加密貨幣交易,不知道未來將會向何趨勢發展。
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Bitcoin is not ready to go mainstream for these 3 reasons, the world’s largest wealth manager warns
Tesla’s decision to buy $1.5 billion in bitcoin has opened the floodgates for more corporations to buy the cryptocurrency.
But according to a Tuesday note from UBS' Mark Haefele, bitcoin is not yet going mainstream.
Detailed below are three reasons why investors should be cautious before speculating in bitcoin, according to UBS.
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Bitcoin has surged more than 20% this week after Tesla disclosed that it purchased $1.5 billion worth of the cryptocurrency in January.
Tesla’s bitcoin move seems to have opened the floodgates for more corporations to adopt the popular cryptocurrency as a reserve on their balance sheets.
RBC suggested that Apple could be the next big corporation to adopt bitcoin, and the CFO of Twitter told CNBC on Wednesday that it too could buy bitcoin.
But the world’s largest wealth manager is warning investors against viewing the recent developments in bitcoin as a “mainstream moment.”
In a note on Tuesday, UBS' Mark Haefele gave these three reasons why investors should practice caution before speculating in bitcoin.
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- “Crypto is not a currency.”
“The basic function of a modern currency is to store value; by contrast, the diminishing incremental supply of bitcoin has made ‘bubbling’ one of its basic functions,” Haefele said.
He added: “If a corporate were to increase its euro holdings or that of any other major currency, we wouldn’t see a move of this magnitude. That a single individual can have such an impact on crypto prices undermines concerns about low liquidity and high volatility. Far from boosting the credibility of crypto, we think this undercuts it.”
- “Mainstream' looks like hype.”
“Although Tesla might start using Bitcoin as a payment mechanism, this is different from actually pricing products in Bitcoin or retaining the Bitcoin received, actions that would be more consistent with mainstreaming it as a currency,” Haefele said.
He continued: “We also note unresolved regulatory risks, with the US Treasury’s Janet Yellen last month calling for efforts to ‘curtail’ cryptos, calls which may grow louder now that S&P 500 investors have involuntarily gained exposure to crypto volatility. We are also skeptical that mega-cap platforms within-house payment ecosystems and strong global networks would cede their infrastructure to volatile, and regulatorily risky, crypto networks.”
- “A sustainability setback.”
“Crypto mining and management can contribute to carbon emissions without improving living standards, since individuals or teams use computing power and specialized software to produce Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin uses as much energy as the whole of Switzerland, according to an online tool from the University of Cambridge,” Haefele said.
He added: “Meanwhile, a separate study from August suggests that Bitcoin’s electricity consumption is underestimated and finds the network ‘represents close to half of the current global data center electricity use’. Its documented use in money laundering and tax evasion offer more red flags for ESG investors. We are not convinced the growing cohort of sustainability-oriented investors can reconcile these problems.”
Instead of directly buying bitcoin, Haefele recommends investors consider fintech stocks, “an emerging sector we think might yield ‘the next big thing’ for investors.”
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