特斯拉執行穆斯克 為SolarCity收購案出庭作證 - 財經
特斯拉執行長穆斯克(Elon Musk)12日出庭作證,為2016年特斯拉投資26億美元進行的SolarCity收購案辯護,因為投資人指控穆斯克為私人利益操縱收購案。穆斯克若敗訴可能要賠償特斯拉26億美元,締造美國史上個人官司最高賠償金額。
美國德拉瓦州法院12日針對特斯拉收購SolarCity一案展開為期2周的開庭審案,將由副大法官史萊茲(Joseph Slights)裁定穆斯克是否主導這場被控對特斯拉股東不公平的收購案。
Musk on trial: Defends SolarCity, calls lawyer ‘bad human’
Tesla founder Elon Musk took to a witness stand Monday to defend his company’s 2016 acquisition of a troubled company called SolarCity against a shareholder lawsuit that claims he’s to blame for a deal that was rife with conflicts of interest and never delivered the profits he had promised
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