為了能讓各個區塊緊密聯繫起來並形成鏈,每個區塊都會引用父區塊的雜湊函數值作為標識;除 了它,我們今天要講的創世區塊Block#0。
格林威治時間2009年1月3日下午六點十五分左右,比特幣創世區塊在芬蘭赫爾辛基的一台小型伺服器內產生,象徵著比特幣的正式誕生。 而中本聰在區塊上留下的一句話,「The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks(泰晤士報當天的頭版標題:財政大臣正站在第二輪救助銀行業的邊緣。)」, 至今依然被當作尋找中本聰的線索遭人反覆提起和揣摩。
似乎是要留作紀念,中本聰還在創世區塊留下了永遠無法花掉的50枚比特幣。就如文章開頭所說,創世區塊沒有指向前一個區塊的雜湊函數值,它以寫死的方式強行產生,沒有納入交易資料庫;所以之後比特幣鏈上的所有交易都無法引用到這個區塊。簡單來說,就是創世地址裡面的50 BTC區塊獎勵轉不出去。
這或許是該地址從未發起交易的原因之一。不過創世地址餘額可不止50 BTC,直至今日仍舊有不少愛好者不斷往裡面轉入極少量的比特幣,可能是想借此來表達對中本聰的敬意,也有可能是讓中本聰想要自證身份的時候有餘額能夠轉出。
而更有趣的是,如果我們將視野放寬,還能在 Block#O和Block#1之間發現有意思的事情。創世區塊是中本聰寫死產生的,而Block#1才是真正透過挖礦產生的首個區塊,不過從時間戳來算,中本聰挖出Block#1的時間並不是我們所熟知的十分鐘,而是六天。從1月3日到1月9日,中本聰挖出Block#1用了整整六天的時間,湊巧的是, 上帝創世紀,也花了六天時間來創造世間萬物。
比特幣「環境殺手論」劇增!中本聰早想到:「不用 BTC,才是純粹的浪費」
比特幣今年迎來睽違已久的牛市,眾人對其增加的「碳足跡」也倍感擔憂。一度對比特幣立場轉為中立的微軟聯合創辦人比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates),2 月受訪時就又表示不支持比特幣,主因便在挖礦產生大量碳足跡。
《衛報》2 月便以《為何比特幣對地球有害》為標題做影片報導;路透社則抨擊特斯拉(Tesla)一方面提倡潔淨能源,另一手又向「能源密集」的比特幣投入 15 億美元;《華盛頓郵報》也指出,以比特幣購買特斯拉車對環境有負面影響。
無論以哪種指標比較,比特幣都確實消耗大量電力。原因就在比特幣採用名為 PoW 的共識機制,讓礦工以競爭方式解決密碼學問題,凡搶得首位,即能領取該區塊的獎勵。
為了保持競爭力,礦工硬體設備也被迫加入軍備競賽;使用更強大的計算機,消耗的能源自然也會增加。加拿大比特幣挖礦公司 Bitfarms 高層就承認,只要依然使用比特幣,就可能永遠要耗費大量能源。
BBC 報導,劍橋大學最近分析報告結果指出,比特幣一年消耗的能源總量,比阿根廷、荷蘭等國家還多,約每年 121.36 太瓦時(TWh)。假如把比特幣視為一國,耗電量將躋身世界前 30 大。
外界對比特幣的批評,也讓一則比特幣創造者中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)2010 年在比特幣論壇 BitcoinTalk 發表的言論被翻出來。之後中本聰便從人們視野消失,至今仍沒有人知道「他」,或「他們」的真實身分。
除此之外,中本聰也已預見未來將有無數開發者在比特幣區塊鏈上建立 Layer2 第二層解決方案,不傷害比特幣交易透明度的前提下,提升能源使用效率和交易速度等。Liquid、Lightning Network 等 Layer2 研究也行之有年。
此外,礦工能源消耗採可再生能源的比例也持續上升。根據劍橋大學替代金融中心(CCAF)去年 9 月發表的《全球加密貨幣指標研究》,高達 76% 礦工使用的電力包含可再生能源,甚至有 39% 礦工「只」使用可再生能源。
(本文由 動區動趨 授權轉載;首圖來源:Unsplash)
Goldman Sachs reportedly jumps on the bitcoin bandwagon
New York (CNN Business) Goldman Sachs will reportedly soon offer its private wealth management clients avenues to invest in bitcoin and other digital currencies.
Mary Rich, who is about to become the new global head of digital assets for Goldman Sach’s private wealth management division, said in an interview with CNBC Wednesday that Goldman will begin offering cryptocurrencies to investors sometime in the next three months. Goldman will announce Rich’s new position Wednesday, according to an internal company memo shared with CNN.
“In this newly-created role, she will work closely with advisors to educate clients about blockchain technology and the digital assets ecosystem, and seek to deliver content, investment offerings and services,” the memo said.
is looking at a wide spectrum of investments, ranging from “physical bitcoin, derivatives or traditional investment vehicles,” Rich said in the CNBC interview.
The private wealth management division is catered toward the wealthiest — those with a minimum of $25 million to invest. Rich said this decision by the bank was driven by what consumers demanded. Bitcoin’s price has skyrocketed , topping the $60,000 mark in mid-March. Bitcoins in circulation are worth more than $1 trillion
“There’s a contingent of clients who are looking to this asset as a hedge against inflation, and the macro backdrop over the past year has certainly played into that,” Rich said. “There are also a large contingent of clients who feel like we’re sitting at the dawn of a new Internet in some ways and are looking for ways to participate in this space.”
Crypto’s rising popularity
The decision by Goldman shows major financial institutions are beginning to embrace cryptocurrencies after years of skepticism due to its volatile nature. CNBC reported earlier in March that Goldman’s rival Morgan Stanley will offer its wealthy clients access to bitcoin funds, the first major US bank to do so.
As more financial institutions invest in bitcoin, more companies are expected to join. Some investors believe that it could be a good hedge against inflation and a weak dollar. The Federal Reserve cut interest rates in March 2020, severely weakening the US dollar and shooting up the price of bitcoin.
“We’re still in the very nascent stages of this ecosystem. No one knows exactly how it will evolve, or what shape it will be,” Rich said. “But I think it’s fairly safe to expect it will be part of our future.”