Sveučilište u Rijeci skočilo za 15 mjesta na svjetskoj RUR ljestvici, evo zašto je to važno
Prvih 10 mjesta pripalo američkim sveučilištima Tradicionalno i ove godine prvih deset mjesta na RUR ljestvici u najvećem broju zauzimaju američka sveučilišta. Tako je Harvard University na prvom mjestu, California Institute of Technology drugi, a Stanford University treći. Četvrto mjesto zauzima londonski Imperial College, peti je švedski Karolinska Institute, šesti američki Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), sedmi University of Oxford, dok osmo mjesto zauzima ETH Zurich, deveto University of Cambridge, a deseto Columbia University. Uz riječko sveučilište na ljestvici je i zagrebačko sveučilište koje se pozicioniralo na 539. mjestu te dubrovačko sveučilište koje je zauzelo 867. mjesto.
Ethereum: Has the Run to $9000 Started?!
Almost two weeks ago, see here, I showed Ethereum (ETH), was according to the Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) in “[red] wave-v of [black] major wave-c of blue Primary-IV,” which “should ideally target between $1445-1850.” ETH bottomed on May 23rd at $1736. Right smack in the middle of my ideal (black) target zone. See Figure 1 below. It has since rallied and is now trading at $2750s—a 58% rise.
Figure 1. ETH daily EWP count and technical indicators.
Long-term upside potential outweighs short-term downside risk
Last week I showed my Premium Crypto Trading Members ETH should ideally bottom around $2010-2325, and on Sunday, May 30th, it bottomed at $2275. Again, right smack in the middle of my ideal (orange) target zone. See Figure 1 above.
With two out of two forecasts correct, the EWP is once again an accurate and reliable forecasting tool. But then I always become wary as the winning streak always ends at some point. I.e., most analysts -including me- are right about 65-75% of the time.
However, if ETH can rally above the $2920 high made last week, without dropping below Sunday’s low first ($2275) and especially not below $1736, then it has great potential for the ideal impulse wave count as shown in Figure 1, and Blue Primary wave-V should then ideally target $8600-9200.
Primary-v will as shown, subdivide into five smaller (black) major waves. I have annotated where each of those waves should ideally top and bottom. Now we will let the market dictate if it wants to follow this typical Fibonacci-based impulse pattern or potentially go beyond those, i.e., extend. Wave-extensions can never be forecasted, only anticipated.
Bottom line: Two weeks ago, I correctly concluded, based on the EWP, “the downside risk from current levels is still almost 50% ($2700 vs. $1850-1445).” But also mentioned, “upside potential from current levels is now most likely 500+%.” ETH bottomed at $1736 and is up over 50% since. Suppose it can stay above critical downside levels, i.e., the lows made over the last two weeks and breakout above $2920 going forward. In that case, it has the potential to move to ideally $4400-4600 for wave-1 of wave-V, drop to $2800-3400 for wave-2 of wave-V and then rally to as high as $9200 for wave-5 of wave-V. From there, a multi-month correction will start.
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For a look at all of today’s economic events, check out our economic calendar.
This article was originally posted on FX Empire
Ethereum: The Run to $9000 Was Delayed. Get Ready for the Next Try
Three weeks ago, see here, I showed a potential Bullish Elliott Wave Principle (EWP) path for Ethereum (ETH), “if ETH can rally above the $2920 high made last week, without dropping below Sunday’s low first ($2275) and especially not below $1736“.
Well, that rally over $2920 did not happen as the cryptocurrency stalled at $2890 on June 3 and subsequently dropped below $1736 two days ago. Thus the Bullish potential setup was negated. Does this mean the run to $9000 will not happen anymore? No, my work strongly suggests a bottom is much closer now. Let me explain.
Figure 1A below shows the monthly candlestick chart for ETH; as you can see, it has lost over 60% since last month’s all-time high (ATH). In addition, it did a 62% retrace of the rally that started in March last year. If we go back to 2017, we see ETH also lost over 60% of its value during the summer, which was also a 62% retrace. It then staged an almost 1000% rally. Thus, historically the current decline is still nothing out of the ordinary.
Zooming in, the weekly candlestick chart in Figure 1B shows ETH has so far only moved down in three EWP-waves from its ATH into this week’s low: red waves a, b, c. Corrections always move in at least three EWP waves.
Thus, based on the historical evidence and the EWP count, the current decline must still be viewed as a correction in a significant long-term uptrend until proven otherwise.
Figure 1. ETH monthly and weekly charts with EWP count and technical indicators.
Short-term, there is still downside risk, but also even more upside potential longer-term
The devil is always in the details, so allow me to zoom into the daily time frame. See Figure 2 below. It follows ETH should be in red wave-c of black wave-4. C-waves are mostly comprised of five smaller waves. In this case, green 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Green wave-3 reached the ideal target zone, and ETH bounced back to the ideal green wave-4 target zone. If all goes to plan, the cryptocurrency should soon do a final green wave-5 lower to the ideal target zone of $1349-1503. That sequence should set up a nice positive divergence on the technical indicators (RSI, MACD, FSTO, MFI) to allow the red-dotted anticipated path to unfold. But, if ETH can rally back above $2250 from current levels, then the odds have increased significantly that wave-5 to $9000 has already started. The next level to watch is then $2650, and ultimately $2920 needs to break.
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Figure 2. ETH daily chart with EWP count and technical indicators.
Bottom line: ETH failed to break above $2920 and instead moved below $1736 since my last update. Thus the cryptocurrency’s run to $9000+ was postponed. Now I am watching for a last more minor wave lower to ideally $1500-1300 before the rally to $9000 should commence. But a break above $2250 will start to give the Bulls an edge. The monthly and weekly charts support the notions the current 60% decline is still “merely” a correction within a larger long-term Bull market.
For a look at all of today’s economic events, check out our economic calendar.
This article was originally posted on FX Empire