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比特幣市值重返 1 兆美元,礦機巨頭嘉楠股價飆逾 50%
近日比特幣市值再度回升至 1 兆美元,讓挖礦商機再現動能。9 日,在那斯達克交易所上市的中國礦機大廠嘉楠耘智(Canaan),股價一天內瘋漲逾 50%,明顯受到比特幣價格走高帶動。
Business Insider、CNBC 報導,根據 Coindesk 報價,台北時間 9 日上午,比特幣價格來到 54,000 美元,市值重返 1 兆美元,是繼今年 2 月 19 日後,史上第二次突破 1 兆美元大關。台北時間 10 日上午 7 時 39 分,比特幣價格報 54,694.94 美元,雖然低於歷史高點 58,332.36 美元,但今年累計漲幅達 87.61%,對挖礦概念股是一大利多。
嘉楠耘智 9 日股價飆漲 50.45% 收 28.69 美元,創史上新高收盤價,今年以來累計勁揚 383.81%,而大盤標普 500 指數同期漲幅為 3.18%。
2013 年,嘉楠耘智由董事長兼執行長張楠賡創立,主要生產搭載人工智慧(AI)晶片的比特幣礦機,並以發明全球第一台基於 ASIC(特殊應用晶片)的區塊鏈運算設備而聞名。
過去 6 個月來,嘉楠耘智股價隨著比特幣漲勢一路大漲,漲幅高達 1,000% 以上。去年 9 月,嘉楠耘智的股價僅每股 2 美元左右。
據嘉楠耘智表示,近期獲得來自北美客戶的高額訂單,總計超過 10 萬台比特幣礦機。之前嘉楠耘智的主要客戶群為個體礦工,但 2020 年底時,開始轉攻公開上市公司和比特幣投資基金。
今年 1 月,嘉楠耘智與北美挖礦巨頭 Hive Blockchain 簽署 6,400 台礦機採購訂單,總算力達 576PH/s。
(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)
Bitcoin jumps 8% to $60,000 after Fed keeps policy steady and Morgan Stanley offers crypto funds
The bitcoin price climbed above $60,000 again on Thursday R.Tsubin/Getty Images
The bitcoin price rose past $60,000 again on Thursday after falling sharply at the start of the week.
The Fed stressed it would keep monetary policy loose, while stimulus checks are being sent out.
Morgan Stanley plans to give its rich clients access to bitcoin as institutional interest grows.
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Bitcoin rose past $60,000 barrier again on Thursday before paring slightly after a sharp fall from record highs earlier in the week, with stimulus and institutional interest boosting the world’s biggest cryptocurrency.
The bitcoin price (BTC) was up 8.3% to $59,709 at 12.50 p.m. EDT, having earlier touched $60,080.
That was off a high of close to $62,000 reached on Saturday, but well up from a low of below $54,000 hit on Tuesday. Bitcoin has risen around 1,000% in a year.
Ethereum’s cryptocurrency ether (ETH) rose 2.7% to $1,820, although that was below a high of more than $2,000 reached in February.
Edward Moya, senior market analyst at Oanda, said Wednesday’s Federal Reserve statement had helped the bitcoin price.
The Fed said it planned to keep supporting the economy until employment and inflation picked up and foresaw no interest-rate rises until 2024.
Huge amounts of stimulus have been a key driver of the bitcoin boom, and “an accommodative Fed until the job is done should keep the world’s largest cryptocurrency strongly supported,” Moya said.
Justin d’Anethan, head of exchange sales at Diginex, said stimulus checks being sent out to Americans was another factor.
More interest from big institutions also appeared to lift the coin, with Morgan Stanley planning to offer its rich clients access to bitcoin funds, according to CNBC.
D’Anethan said: “It seems that people are buying globally, nudged by Meitu, a Hong Kong listed company, buying yet another $50 million worth of crypto and, overnight, the news that Morgan Stanley will enable its wealthier clients to access BTC funds.”
Adrian Patten, chair of currency infrastructure-provider Cobalt, said: “With such high prices, both liquidity and volumes are increasing and catching up with the more traditional asset classes.”
Other market participants are more skeptical, however, with Bank of America saying on Wednesday that bitcoin does not provide diversification or inflation protection.