This AntiDogecoin Bodily-Fluid Based Crypto, Once Touted By Elon Musk, Is Seeing High Interest Again
CUMROCKET (CRYPTO: CUMMIES) attracted social-media high interest on Sunday night and soared over 180% over the week.
What’s Moving? At press time, CUMMIES traded 13.68% lower at $0.05513 over 24 hours. In a seven-day trailing period, the coin has shot up 182.24%.
CUMMIES traded 13.61% and 13.66% lower against Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) and Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) respectively.
CUMMIES moved between an intraday low of $0.024 and a high of $0.072 a range spanning nearly 204.05%
Why Is It Moving? CUMMIES was placed on the third spot on CoinMarketCap’s list of trending cryptocurrencies behind Binance Coin (CRYPTO: BNB) and HODL 2.0 (CRYPTO: HODL).
CUMMIES appears to allude to a bodily fluid and is a sort of an antithesis to Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE), adored for its Shiba Inu mascot.
See Also: There’s Growing Buzz Around Dogecoin-Ethereum Collaboration: Here’s What The Progress Looks Like
In June, Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO Elon Musk sent CUMMIES soaring after posting a cryptic reference to the underlying bodily fluid in the coin’s name.
Musk’s frequent tweets on cryptocurrencies, particularly DOGE are known to move prices at times, but there was no such tweet from the entrepreneur on CUMMIES at press time.
However, DOGE did see high interest from investors on social media at press time.
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馬斯克推文「上月球」,色情 NFT 平台代幣 Cummies 竟順勢暴漲 350%!
💦🚀 –> 🌙 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 5, 2021
前幾天特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克(Elon Musk)在推特上發了三個不知所云的 iOS 表情符號(見上圖),分別是雨水、火箭再配上月亮的 emoji 。
外媒報導,馬斯克這則貼文似乎是在暗指將一個販售成人 NFT 的平台 CumRocket 上的加密代幣「 洨幣」(CUMMIES) 送上月球(也就是幣圈中推漲的意思)。
不過在進入正文前,你知道什麼是 NFT 嗎?
簡單來說, NFT 就是用於藝術拍賣的新興加密貨幣,可以將數位畫作、Gif 圖、梗圖、短影等稀世珍品,甚至文章的所有權記錄在區塊鏈中,進而變成數位收藏品來買賣。今年 4 月 3 日就有一對在 Coinbase 工作的夫妻,互相設計了一枚「NFT 婚戒」在區塊鏈中互訂終身。
旨在把 18 禁內容帶到區塊鏈上的 NFT 世界裡!
CumRocket 在他們的網站自介上稱,CumRocket 是個在幣安(Binanc)區塊鏈上販賣抗通膨加密資產的平台,主打販賣情色內容 NFT ,它開放匿名創作者上傳他們的「18 禁」照片、影片來作為 NFT 販賣,這種匿名制能讓用戶安心地在平台上購買、拍賣、交易和收集創作者獨家的 18 禁內容。
The 🔥 cam model and TOP 0.45% creator @AliciaCanoModel has boarded the CumRocket!! Check out and purchase her NFT over at! 🔥 — CumRocket (@CumRocketCrypto) June 7, 2021
光看 CumRocket 平台的命名其實就充滿著性暗示。(TO 小編:各位知道 Cum 是什麼意思吧?不知道的去 Google!)
CumRocket 創作者還能用私人情色內容向粉絲們收取月費或年費,為他們創造額外的金流。
CumRocket 網站上 85% 的收入全歸於創作者,平台僅抽成 15%,跟一般的私人營運的加密平台比起來遠遠少了 5%,CumRocket 強調:「我們希望把這個產值高達數十億美元的成人產業,挪到區塊鏈上,為色情業者創造更多出路。」
他們強調:「這 5% 的差異對創作者來說可是很大的不同了。」
CumRocket 採匿名制,保障用戶購買情色 NFT 的自由!
網站為了維護品質,會手動檢查每一個內容,以確保該內容適合張貼,CumRocket 還特地為了保障色情業者開發出一款技術,來確保平台上的色情內容不會被複製或竊取。
而這網站上的用戶,還能將實際的美元轉成 「CUMMIES」代幣作為「小費」(TO 編譯:洨費),用來購買他們喜歡的 NFT 同時還能支持該創作者。
官方網站和推特上還有影片教學,為新手示範如何課金來兌換購買洨幣(CUMMIES),另外還有相應的 CumSwap 應用程式可以在 App 中進行交易。
迷因經濟!在幣圈人氣王馬斯克推波助瀾下,洨幣(CUMMIES)暴漲 350%
過去曾因為在推特上聲援比特幣、狗狗幣而讓該幣值暴漲的馬斯克,這次也被CumRocket 相中成為最佳代言人。
6 月 4 日時,馬斯克就發了一個推特,上面是加拿大、美國和墨西哥的地名並排,讓大家看得一頭霧水,不過有心人就發現細節是在藏頭詩中,因為這三個地名的大寫正好是 CUM,是不是正好呼應了CUMMIES 洨幣呢?
Mexico — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 4, 2021
沒多久 CUMMIES 市值就瞬間竄升,暴漲了350%,創下 0.285 美元的新高,然後回落至目前的 0.161 美元水平。
6 月 6 日時,CumRocket 在官方推特中標記馬斯克,希望它也能搭上這台名為CumRocket 的火箭,言下之意大概是想感謝馬斯克為自己的加密品牌做出另類宣傳。
We’d love you onboard the CumRocket with us @elonmusk! We know you’re working with the Doge devs but how about the #CumRocket team? We would love to hear your thoughts! The offer still stands, we will handle the paint 😉
– Lydia 💦🚀->🌙 — CumRocket (@CumRocketCrypto) June 6, 2021
順道一提,6 月 4 日馬斯克在推特上傳了一張「meme」梗圖,貼文中標籤「#Bitcoin」並加上一個心碎表情符號,大概是指比特幣持有者即將因為加密貨幣慘跌而感到傷心。
Coindesk 數據顯示,比特幣在馬斯克推文後,從 39,000 美元關口大跌,低見 37,640 美元。
區塊勢推出狗狗幣文章 NFT,成台灣首家發行「內容 NFT」的媒體!
【整件事情太迷因了】災難女孩當了 15 年迷因梗圖主角,現在靠 NFT 賺進千萬台幣!
「查理咬我」NFT 以 78 萬美元賣出!競標得主決定不刪 YouTube 影片
【在區塊鏈擁有 Yui 醬】波多野結衣裸推 NFT 盲盒!限量 3000 組今晚 9 點開賣
Dogecoin Creator Says This Is The ‘Ultimate C*ap Coin — ' And For A Good Reason
Dogecoin (CRYPTO: DOGE) co-founder Billy Markus shared what he called the “ultimate shitcoin” on Twitter on Wednesday.
What Happened: Markus posted a link from Gizmodo that featured a proprietary cryptocurrency called “Ggool”, which means “honey” in Korea from where it originated.
Welp they’ve done it. They’ve made the ultimate crap coin. — Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) July 27, 2021
Ggool can be reportedly earned by using the BeeVi toilet invented by Cho Jae-weon, an environmental engineering professor at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology.
See Also: How To Buy Dogecoin (DOGE)
The toilet, instead of using water for flushing, sucks waste into an underground bioreactor where microbes convert it into methane, which can be used for heating purposes, reported Gizmodo.
Why It Matters: This is not the first time that bodily byproducts have found mention in the cryptocurrency ecosphere.
Last month a cryptic tweet by Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO Elon Musk led to an explosion in “cum” themed coins such as CumRocket Crypto (CRYPTO: CUMMIES) and CumInu (CRYPTO: CUMINU).
See Also: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin See Rally Pause; XRP And These Altcoins Are Striking Gains
“If we think out of the box, faeces (sic) has precious value to make energy and manure. I have put this value into ecological circulation,” said Cho, Reuters reported.
Each person who uses the toilet can earn 10 Ggool a day, which can be used at Ulsan’s campus.
Keeping to the theme, Markus announced the release of yet more Crappy Dogecoin Doodle non fungible tokens this week. The latest version features Twitter handle Sir Doge of the Coin, who goes by the handle @dogeofficialceo on the platform.
Price Action: DOGE traded 0.74% lower at $0.20 over 24 hours at press time.
Read Next: Dogecoin Co-Founder’s Crappy Doodle NFT, Made In His ‘Underwear,’ Sells For 1500x Over Asking Price