【Bitcoin】比特幣升穿61000美元關口 24小時內升逾4%
加密貨幣領域的圈內人或多或少都聽說過比特幣披薩日的由來,也對拉斯洛·漢耶茲(Laszlo Hanyecz)這個名字略有耳聞。在很多人眼裡這位在2010年5月用一萬枚比特幣購買兩份披薩的程式設計師是錯過上億元的倒楣鬼,是世上最悲情的吃貨,但現實中,拉斯洛本人似乎完全沒有將隨意花掉價值上億元比特幣這件事放在心上。
對於當時日產上千枚BTC的Laszlo來說,這一萬枚比特幣或許不算什麼。雖然我們不知道這位早期玩家持有多少比特幣,是否有在比特幣大漲時獲利;但每當記者和網友問起 拉斯洛會不會為那10000 BTC感到後悔的時候 「他總是雲淡風輕地說,「不會」。
相較於大部分人以為的懊惱和後悔,拉斯洛更喜歡用有趣來形容這次經歷。「我認為能以這種方式成為比特幣早期歷史的一部分,感覺很不錯」, 2018年拉斯洛接受採訪時說道,「我還在論壇上幫人們提供技術支援,將比特幣帶到MacOS上, 幫助修復系統漏洞等等。我一直推廣人們使用比特幣,用它買披薩只是其中一種方法。沒想到的是,它會變得這樣受歡迎」。
而據說購買披薩並不是拉斯洛唯一一次豪爽花掉大額比特幣的經歷;他曾經在比特幣價格漲至1 美元的時候,將自己手上所有的比特幣賣掉,並以此購置了一台新電腦。
就像拉斯洛沒有因為早期花掉巨額比特幣而後悔, 故事的另一位主人翁,披薩的提供者、那一萬枚比特幣的接收者也沒有因為獲得這筆意外之財而狂喜。
這位當時與拉斯洛同齡的19歲少年傑瑞米·史特迪文特(Jeremy Sturdivant),在獲得這筆比特幣之後沒多久,就 將其兌換為法幣,來了一次說走就走的旅遊; 而剩下的零頭則用來購買電腦遊戲。和拉斯洛相似,傑瑞米沒有將持有比特幣視為投資,他們更傾向於將其當作貨幣在使用。傑瑞米向記者聊起這件往事的時候說,「當時我確實很容易成 為百萬富翁,但我認為在披薩交易時的心態更為重要,不是要獲得一筆投資,而是以貨幣的形式使用它。雖然位於我家附近的商店不接受加密貨幣支付,但我發現自己經常在網路服務中使用BTC」,除此之外,我還在做一些獨立合約工作的時候,選擇比特幣、萊特幣甚至是狗狗幣等等加密貨幣作為結帳手段。
Bitcoin price surge above $60,000 again on talk of reduced supply
Source: Reuters
Bitcoin rose above $60,000 to approach record highs on the weekend, breaking out of a two-week tight range and propelled by talk of constrained new supplies against evidence of wider adoption.
The world’s biggest and best-known cryptocurrency hit $61,222.22 on Saturday, its highest in nearly a month. It was slightly lower at $59,907 at 0500 GMT on Sunday.
Bitcoin (BTC) is up 116% from the year’s low of $27,734 on Jan. 4. It crossed the $60,000 mark for the first time on March 13, hitting a record $61,781.83 on Bitstamp exchange, just after U.S. President Joe Biden signed his $1.9 trillion fiscal stimulus package into law.
Justin d’Anethan, sales manager at digital asset company Diginex in Hong Kong, said investors had turned their attention to stock markets and other cryptocurrencies in the past couple of weeks, leaving Bitcoin idling in the upper 50-thousand dollar levels.
“That changed just yesterday when we pierced through 60K. With miners not selling recently minted coins, on-exchange reserves hitting multi-year lows and an incessant stream of corporates, funds, large and small investors piling into BTC, we punched through,” he said.
Bitcoin’s stunning gains this year have been driven by its mainstream acceptance as an investment and a means of payment, accompanied by the rush of retail cash into stocks, exchange-traded funds and other risky assets.
It soared this year as major firms, such as BNY Mellon, asset manager BlackRock Inc, credit card giant Mastercard Inc, backed cryptocurrencies, while those such as Tesla Inc Square Inc and MicroStrategy Inc invested in bitcoin.
Big U.S. banks such as Morgan Stanley are also seeking to offer wealth management clients access to bitcoin funds.