特斯拉投資 15 億美元比特幣,準備接受比特幣購車


特斯拉投資 15 億美元購入比特幣,預期為了之後要讓消費者可直接用比特幣付款購車。

特斯拉今天向證交委員會遞交財務運用報告,表示為了更靈活運用公司的現金流,購入價值 15 億美元比特幣,同時將會接受用戶透過比特幣購買他們的產品。

根據特斯拉最新財報,手上現金約有 190 億美元,換句話說,將近一成現金都拿來買比特幣了。消息傳出後,比特幣價格瞬間暴漲,目前站上 4.3 萬美元高點,且持續向上攀升。

▲ 比特幣在特斯拉宣布投資後,價格暴漲,圖為過去 1 小時內行情。(Source:Coinbase)

過去兩星期,特斯拉執行長馬斯克多次在 Twitter 提及加密貨幣,包括比特幣和狗狗幣,現在回頭一看,原來他是在暗示這場大局。更讓人看傻眼的是,竟然會有人先把價格拉高之後,再大筆投入購買比特幣,世界首富的思維果然難以預測。

同時,特斯拉股價開盤也快速上漲 2.42%,來到 872.9 美元。

▲ 特斯拉的報告原文。(Source:SEC)



馬斯克投顧再度開張?一個 hashtag 讓比特幣報價盤中大飆一成


特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)的號召力顯然可以讓他再成立一家公司:馬斯克投顧。繼貼出一則狗狗圖像讓狗狗幣報價一夕之間爆噴 500% 後,馬斯克在 Twitter 又有新動作,他在帳戶簡介加入「#bitcoin」(比特幣),光這個舉動,就讓比特幣盤中直線拉升,飆漲一成。

▲ 馬斯克在 Twitter 個人介紹加了 #bitcoin。

▲ 比特幣 29 日因馬斯克推文爆漲。(Source:Yahoo!Finance)

馬斯克投顧近日頻頻開張,在助攻比特幣之前,馬斯克才剛對動作角色扮演遊戲《電馭叛客 2077》(Cyberpunk 2077)表示讚賞,帶動波蘭遊戲開發商 CD Projekt 股價聞訊大漲,成為受惠馬斯克推文的新一檔個股。

With Cyberpunk, even the hotfixes literally have hotfixes, but … great game — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 28, 2021

而在《電馭叛客 2077》的這則推文前 1 小時,馬斯克也才剛參與因 Reddit 軍團飆股交易遭到限制,散戶轉戰加密貨幣的狗狗幣大戰。當時散戶在 Twitter 懇求馬斯克幫忙,結果馬斯克真的在 28 日晚間發文貼出《Vogue》風格的狗狗圖像,立刻讓狗狗幣飆升。

在此之前,馬斯克投顧的傑作還包括助長 GameStop 軋空行情及 Etsy 股價的劇烈波動。其中,馬斯克分別只用了一個字「Gamestonk!!」及一句話「I kinda love Etsy」,就讓這兩檔股票股價暴衝與大幅震盪,讓人不得不佩服他「喊水會結凍」的實力。

Bought a hand knit wool Marvin the Martian helm for my dog — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 26, 2021

從頻繁推文來看,馬斯克無疑是 Twitter 愛好者,除了抒發心情,Twitter 也幾乎成為他與大眾互動的主要工具。加上光靠 Twitter 一句話、一行字或甚至一個單字就能對市場有這麼大的影響力,也難怪先前傳出馬斯克解散特斯拉公關團隊後,正準備招募新血管理馬斯克本人的 Twitter 帳號。

(首圖來源:Flickr/Daniel Oberhaus CC BY 2.0)

‘Demand to surge’: Expert’s $70,000 Bitcoin prediction


Bitcoin goes mainstream: What that means for investors. Source: Getty

In another win for Bitcoin-lovers, Mastercard has revealed it will begin supporting select cryptocurrencies on its network.

Executive vice president of blockchain at Mastercard, Raj Dhamodharan, said the company would start to enable customers, merchants and businesses to move digital value however they want.

While Dhamodharan did not reveal exactly what kind of cryptocurrency would be supported, he said stablecoins with “reliability and security” would be brought onto the network.

“Doing this work will create a lot more possibilities for shoppers and merchants, allowing them to transact in an entirely new form of payment,” he said.

“This change may open merchants up to new customers who are already flocking to digital assets, and help sellers build loyalty with existing customers who want this additional option. And customers will be able to save, store and send money in new ways.”

It marks another move towards mainstreaming crypto assets.

Just this week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed the company had purchased a whopping US$1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, and that they would begin accepting it as payment in the future.

The investment represented around 10 per cent of Tesla’s cash reserves, and was the largest corporate purchase of Bitcoin to date.

Last October, Paypal also announced it would allow customers to buy, hold and sell cryptocurrency directly from their PayPal account.

Twitter’s chief financial officer Ned Segal also revealed earlier this week that the company is considering whether to add Bitcoin to its balance sheet, but nothing is concrete yet.

Segal said in a CNBC interview on Wednesday that Twitter was considering paying employees in Bitcoin should they ask to be paid that way, as well as other vendors.

“We want to be thoughtful about it over time, but we haven’t made any changes yet,” he said.

So what does this mean for investors?

According to eToro’s cryptoasset analyst, Simon Peters, Mastercard’s announcement was another major milestone for the industry, and it could soon be reflected in prices.

Story continues

“Mastercard is the operator of the second-largest network of credit cards in the world, and for a business of that size to be making this decision shows the long-term trend for cryptoasset adoption,” Peters said.

He said the move had “real long-term implications” for these digital assets.

“Bitcoin and its peers are, quite simply, going to be part of the mainstream financial universe sooner rather than later,” he said.

“I expect demand to surge and see bitcoin prices hitting at least $70,000 by the end of this year.”

Twitter’s comments also strengthen Bitcoin’s long-term prospects, with Peters saying it represents a shift away from traditional financial institutions.

“They want democratisation of money and bitcoin and other cryptoassets represent a chance to achieve that,” he said.

“We would expect many more companies to follow suit by both integrating Bitcoin into payrolls, or by investing in it as part of a diversification of their balance sheets.”

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