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比特幣市值重返 1 兆美元,礦機巨頭嘉楠股價飆逾 50%


近日比特幣市值再度回升至 1 兆美元,讓挖礦商機再現動能。9 日,在那斯達克交易所上市的中國礦機大廠嘉楠耘智(Canaan),股價一天內瘋漲逾 50%,明顯受到比特幣價格走高帶動。

Business Insider、CNBC 報導,根據 Coindesk 報價,台北時間 9 日上午,比特幣價格來到 54,000 美元,市值重返 1 兆美元,是繼今年 2 月 19 日後,史上第二次突破 1 兆美元大關。台北時間 10 日上午 7 時 39 分,比特幣價格報 54,694.94 美元,雖然低於歷史高點 58,332.36 美元,但今年累計漲幅達 87.61%,對挖礦概念股是一大利多。

嘉楠耘智 9 日股價飆漲 50.45% 收 28.69 美元,創史上新高收盤價,今年以來累計勁揚 383.81%,而大盤標普 500 指數同期漲幅為 3.18%。

2013 年,嘉楠耘智由董事長兼執行長張楠賡創立,主要生產搭載人工智慧(AI)晶片的比特幣礦機,並以發明全球第一台基於 ASIC(特殊應用晶片)的區塊鏈運算設備而聞名。

過去 6 個月來,嘉楠耘智股價隨著比特幣漲勢一路大漲,漲幅高達 1,000% 以上。去年 9 月,嘉楠耘智的股價僅每股 2 美元左右。

據嘉楠耘智表示,近期獲得來自北美客戶的高額訂單,總計超過 10 萬台比特幣礦機。之前嘉楠耘智的主要客戶群為個體礦工,但 2020 年底時,開始轉攻公開上市公司和比特幣投資基金。

今年 1 月,嘉楠耘智與北美挖礦巨頭 Hive Blockchain 簽署 6,400 台礦機採購訂單,總算力達 576PH/s。

(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)

The US Government Sold Some Bitcoin – And the Winning Bidder Got a Bargain



Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan are in Anchorage in the middle of their first meeting with their Chinese counterparts.The big picture: After the tumult of the Trump administration, Chinese diplomats have gone into the meeting openly calling for the re-establishment of “strategic dialogue” and a more cooperative relationship. But the chances of that look slim.Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free.From trade and technology, to the South China Sea and Taiwan, to Hong Kong and Xinjiang, the political terrain of the U.S.-China relationship remains overwhelmingly adversarial. In both Washington and Beijing, a new culture of strategic competition now runs deep across the board.The state of play: While Chinese diplomats are still playing up the idea of a relationship based on “no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation” in public, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his closest military and security staff are sounding a very different note:Given China’s strong economic performance, the phrase “rise of the East and decline of the West” is now echoing around Beijing.Xi has assured China’s top leadership that “the world is in a turbulent time that is unprecedented in the past century… but time and momentum are on our side.” Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe recently declared that China’s strategic confrontation with the U.S. has entered a period of essentially equal balance and that “containment and counter-containment will be the main theme of bilateral ties in the long term.”Meanwhile, in Asia, China has only stepped up its hardline approach, accelerating military sorties across the Taiwan Strait and into waters near Japan, dismantling Hong Kong’s democratic autonomy, brushing aside criticism of human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and pledging to step up “the extra-territorial application of Chinese law” to punish critics abroad.Between the lines: The overall sentiment in Beijing two months into the Biden administration is one of strategic continuity accompanied by a degree of tactical diplomatic flexibility.China’s strategy remains one of building its comprehensive economic, military, and technological power over the course of the decade ahead in order to achieve its territorial objectives without having to ever fire a shot.Tactically, Xi’s goal for his diplomats is to buy as much time as possible in the short term by enmeshing the relationship in a complex of dialogue mechanisms while the relative balance power continues to move more decisively in Beijing’s favor.The Biden administration isn’t buying it, having gone out of their way to specify that “this is not a strategic dialogue,” and their priority is to “engage China from a position of strength.”Beijing’s initial hopes that the Biden administration might wind down the focus on “strategic competition” with China have largely been dashed. Both sides are settling in for a long struggle. What to watch: While it won’t make for great headlines, the best outcome from Anchorage is to agree on a channel for high level future political contact between the two sides, although this will be much narrower in scope than the Strategic and Economic Dialogue of the Bush and Obama years. There is also likely to be some level of agreement to advance practical cooperation in specific areas like climate change, which is too important for both countries to allow it to become a casualty of the competitive and adversarial nature of the rest of the relationship.Kevin Rudd was the 26th Prime Minister of Australia and is President of the Asia Society Policy Institute and Chair of the International Peace Institute in New York. This article was adapted from a speech on Thursday evening at the Asia Society Policy Institute. Read the full text or watch the discussion with experienced China watchers Bill Bishop and Susan Jakes.Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free.