

2020 下半年以來晶片產能緊缺,以及上游原材料價格上漲,眾多晶圓代工廠持續上調晶圓代工報價,下游晶片廠商為轉嫁成本上升壓力,也紛紛漲價,造成終端產品商成本壓力。外媒報導,德國晶片大廠英飛凌執行長 Reinhard Ploss 表示,面對需求,英飛凌將繼續提高晶片出貨價格。

Reinhard Ploss 強調,就英飛淩來說,晶片並非 100% 都是自己製造,成本大幅增加後當然得轉嫁給客戶。就目前市場來說,若晶片價格過低,晶圓代工商增加更多產能的動力也會下降,不利晶片荒。

Reinhard Ploss 之前也表示,手機晶片產能缺口約 20%,其他領域缺口約 10%。武漢肺炎疫情期間封鎖,居家工作及遠距教學大增下,對家用電子產品需求一路增加,加上工廠因疫情關閉,更為供應帶來更大壓力。必須等待新晶圓製造產能開出,否則晶片短缺可能持續到 2023 年。

據財報顯示,英飛淩最大車用晶片(ATV)部門第三季(截至 2021 年 6 月 30 日)營收較 2020 年同期成長 49%,達 12.05 億歐元,但較前一季減少 1%。減少主因,英飛凌解釋是產能受限。不過部門利潤率自前一季 16.2% 成長至 16.5%。英飛淩 8 月初時指出,庫存正處於歷史低檔,任何對製造業防疫相關限制如馬來西亞鎖國,都將產生嚴重後果。


Man bailed after Katie Price assault arrest


Ms Price was crowned the winner of Celebrity Big Brother in 2015, and she has been praised for her work as an anti-bullying campaigner, which began when her son Harvey was targeted due to his disabilities.

Katie Price alleged attack: Man released on bail in Essex after arrest for ‘assault, theft and coercive behaviour’


A man who was arrested following an alleged attack on Katie Price has been released on police bail.

The 32-year-old had been held on suspicion of assault, theft and coercive and controlling behaviour, Essex Police said in a statement, following an incident in Little Canfield in the early hours of Monday.

Former model and TV personality Price, 43, was injured and taken to hospital for treatment for a facial injury.

The force said on Tuesday that the man arrested in connection with the alleged attack had been released.

“A 32-year-old man arrested on suspicion of assault, theft and coercive and controlling behaviour has been released on bail until September 20,” an Essex Police spokesperson said.

Sky News has contacted representatives for Price for comment.