虛擬貨幣主管機關沒著落 陳冲:別把虛擬當空虛
陳冲指出,如果說的是央行數位貨幣(CBDC),請參考2021/1/27國際清算銀行BIS的報告,三年內可見真章,時下是人民幣暫居領先。如果說的是穩定幣(Stable coin),個人非常看好,但目前各主要央行好像相當不爽。如果說的是加密幣(Cryptocurrency),那也許是投資工具,但不是貨幣,小心為上。
2014/1/7,國內剛開始認識Bitcoin時,我在工商時報一篇專欄中提到,在美國擁有1,200萬觀眾的法庭影集The good wife,於2012/1/15播出一集名為Bitcoin for dummies(一語雙關,因美國有for dummies叢書),講述法律事務所內眾律師討論Bitcoin的性質,最後結論是Bitcoin不是錢,就像Commodity一樣。
不要小看美國影集的編劇,背後專業智囊不是一般水準。2014年,我連續兩篇文章,談論比特幣,也都認為只是商品、投資工具,不是貨幣,更不是法償。此一看法,至今並無改變,最主要原因,虛擬(貨)幣沒有intrinsic value(內在價值)。
有商品,就有交易。十多年來,各種虛擬幣價格起伏劇烈,也成為洗錢工具的首選,常是國際洗錢防犯討論的要角,晚近各種交易平台的透明度,也被質疑,本月初,韓國金管會FSC主席表示,鑒於業者均未於3/25依法提出登記文件,政府有可能在9月24日新法所定期限,將全國二百家交易所全部勒令停業,以符國際上對VASP(Virtual Asset Service Provider)的期待。
虛擬貨幣雪崩 老謝曝台灣這產業小心了
比特幣暴跌 加密貨幣相關股票同落難
陸封殺虛擬貨幣 比特幣驚跌3成
Facebook Diem announces US stablecoin launch
Facebook’s stablecoin project Diem has announced it is to launch a U.S. dollar pegged stablecoin, in the latest paring back of its international ambitions.
The project, formerly known as Libra, had been envisaging a worldwide roll-out for its stablecoin, which it had planned would be pegged to a weighted basket of international currencies. However, run-ins with regulators worldwide have resulted in several significant changes of direction in recent months, with the recent announcement the culmination of its reshaped ambitions ahead of launch.
The Diem Association, which runs the project, said it was moving its headquarters from Switzerland to the U.S., and would be withdrawing its application for a payment system license with the Swiss financial authorities.
Diem is now preparing to register as a money services business with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a division of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
A pilot launch of the stablecoin is being planned in connection with California’s Silvergate Bank, though Diem has yet to confirm when the rollout will take place.
“We are committed to a payment system that is safe for consumers and businesses, makes payments faster and cheaper,” according to Diem.
The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority issued its own statement confirming Diem’s intentions to revoke its Swiss license application.
“Diem is planning to launch the payment system from the USA in a first phase because initially the project will focus on the USA as its target market.”
Plans for Facebook’s stablecoin, or Libra as it was then, were unveiled in June 2019, part of the company’s strategic ambition to expand into the global payments sector.
It had been hoped that Libra would allow for transactions between consumers, and consumers to businesses, as a form of digital payment native to the Facebook ecosystem.
The revised USD-only stablecoin strategy will now see Diem turn its focus to its domestic market in attempting to establish its foothold in the space.
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