《國際產業》馬斯克加持 比特幣、以太幣飆高



同時兼任特斯拉和SpaceX執行長的馬斯克周三在B-Word會議上證實自己持有以太幣。這場會議由全球加密貨幣產業領袖聯盟the Crypto Council for Innovation主辦。

根據Coin Metrics數據,周三比特幣最高升至32,765美元。






馬斯克表示,他一直長期持有他的比特幣,「如果比特幣的價格下跌,我就會賠錢。我可能會拉抬(pump),但我不會拋售( dump),我絕對不相信那些將價格拉高並出售或類似的事,我希望看到比特幣成功」。


马斯克再倒戈:想看比特币成功 币价闻声涨破32000丨C位


Ethereum price rises after Elon Musk confirms he owns the cryptocurrency


The price of ethereum rose Wednesday afternoon after Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said he owns the cryptocurrency at The B Word conference, an event hosted by the Crypto Council for Innovation.

Ethereum, which was already rallying on the day, touched its high of the session after Musk’s mention. It was last up more than 12% and near the highs of the day.

Musk also repeated his support for cryptocurrency in general, despite potential environmental risks, saying, “One thing you do need to watch out for with crypto, especially bitcoin, using proof of work, using energy that’s a bit too much and not necessarily good for the environment.”

As bitcoin mining is increasingly powered by renewable energy, Musk said, Tesla will likely move to accept bitcoin for transactions once again.