彭博社 7 日報導,Paypal 共同創辦人彼得提爾(Peter Thiel)在一場虛擬圓桌會議表示,比特幣可能是中國對抗美國的金融武器。
MarketWarch 7 日報導,提爾在尼克森基金會舉辦的虛擬會議表示,比特幣危及法定貨幣特別是美元。
Strategy Risks 執行長 Isaac Stone 2 月 19 日在 Barron’s 指出,劍橋大學比特幣電力消耗指數顯示,截至 2020 年 4 月,中國佔比特幣挖礦 65%,36% 出自新疆。
美國財政部長葉倫(Janet L. Yellen)2 月 10 日表示,「濫用加密貨幣和虛擬資產」是日益嚴重的問題,加密貨幣被線上毒販用來洗錢並當成資助恐怖主義的工具。
特斯拉 7 日下跌 2.99% 收 670.97 美元,較宣布持有比特幣的前一個交易日 2 月 5 日收盤價下跌 21.3%。
CNBC 報導,聖路易斯聯邦儲備銀行總裁 James Bullard 2 月 16 日受訪時表示,在可預見的未來,黃金或比特幣價格的漲跌都不會改變美元對全球經濟的影響力。
Thomson Reuters 報導,達拉斯聯邦儲備銀行總裁 Robert S. Kaplan 去年 8 月曾表示,聯準會(FED)的資產購買不是免費,最終可能會危及美元的儲備貨幣地位。
華爾街日報 7 日報導,曾在高盛(Goldman Sachs)任職 23 年的 Kaplan 6 日受訪時表示,目前看來、中國推出數位貨幣不會危及美元的世界儲備貨幣地位,但數年後就很難說了。
Kaplan 強調,美國不應將世界儲備貨幣地位視為理所當然。
(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)
【Bitcoin】PayPal 創辦人:比特幣或成中國對付美國金融武器 籲華府加強規管
PayPal Co-Founder, Bitcoin Investor Thiel Says Bitcoin Could Be Chinese ‘Weapon’
PayPal co-founder and billionaire investor Peter Thiel warned that bitcoin could be a “Chinese financial weapon” used to dethrone the U.S. dollar’s monetary status.
Speaking with former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a virtual roundtable hosted by the Richard Nixon Foundation Wednesday, Thiel opined that, assuming China is long bitcoin, the cryptocurrency could pose a threat to the U.S. dollar’s reserve currency status. The comments come at a time when fears over China’s assumed control over bitcoin are resurfacing.
“Even though I’m a pro-crypto, pro-bitcoin maximalist person, I do wonder whether if at this point bitcoin should also be thought of in part as a Chinese financial weapon against the U.S. … it threatens fiat money, but it especially threatens the dollar,” Thiel said during the stream.
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More than being “pro-bitcoin” and owning the asset himself, Peter Thiel’s foundation was key to the creation of Ethereum when Vitalik Buterin drew a $100,000 grant to begin working on the blockchain.
Thiel, best known now for his investment firm Thiel Ventures, has been an outspoken critic of Silicon Valley since he left the tech industry in 2018, claiming companies like Google and Facebook pose threats to the U.S. given their ties to China, topics he touched on in his talk Wednesday as well. He also co-founded the technology firm Palantir in 2004, whose clients include the United States’ CIA and FBI intelligence agencies, according to TechCrunch.
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