相反地,當全網算力大幅下降,礦工大量退出時,比特幣的挖礦難度也會隨之下降,誘使更多人投入挖礦。在中國政府於 2021 年六月大舉斷電礦場後,比特幣全網算力腰斬,隨之而來的是難度迅速下降。
原先貢獻全網算力近 60% 的中國礦工退出後,比特幣挖礦難度在一週內下降了約 30%,簡單來說,雖然比特幣幣值因此下跌了 40%,但礦工要獲取比特幣所需付出的資源也下降了 30%。一來一往之間,中國政府斷電礦場的政策,反而是將原本由中國礦工壟斷的挖礦事業,拱手讓給海外礦工,而且消耗的電力還更少。
▲ 比特幣算力從谷底又慢慢回升。( Source:Bitinfochart)
2021 年 5 月,比特幣全網算力來到歷史高峰 186MTH/s(每秒百萬雜湊值),在中國政府介入後,算力驟降至兩年來最低的 68MTH/s,然而經歷一個月,全球礦工們積極搶下中國讓出的機會,順勢搶購中國礦工便宜出售的礦機,目前算力已回升到 110MTH/s。
中國政府打壓無效,最有力的證據就是在過去一個月,這些與中國高度相關的亞洲交易所,包括幣安、火幣與 OKEx,依然是全球最活絡的加密貨幣交易所。相比之下,今年風光上市的美國交易所 Coinbase 交易量,都遠遠落後於這些中國政府認為不合法的交易所。
不可否認,中國政府對於挖礦和交易所的禁令,都對比特幣造成一定程度的衝擊,但短短不到兩個月,比特幣算力與幣值明顯恢復良好,超出許多人預期。過去兩週比特幣上漲超過 40%,幣值從跌破 3 萬美元到超過 4 萬美元,如今落在 38,994 美元,應該讓前陣子接手中國礦機的礦工樂不可支。
Second-largest U.S. mortgage lender will accept payment in bitcoin
Starting later this year, U.S. homebuyers will have the option to pay for their mortgage in bitcoin.
United Wholesale Mortgage, which made its public debut in January via a special purpose acquisition (SPAC) merger, announced plans this week to accept cryptocurrency for home loans, in what is being billed as a first for the national mortgage industry.
“We’ve evaluated the feasibility, and we’re looking forward to being the first mortgage company in America to accept cryptocurrency to satisfy mortgage payments,” CEO Mat Ishbia said in the company’s second quarter earnings call on Monday.
“That’s something that we’ve been working on, and we’re excited that hopefully, in Q3, we can actually execute on that before anyone in the country because we are a leader in technology and innovation.”
The Michigan-based mortgage company confirmed to CNBC that it’s aiming to start by accepting bitcoin, though UWM is in the process of evaluating ether and other cryptocurrencies as well.
“We are evaluating the feasibility and requirements in order to accept cryptocurrency to satisfy mortgage payments,” said Ishbia in a tweet via the company’s account.
UWM – the nation’s second-biggest mortgage lender after Quicken, the Detroit-based lending giant owned by Rocket Companies – works solely through wholesale channels, meaning that the company employs a fleet of brokers who then connect clients to home loans.
The push into decentralized digital money comes at a time of heightened scrutiny of crypto from all sides in the U.S.
Revamped crypto tax rules are a part of the $1 trillion infrastructure bill, and financial authorities like Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, SEC Chair Gary Gensler, and Fed Chief Jerome Powell have all spoken recently on the topic of whether to regulate cryptocurrency.
It is unclear is whether UWM will hold the cryptocurrency it accepts or convert it to fiat at the point of transaction. The company did not immediately get back to CNBC with that information.