傳中國巨鯨拋震撼比特幣,WSJ:幣安給散戶 125 倍槓桿
比特幣近日上沖下洗,今日亞洲盤一度下殺至 7 週以來最低點,但數小時後隨即飆回 5 萬美元關卡。
上週比特幣才剛因美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)傳出提議將富人資本利得稅調高近倍導致比特幣內爆。外媒直指,近來報價波動益發劇烈,跟投資人槓桿過高脫不了關係。
CoinDesk 報價顯示,比特幣今日稍早一度下殺至 47,079.14 美元,創 7 週以來新低;台北時間 26 日中午 12 時 38 分則回彈至 52,207.33 美元,較 24 小時前勁揚 5.39%。
值得注意的是,FXHedge 26 日透過 Twitter 指出,中國加密貨幣巨鯨稍早透過全球最大交易所幣安(Binance)拋售 2 億美元比特幣,導致報價下探 47,000 美元。比特幣超過一週前突然下殺,也是 FXHedge 推文惹禍。FXHedge 18 日透過 Twitter 引述未具名消息來源指出,美國財政部將指控數家金融機構涉嫌利用加密貨幣洗錢。
華爾街日報報導,比特幣 24 日突然狂跌最多 17% 至 52,000 美元附近,半數跌幅在約 20 分鐘內發生。據數據提供商 Bybt 資料,各大虛幣交易所強制平倉,25 日總共導致交易者損失 101 億美元。超過 90% 遭平倉的部位,都是比特幣等數位貨幣的多方部位,且將近 50 億美元都發生在幣安。
值得注意的是,報導稱,離岸虛幣衍生性商品交易所,提供散戶高額槓桿。舉例來說,幣安交易所投資人可利用部分期貨合約,取得高達 125 倍槓桿。這意味散戶只要存入 80 美分,就可買到相當於 100 美元比特幣的部位。相較之下,受美國政府規管的芝加哥商業交易所(CME Group),投資者必須存入至少 38 美元,且券商必須提供更多保證金。
幣安發言人表示,交易所許多商品允許的槓桿倍數近來都已降低,且僅少數用戶使用 125:1 槓桿。不過,加密貨幣交易商 GSR 總裁 Rich Rosenblum 表示,比特幣依舊受高槓桿散戶左右。
(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:pixabay)
比特幣概念股買啥好?高盛:19 檔概念股,今年漲 46%
比特幣漲勢驚人,今年以來飆高 86%,許多投資人想從此趨勢獲利,又怕比特幣過於波動,轉向擁抱相關概念股。到底哪些標的可以抱?高盛篩選後,選出 19 檔純度最高的概念股。
Barron’s 27 日報導,儘管有好幾家公司接受比特幣、採納比特幣背後的區塊鏈技術,甚至直接敲進比特幣,但對投資人來說,很難判斷哪些個股和比特幣價格走勢的連動性最強。高盛分析師 Ben Snider 用三個標準衡量,找出 19 檔純度最高的個股。
高盛名單如下:Marathon Digital Holdings、Riot Blockchain、MicroStrategy、Silvergate Capital、Square、PayPal Holdings、Overstock.com、Nvidia、Investview、Ideanomics、特斯拉(Tesla)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、Visa、Bank of New York Mellon、 Facebook、萬事達卡(Mastercard)、Broadridge Financial Solutions、IBM、Coinbase Global。名單前七檔得分最高獲得 9 分,Nividia 取得 7 分,其餘為 6 分。
高盛挑選時,先決條件是市值在 10 億美元以上,接下來評選基準有三:
第二,尋找過去 12 個月來,股價與比特幣價格連動性最高的個股。
第三,從六檔區塊鏈相關指數和 ETF 搜尋標的。列入名單的 19 檔概念股,今年來平均上漲 46%,遠優於標普 500 指數上漲 12%。
需要小心的是,獲選個股的股價多已處於高檔,這些概念股的本益比中位數和企業價值相對於銷售乘數的中位數,為一般美股 2 倍。
(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:Unsplash)
Charlie Munger: ‘Of course, I hate the bitcoin success’
Legendary investor Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B, BRK-A), and his long-time business partner Charlie Munger dissed bitcoin once more at the annual meeting of shareholders on Saturday.
“I knew there’d be a question on bitcoin, and I thought to myself, ‘Well, I’ve watched these politicians dodge questions all the time, you know, I find it kind of disgusting, but they do it.’ But the truth is I’m gonna dodge that question because we probably got hundreds of thousands of people watching that own bitcoin, and we probably have two people that are short. So we got a choice of making 400,000 people mad at us and unhappy, and, or making two people happy, and that’s just a dumb equation.”
The 90-year-old “Oracle of Omaha” said his home state of Nebraska had a governor “a long time ago” who would get a tough question and he’d say, “I’m alright on that one” without answering.
Buffett’s partner, Charlie Munger, said bringing up bitcoin is like “waving the red flag at the bull.”
“Of course, I hate the bitcoin success and I don’t welcome a currency that’s useful to kidnappers and extortionists, and so forth. Nor do I like just shuffling out of extra billions and billions and billions of dollars to somebody who just invented a new financial product out of thin air. So, I think I should say modestly that I think the whole damn development is disgusting and contrary to the interests of civilization. And I’ll leave the criticism to others,” the 97-year-old said.
To that, Buffett joked, “I’m alright on that one.”
Bitcoin’s (BTC-USD) price was trading north of $57,800 at the time of this publication.
Full Coverage of Berkshire Hathaway’s 2021 Annual Shareholders Meeting
It’s not the first time the pair of billionaire investors have criticized the cryptocurrency. At the 2018 annual meeting, Buffett called bitcoin “probably rat poison-squared,” while Munger called it a “turd.” At the time, the cryptocurrency was worth around $9,800.
Story continues
“I think every time you buy a nonproductive asset, you’re counting on somebody else, later on, to buy a nonproductive asset, because they think they can sell to somebody for more money,” Buffett said at the 2018 meeting. “It does come to a bad ending.”
“I think people who are professional traders that are going to trade cryptocurrencies, it’s just disgusting,” Munger added. “It’s like someone else is trading turds and you decide I can’t be left out.”
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Julia La Roche is a correspondent for Yahoo Finance. Follow her on Twitter.
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