In the end it didn’t even matter.
馬斯克又推文,這次似乎暗示要與比特幣分手?無論他本意為何,比特幣本週漲勢因此而中斷,隨即下跌 4%。
投資虛擬貨幣,尤其是比特幣的朋友,從去年到今年第一季,肯定是非常感謝馬斯克(Elon Musk),在他的助攻下,讓比特幣價格如 SpaceX 火箭般衝破天際。但現在馬斯克恐怕成為投資人最討厭的名人,因為比特幣價格還真的如 SpaceX 火箭一樣又降落了。
這位狂人今天又發了一張網路迷因圖,內容是一對情侶分手,並引用搖滾樂團聯合公園(Linkin Park)的歌詞。
雖然這張圖本身跟比特幣一點關係都沒有,但馬斯克推文卻只寫了 #Bitcoin 💔,不禁讓人聯想馬斯克這則推文,是暗示他準備與比特幣分手。
5 月馬斯克宣布,特斯拉將暫停接受用戶以比特幣購車,原因是比特幣消耗太多能源。這也讓比特幣持續下跌至今,一直到這個星期才有稍微止跌的跡象。
▲ 比特幣過去一週緩慢回升,今日又被擊落。(Source:coindesk)
幣圈一天,人間十年,馬斯克將比特幣與狗狗幣帶上月球,現在又回到人間。儘管比特幣剛經歷過連續大跌,但以整個 2021 至今的表現來看,比特幣仍然有 33% 成長,狗狗幣則成長 78 倍。相較黃金、標普 500 和道瓊工業指數等傳統資產,都優秀太多。
投資人對馬斯克的心情,恰好也可用同一首歌歌詞回應。「I’ve put my trust in you…」
(首圖來源:Flickr/Heisenberg Media CC BY 2.0)
比特幣單日慘崩30%!以太幣、狗狗幣也難倖免,幣圈為何突遭血洗?|數位時代 BusinessNext
If you’re thinking about investing in bitcoin, consider these risks first
Bitcoin was originally created to be like digital cash, but it’s real-world use case has evolved since its inception. More than anything, investors are buying it now as a speculative investment.
The price was sitting at $37,100 as of Friday afternoon and has been struggling to rebound to its May highs after Tesla CEO Elon Musk began moving crypto markets, sending bitcoin lower. The cryptocurrency is the largest by market cap, which is $693 billion as of Friday, according to Coin Metrics.
Historically, bitcoin’s demand has been driven largely by retail investors, but that narrative changed late last year as big investors and institutions began reconsidering their positions on it. Bitcoin has always and continues to suffer from reputational issues that are hard for it to shake, mostly because of its newness and therefore the lack of data or history to support its raison d’être.
If you’ve gotten caught in the confusion and misinformation around bitcoin, here are the key things to focus on if you’re considering bitcoin for your portfolio.