Intel 推出第 3 代 Xeon Scalable 處理器加入 Crypto 加速與 DL Boost 帶給資料中心強大效能


從資料中心、雲端、網路到 AI,Intel 推出第 3 代 Xeon Scalable 處理器(“Ice Lake”),採用 10nm 製程打造最高 40 核心,並有著 8 通道DDR4-3200 記憶體支援性,以及 64 lane PCIe Gen4 的擴充能力。而第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器,比起上一代效能有著顯著提升,於熱門資料中心工作負載提供平均 46% 提升改善。處理器還增加新款與強化後的平台功能,包含內建安全性 Intel SGX ,以及 Intel Crypto Acceleration 和針對 AI 加速的 Intel DL Boost。

這些結合 Intel Select Solutions 和 Intel Market Ready Solutions 等英特爾廣泛產品組合的新功能,讓客戶能夠加速佈署橫跨雲端、AI、企業、HPC、網路、安全性與邊緣的各種應用。

內建 AI 加速:最新第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器提供 AI 效能、生產力、簡易性,讓客戶能夠洞悉他們的資料並解放更多具有價值的內容。相較前一世代可提升 74% 快的 AI 效能;相較 AMD EPYC 7763,於廣泛應用的 20 項 AI 混合工作負載,最高提供 1.5 倍的效能:相較於Nvidia A100 GPU,於廣泛應用的 20 項 AI 混合工作負載,最高提供 1.3 倍的效能。

內建安全性:經過成千上萬的考察研究與生產佈署,加上隨著時間不斷淬鍊,Intel SGX 以系統內最小潛在攻擊面保護敏感程式碼與資料。如今可於雙插槽 Xeon 可擴充處理器的指定位址空間(enclave)使用,該指定位址空間能夠隔離與處理最高 1TB 的程式碼與資料,以便支援主流工作負載的需求。結合 Intel Total Memory Encryption 和 Intel Platform Firmware Resilience 在內的新功能。

內建加密加速:Intel®Crypto Acceleration 於許多重要的加密演算法提供突破性的性能。執行密集加密的商業模式能夠從此功能當中獲益,如每天處理數以百萬計消費交易的線上銷售,於保護消費者資料的同時,無需影響使用者回應時間或是整體系統效能。

此外,為加速第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充平台的工作負載,軟體開發者能夠透過開放、跨架構程式設計的 oneAPI 最佳化他們的應用,從專利模式的技術和經濟負擔當中解放。Intel oneAPI 開發工具包透過進階編譯器、函式庫、分析與除錯工具,實現處理器的AI與加密功能和效能 。


市場最為普及的英特爾資料中心平台,具備無與倫比的移動、儲存與處理資料的能力。最新第 3 代Intel Xeon 可擴充平台包含 Intel Optane Persistent Memory 200 系列、Intel Optane Solid State Drive(SSD)P5800X 和 Intel SSD D5-P5316 NAND SSD,以及 Intel Ethernet 800 系列網路介面卡和最新的 Intel Agilex FPGA。上述可在第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充平台產品資訊當中獲得更多資訊。


最新第 3 代Intel Xeon 可擴充平台為廣大範圍的市場區隔最佳化-從雲端到智慧邊緣。

為雲端而生:第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器為滿足雲端工作負載和支援大範圍服務環境的苛刻需求而打造並最佳化。全球超過 800 個雲端服務供應商於 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器上執行,且所有最大的雲端服務供應商正計畫於 2021 年,由第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器支援其雲端服務。

為網路而生:英特爾的網路最佳化「N 版本」專為支援多樣的網路環境而設計,並為多種工作負載和性能水準最佳化。最新第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器相較前一世代,於一系列廣泛佈署的網路與 5G 工作負載,效能平均提升 62%。與超過 400 位 Intel Network Builders 成員的廣泛生態系一同工作,英特爾提供基於第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器「N 版本」的解決方案藍圖,進而加快 vRAN、NFVI、虛擬 CDN 等的測試認證並縮短佈署時間。

為智慧邊緣而生:第 3 代 Intel Xeon 可擴充處理器針對強而有力的 AI、複雜的影像或視訊分析,以及智慧邊緣整合工作負載,提供所需的效能、安全性和作業控制。相對於前一世代,平台為影像分類提供最高1.56倍的AI推論效能。

Coinbase: Possible ‘Significant’ drop in crypto prices this year like in 2018


Coinbase, the eight-year-old, privately held, San Francisco-based startup that is a trading platform for Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, Tuesday evening announced its financial results for 2021, and said it foresees a wide range of scenarios for the market this year, including a sharp drop in price.

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Bitcoin’s price has soared the past six months from $10,600 to over $57,000 U.S. dollars per Bitcoin, as companies such as Tesla, PayPal, and Square have emphasized buying reserves of the currency and making it possible for customers to transact in the currency.

Coinbase, which makes money off the volume of people transacting on its platform to buy and sell currencies, had 6.1 million transacting users, or MTUs, in the three months ended in March, it said.

To forecast this year, “Given the inherent unpredictability of our business […] we are providing a range of possible scenarios for full-year 2021,” the company said.

The “high” scenario sees the overall market capitalization of crypto continuing to increase, pushing up Coinbase’s MTUs to 7 million.

A “mid” scenario “assumes flat crypto market capitalization,” the company said, and “low to moderate volatility” in crypto prices. That would possibly reduce MTUs to 5.5 million, it said.

The “low” scenario would see a “significant decrease in crypto market capitalization, similar to the decrease observed in 2018,” the company said, “And low levels of crypto asset price volatility thereafter.

Bitcoin’s price in 2018 plunged from a high of over $19,000 per Bitcoin to under $4,000.

“In this scenario, we assume MTUs will decrease in a corresponding manner and end 2021 at similar levels to Q4 2020.”

As for its own results, the surge in crypto prices has been a boon to the company’s volume of business. Coinbase had $335 billion worth of trading volume on its platform in the March quarter, producing $1.8 billion in revenue. The company expects $700 million to $800 million of net income from that activity.

Coinbase has received $539 million in venture capital financing since 2015 from firms that include AH Capital Management LLC, Manhattan Venture Partners, Y Combinator, and Initialized Capital Management.

Crypto market mixed but exchange tokens gain ahead of Coinbase listing



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Bitcoin and Ethereum have dipped but a number of other cryptocurrencies are flying this afternoon in the buildup to next week’s Coinbase listing.

VeChain, Solana, the Celsius Network, Helium, Tezos and Decred had all hit all-time highs in the past 24 hours, but the gains were far from across the board.

Of the top 100 coins on Coingecko, 51 had gained ground while 49 had lost it.

Bitcoin and Eth were both down slightly, with BTC trading at just over $US58,000 ($75,000) and Ether just under $US2,100 ($2,750).

The Crypto Fear & Greed index had dipped to a 72, indicating “greed” but down from the “extreme greed” exhibited both last week and last month.

Many crypto fans were looking ahead to the April 14 direct listing of Coinbase onto the NASDAQ, in a move that bypasses a traditional initial public offering.

Imagine Coinbase directly listing 114.9 million shares to the NASDAQ won’t happen in tandem with an avalanche of bullish news relating to bitcoin and crypto in general — //Bitcoin 𝕵ack 🐐 (@BTC_JackSparrow) April 6, 2021

Coinbase will be the first cryptocurrency exchange to be publicly traded — but a number of other exchanges have their own tokens, many of which were doing well this afternoon.

Binance Coin was up 6.4 per cent to $US413; Bitfinex’s LEO Token was up 4.3 per cent to $US2.09; and the FTX derivative exchange’s FTT token was up 4.4 per cent to $US46.34.

Buying exchange tokens like BNB, FTT, etc in the run up of the Coinbase listing is one of those smooth brain plays that’s so simple and so smooth brain that it works — Rob Paone (@crypto_bobby) April 6, 2021

Is the easiest no brain trade just buy tons of exchange coins into the Coinbase IPO listing? This things is going to come out so much higher than anyone can imagine with the public market liquidity. — Keyboard Monkey (@KeyboardMonkey3) April 6, 2021

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